PRSASR ;HISC/MGD,WOIFO/JAH/PLT - Supervisor Certification ;02/05/2005 ;;4.0;PAID;**2,7,8,22,37,43,82,93,112**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;Called by Pay Per Cert Option on T&A Superv menu. Timecard 4 each ;employee in this supervs T&L is displayed. Superv prompted at each ;display as to whether card is ready 4 certification. Cards that r ;ready r saved in ^TMP. After this review--elect sign code is ;required to release approved cards to payroll. Upon ES ; 8b, exceptions, & ot warnings r stored & timecard status ;changed to 'P'--'released to payroll' ; ;===================================================================== ; ;Set up reverse video ON & OFF for tour error highlighting N IORVOFF,IORVON,IOINHI,IOINORM,IOBOFF,IOBON,RESP S X="IORVOFF;IORVON;IOBOFF;IOBON;IOINHI;IOINORM" D ENDR^%ZISS ; N MIDPP,DUMMY S MIDPP="In middle of Pay Period; Cannot Certify & Release." W:$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" @IOF W !?26,"VA TIME & ATTENDANCE SYSTEM" W !?27,"SUPERVISORY CERTIFICATION" S PRSTLV=3 D ^PRSAUTL G:TLI<1 EX D NOW^%DTC S DT=%\1,APDT=%,Y=$G(^PRST(458,"AD",DT)),PPI=$P(Y,"^",1),DAY=$P(Y,"^",2) I DAY>5,DAY<11 W $C(7),!!,MIDPP G EX I DAY<6 S X1=DT,X2=-7 D C^%DTC S PPI=$P($G(^PRST(458,"AD",X)),"^",1) G:'PPI EX ; ----------------------------------------- P0 ;PDT = string of pay period dates with format - Sun 29-Sep-96^ ;PDTI = string of pay period dates in fileman format. ;PPI = pay period internal entry number in file 458. ;GLOB = global reference for employees pay period record ; returned from $$AVAILREC & passed to UNLOCK. ; ----------------------------------------- ; S PDT=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,2)),PDTI=$G(^(1)),QT=0 K ^TMP($J) ; ; ----------------------------------------- ;Loop thru this supervisor's T&L unit on x-ref in 450. ;$$availrec() ensures there's data & node with employee's ;pay period record is NOT locked, then locks node. ;Call to CHK checks for needed approvals for current employee ;If supervisor decides record is not ready, during this call, ;then node is unlocked. Records that super accepts for release ;are not unlocked until they are processed thru temp global ;& their status' are updated. ; --------------------------------------------------- ; S NN="",CKS=1 F S NN=$O(^PRSPC("ATL"_TLE,NN)) Q:NN="" F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^PRSPC("ATL"_TLE,NN,DFN)) Q:DFN<1 I $$AVAILREC^PRSLIB00("SUP",.GLOB) D CHK I QT G T0 ; ; --------------------------------------------------- ;Loop through T&L unit file x-ref 2 c if this supervisor certifies ;payperiod data for other supervisors of other T&L units. If so ;process after ensuring node to be certified is available. ; --------------------------------------------------- ; S CKS=0 F VA2=0:0 S VA2=$$TLSUP Q:VA2<1 S SSN=$$SSN I SSN'="" S DFN=$$DFN S Z=$P($G(^PRSPC(+DFN,0)),"^",8) I Z'="",Z'=TLE,$$AVAILREC^PRSLIB00("SUP",.GLOB) D CHK I QT G EX:'$T,T0 ; ; --------------------------------------------------- T0 I $D(^TMP($J,"E")) G T1 W !!,"No records have been selected for certification." S DUMMY=$$ASK^PRSLIB00(1) G EX ; ; --------------------------------------------------- ; T1 ;if supervisor signs off then update all records in tmp ;otherwise remove any auto posting. D ^PRSAES I ESOK D .D NOW^%DTC S APDT=% .F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,"E",DFN)) Q:DFN<1 S VAL=$G(^(DFN)) D PROC I 'ESOK D .F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,"E",DFN)) Q:DFN<1 D ..D AUTOPINI^PRS8(PPI,DFN) D EX Q ; ; --------------------------------------------------- CHK ; Check for needed approvals N PRSENT,PRSWOC S STAT=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,0)),"^",2) I "PX"[STAT Q I USR=DFN Q:'$D(^XUSEC("PRSA SIGN",DUZ)) E I CKS S SSN=$P($G(^PRSPC(DFN,0)),"^",9) I SSN S EDUZ=+$O(^VA(200,"SSN",SSN,0)) I $D(^PRST(455.5,"AS",EDUZ,TLI)) Q:$P($G(^PRST(455.5,TLI,"S",EDUZ,0)),"^",2)'=TLE S HDR=0 D HDR,^PRSAENT S PRSENT=ENT ; ;Loop to display tour, exceptions(leave, etc..) & errors. ; S (XF,X9)=0 F DAY=1:1:14 D TOURERR($P(PDT,"^",DAY),.X9,.XF) D:$Y>(IOSL-6)&(DAY<14) HDR G:QT O1 ; ;Display VCS commission sales, if applicable S Z=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,2)) I Z'="" D:$Y>(IOSL-11) HDR Q:QT D VCS^PRSASR1 ; ; S Z=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,4)) I Z'="" D:$Y>(IOSL-9) HDR Q:QT D ED^PRSASR1 I XF W !,IORVON,"Serious error; cannot release.",IORVOFF S QT=$$ASK^PRSLIB00() Q S QT=$$ASK^PRSLIB00() Q:QT ; ;PRS8 call creates & stores 8B string in employees attendance ;record. Later, under a payroll option, string will be ;transmitted to Austin. ; N NN D ONE^PRS8 S C0=$G(^PRSPC(DFN,0)),PY=PPI D CERT^PRS8VW S QT=0 ; ;Show OT (approve-vs-8B) warning & save in TMP. N WK,OTERR,O8,OA F WK=1:1:2 D . D WARNSUP^PRSAOTT(PPE,DFN,VAL,WK,.OTERR,.O8,.OA) . I OTERR S ^TMP($J,"OT",DFN,WK)=O8_"^"_OA ; ;warning message for rs/rn and on type of time I $E(PRSENT,5) D . I @($TR($$CD8B^PRSU1B2(VAL,"RS^3^RN^3",1),U,"+")_"-("_$TR($$RSHR^PRSU1B2(DFN,PPI),U,"+")_")") W !,?3,"WARNING: The total scheduled recess hours for this pay period does not match the total RS/RN posted." . I $G(PRSWOC)]"" W !,?3,"Warning: The entire tour for day# ",PRSWOC," is posted RECESS. The On-Call will be paid unless posted UNAVAILABLE." . QUIT ; LD ; Check for changes to the Labor Distribution Codes made during the pay ; period. I $D(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,"LDAUD")) D LD^PRSASR1 ; --------------------------------------------------- OK ;Prompt Supervisor to release timecard. If yes, store in ^TMP(. ;If supervisor answers no then bypass & unlock record. ; --------------------------------------------------- W !!,IORVON,"Release to Payroll?",IORVOFF," " R X:DTIME S:'$T!(X["^") QT=1 Q:QT S:X="" X="*" S X=$TR(X,"yesno","YESNO") I $P("YES",X,1)'="",$P("NO",X,1)'="" W $C(7)," Answer YES or NO" G OK I X?1"Y".E S ^TMP($J,"E",DFN)=VAL E D . D AUTOPINI^PRS8(PPI,DFN) ; remove any auto posting . D UNLOCK^PRSLIB00(GLOB) ; unlock record . K ^TMP($J,"LOCK",DFN) ;clean out of local lock list. O1 Q ; PROC ; Set Approval, file any exceptions & update 8B string ; ; get employees entitlement string in variable A1 D ^PRSAENT ; ; set approvals S $P(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,0),"^",3,5)=DUZ_"^"_APDT_"^"_A1 ; VCS approval I $D(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,2)) S $P(^(2),"^",17,18)=DUZ_"^"_APDT ; ; loop thru any exceptions & file in 458.5 I $D(^TMP($J,"X",DFN)) S K="" F S K=$O(^TMP($J,"X",DFN,K)) Q:K="" S DAY=$P(K," ",1),X1=$P(PDTI,"^",DAY),X2=$G(^(K)) D ^PRSATPF ; ; file overtime warnings F WK=1:1:2 I $G(^TMP($J,"OT",DFN,WK))'="" D . S O8=$P(^TMP($J,"OT",DFN,WK),"^") . S OA=$P(^TMP($J,"OT",DFN,WK),"^",2) . D FILEOTW^PRSAOTTF(PPI,DFN,WK,O8,OA) ; ;set 8b string & change status of timecard to payroll S ^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,5)=VAL S $P(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,0),"^",2)="P" ; ; If employee is a PT Phys w/ memo update hours credited D PTP^PRSASR1(DFN,PPI) ; ;unlock employees time card record S GLOB="^PRST(458,"_PPI_","_"""E"""_","_DFN_",0)" D UNLOCK^PRSLIB00(GLOB) K ^TMP($J,"LOCK",DFN) ;clean out of local lock list. Q ; ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; HDR ; Display Header I HDR S QT=$$ASK^PRSLIB00() Q:QT S X=$G(^PRSPC(DFN,0)) W !,@IOF,?3,$P(X,"^",1) S X=$P(X,"^",9) I X W ?68,$E(X),"XX-XX-",$E(X,6,9) S HDR=1 W !,?6,"Date",?20,"Scheduled Tour",?40,"Tour Exceptions",?63,IORVON,"Tour Errors",IORVOFF W !?3 F I=1:1:72 W "-" Q ;==================================================================== HDR2 ; Display Header don't quit N HOLD S HOLD=$$ASK^PRSLIB00(1) S X=$G(^PRSPC(DFN,0)) W !,@IOF,?3,$P(X,"^",1) S X=$P(X,"^",9) I X W ?68,$E(X),"XX-XX-",$E(X,6,9) W !,?6,"Date",?20,"Scheduled Tour",?40,"Tour Exceptions",?63,IORVON,"Tour Errors",IORVOFF W !?3 F I=1:1:72 W "-" Q ;==================================================================== ; EX ; clean up variables & unlock any leftover time card nodes N EMPREC S EMPREC="" F S EMPREC=$O(^TMP($J,"LOCK",EMPREC)) Q:EMPREC="" D . S GLOB="^PRST(458,"_PPI_","_"""E"""_","_EMPREC_",0)" . D UNLOCK^PRSLIB00(GLOB) K ^TMP($J) G KILL^XUSCLEAN Q ; ; ;These extrinsic functions simply remove lengthy code from long, ;single line, nested loop. ; --------------------------------------------------- TLSUP() ;get next supervisor who certifies other supervisors Q $O(^PRST(455.5,"ASX",TLE,VA2)) ; --------------------------------------------------- SSN() ;get ssn of supervisor to be certified by this supervisor. Q $P($G(^VA(200,VA2,1)),"^",9) ; --------------------------------------------------- DFN() ;get internal entry number of supvisor of other T&L 2b approved ;by current supervisor. Q $O(^PRSPC("SSN",SSN,0)) ;==================================================================== TOURERR(DTE,X9,XF) ;DISPLAY TOUR & ERRORS ; N IORVOFF,IORVON,RESP,ERRLEN S X="IORVOFF;IORVON" D ENDR^%ZISS D F1^PRSADP1,^PRSATPE F K=1:1 Q:'$D(Y1(K))&'$D(Y2(K)) D . I $Y>(IOSL-4) D HDR2 . W:K>1 ! . W:$D(Y1(K)) ?21,Y1(K) . W:$P($G(Y2(K)),"^")'="" ?45,$P(Y2(K),"^",1) . I $P($G(Y2(K)),"^",2)'="" W:$X>44 ! W ?45,$P(Y2(K),"^",2) W:Y3'="" !?10,Y3 I $D(ER) S:FATAL XF=1 F K=0:0 S K=$O(ER(K)) Q:K<1 D . I $Y>(IOSL-4) D HDR2 .W:X9!($X>55) ! S ERRLEN=23 .I $P(ER(K),"^",2)'="" S ERRLEN=$L(ER(K)) .W ?(IOM-(ERRLEN+1)),IORVON .W:$P(ER(K),"^",2)'="" $P(ER(K),"^",2) .W " ",$P(ER(K),"^",1),IORVOFF .S X9=0 S:'XF ^TMP($J,"X",DFN,DAY_" "_K)=ER(K) .Q Q