PRSATE0 ; HISC/REL-Edit Variable Tours ;5/30/95 14:37 ;;4.0;PAID;**112**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. S TOLD="" F K=1:1:14 S Z=$P($G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,"D",K,0)),"^",2),$P(TOLD,"^",K)=Z I SRT="N",$P($G(^(0)),"^",3) S $P(TOLD,"^",K)=$P(^(0),"^",4) K K S ^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,"T")=TOLD D DT^PRSATE2 K DDSFILE,DA,DR,PRSAERR S DDSFILE=458,DDSFILE(1)=458.01,DA(1)=PPI,DA=DFN S DR="[PRSA TE EDIT]" D ^DDS K DS Q:$D(PRSAERR) S TNEW=$G(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,"T")) K ^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,"T") I '$D(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN,"D",0)) S ^(0)="^458.02^14^14" F DAY=1:1:14 S TD=$P(TNEW,"^",DAY) I TD>0 D S1 K TNEW,TOLD Q S1 ; Set Tour if necessary I TD=$P(TOLD,"^",DAY),$G(^PRST(457.1,+TD,1))=$G(^PRST(457.1,+$P(TOLD,"^",DAY),1)) Q I SRT'="N" S Y=$G(^PRST(457.1,TD,1)),TDH=$P(^(0),"^",6) D SET^PRSATE Q D NX^PRSATE Q VS ; Validate tour segments S TRG=0 F K=1:3:19 Q:$P(Y,"^",K)="" S Z=$P(Y,"^",K+2) S:'Z TRG=1 I Z D .S Z=$P($G(^PRST(457.2,Z,0)),"^",2) I Z="RG" S TRG=1 Q .I ZENT'[Z S STR="Tour Indicator contains type of time to which employee is not entitled." .Q Q VAL ; Validate Tour N NAWS,SNAWS,TDT S (ZENT,STR)="" K PRSAERR D OT^PRSATP S DB=$P(C0,U,10) I "KM"[PP,DB=1,NH=72 S NAWS=1 S (HRS,TRS,TDT)=0 F DAY=1:1:14 D I STR'="" G V1 .S TD=$$GET^DDSVAL(DIE,.DA,DAY+200),Z=$P($G(^PRST(457.1,+TD,0)),"^",6) S:Z HRS=HRS+Z S Y=$G(^(1)) .I DAY=7!(DAY=14)&'TDT S TDT=$P($G(^PRST(457.1,+TD,0)),U,5)="Y" .I $D(NAWS) S:Z'=12&Z NAWS=0 S $P(SNAWS,U,DAY)=TD I Z=12 S NAWS(DAY-1\7+1)=$G(NAWS(DAY-1\7+1))+1 .D VS S:TRG TRS=TRS+1 I FLX="C",TRS>9 S STR="Warning: Compressed Schedule has more than 9 Tours!" D HLP^DDSUTL(.STR) I NH'=HRS,NH'=112 S STR="Warning: Normal Hours are "_NH_"; Tour Hours are "_HRS D HLP^DDSUTL(.STR) I $D(NAWS) D .I $G(NAWS(1))'=3!($G(NAWS(2))'=3)!'NAWS S STR=$P($T(NAWS1),";",3) D HLP^DDSUTL(.STR) .D TOURHRS^PRSARC07(.HRS,PPI,DFN,SNAWS) .I $G(HRS("W1"))'=36!($G(HRS("W2"))'=36) S STR=$P($T(NAWS2),";",3) D HLP^DDSUTL(.STR) .I $G(TDT) S STR=$P($T(NAWS3),";",3) D HLP^DDSUTL(.STR) K K,STR,TRG,TRS Q V1 S (DDSERROR,PRSAERR)=1 D HLP^DDSUTL(.STR) K DDSERROR Q NAWS1 ;;Warning: There are not three 12 hour tours in week 1 and/or week 2 for this AWS 36/40 Nurse NAWS2 ;;Warning: Hours in week 1 and/or week 2 are not 36 for this AWS 36/40 Nurse. NAWS3 ;;Warning: Tour overlaps two administrative work weeks for this 36/40 Nurse.