PRSPEAN ;WOIFO/SAB - NEW EXTENDED ABSENCE ;10/20/2004 ;;4.0;PAID;**93**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 7 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Enter New Extended Absence ; N DA,DDSFILE,DDSCHANG,DDSPARM,DIC,DIK,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DO,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT N EAIEN,PRSEANEW,PRSFDT,PRSIEN,PRSX,X,Y ; ; determine Employee IEN S PRSIEN=$$PRSIEN^PRSPUT2(1) I 'PRSIEN G EXIT ; ; verify that user has electronic signature code I '$$ESIGC^PRSPUT2(1) G EXIT ; FDT ; ask new from date S DIR(0)="D^DT:"_$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,365)_":EX",DIR("A")="FROM DATE" S DIR("?")="Enter the beginning date for a new period of extended absence" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S PRSFDT=$P(Y,U) ; ; If From Date = Today make sure ESR not already posted with RG time. I PRSFDT=DT,$$CHKRG^PRSPEAU(PRSIEN) D G FDT . W $C(7),!,"From Date can't be Today because RG time already posted on the ESR!" ; ; check for conflicts with from date S PRSX=$$CONFLICT^PRSPEAU(PRSIEN,PRSFDT) I PRSX'="" D RCON^PRSPEAU(PRSX) G FDT ; ; if date changed and new date not under memo then warn user I $$MIEN^PRSPUT1(PRSIEN,PRSFDT)'>0 W $C(7),!!,"Note: From Date is not covered by a memo." S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIK G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT ; ; create new entry in file K DO S DIC="^PRST(458.4,",DIC(0)="",X=PRSFDT S DIC("DR")="2////^S X=PRSIEN" D FILE^DICN I Y<0 W $C(7),!,"Unable to add an extended absence to the file." G EXIT S EAIEN=+Y ; ; lock record L +^PRST(458.4,EAIEN):2 I '$T D G EXIT . W $C(7),!,"ERROR: Unable to lock the new entry!" . S DIK="^PRST(458.4,",DA=EAIEN D ^DIK K DIK ; ; call form to edit entry S PRSEANEW=1 S DDSFILE=458.4,DA=EAIEN,DR="[PRSP EXT ABSENCE]",DDSPARM="C" D ^DDS ; ; delete new entry if not saved I $G(DDSCHANG)'=1 S DIK="^PRST(458.4,",DA=EAIEN D ^DIK K DIK ; ; unlock record L -^PRST(458.4,EAIEN) ; EXIT ; exit point Q ; ;PRSPEAN