VAQ2 ;ALB/CMM,JRP - PDX PATCH 15 DRIVER ;01-FEB-95 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;**15**;NOV 17, 1993 ; PATCH15 ;Entry point for patch 15 installation ; Refer to VAQ*1.5*15 in National Patch Module for further details ;Declare/initialize variables N DASHES,TMP,MDY,TIME,DIR,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIRUT N ABORT,X,Y,UPDATE82,UPDATE83 S (ABORT,UPDATE82,UPDATE83)=0 S DASHES=$$REPEAT^VAQUTL1("-",79) ;Print Header S TMP=$$NOW^VAQUTL99() S MDY=$TR($P(TMP,"@",1),"-","/") S TIME=$P(TMP,"@",2) S TMP=" "_MDY_" @ "_TIME S TMP=$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,DASHES,(79-$L(TMP)+1)) W !!,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1("VAQ*1.5*15 ",TMP,1) S TMP="Details of this installation may be obtained from the National Patch Module" W !!,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,"",(40-($L(TMP)\2))) S TMP="under the entry VAQ*1.5*15 (patch #15 for version 1.5 of PDX)" W !,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,"",(40-($L(TMP)\2))) W !!,DASHES,!! ;Allow user to skip running of inits S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to run the inits included with this patch ? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="This patch is accompanied by a set of inits (VAQ2INIT). Running the inits" S DIR("?",2)="will modify triggers on the Remote Facility field (#.01) of the VAQ - RELEASE" S DIR("?",3)="GROUP file (#394.82) and the Remote Facility field (#.01) of the Remote" S DIR("?",4)="Facility multiple (field #10) in the VAQ - OUTGOING GROUP file (#394.83)." S DIR("?",5)="These triggers did not correctly store the external value of a pointer in the" S DIR("?",6)="fields they update." S DIR("?",7)=" " S DIR("?",8)="You may skip the running of these inits if the inits included with patch" S DIR("?")="VAQ*1.5*12 (which was entered in error) were successfully run." D ^DIR K DIR I (($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT))) S ABORT=1 G EXIT G:('Y) SKIP1 W !! D ^VAQ2INIT SKIP1 ;Allow user to skip updating of file 394.82 S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to update the VAQ - RELEASE GROUP file ? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' if you want the values stored in the Remote Domain field (#.02)" S DIR("?",2)="of the VAQ - RELEASE GROUP file (#394.82) automatically re-entered. Doing" S DIR("?",3)="this will ensure that the pointer values contained in this field are stored" S DIR("?",4)="correctly." S DIR("?",5)=" " S DIR("?",6)="This step is not neccessary if the values were successfully re-entered" S DIR("?")="during the installation of patch VAQ*1.5*12 (which was entered in error)." W !! D ^DIR K DIR I (($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT))) S ABORT=1 G EXIT G:('Y) SKIP2 D FIX1^VAQ2A S UPDATE82=1 SKIP2 ;Allow user to skip updating of file 394.83 S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to update the VAQ - OUTGOING GROUP file ? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' if you want the values stored in the Remote Domain field (#.02)" S DIR("?",2)="of the Remote Facility multiple (field #10) in the VAQ - OUTGOING GROUP file" S DIR("?",3)="(#394.83) automatically re-entered. Doing this will ensure that the pointer" S DIR("?",4)="values contained in this field are stored correctly." S DIR("?",5)=" " S DIR("?",6)="This step is not neccessary if the values were successfully re-entered" S DIR("?")="during the installation of patch VAQ*1.5*12 (which was entered in error)." W !! D ^DIR K DIR I (($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT))) S ABORT=1 G EXIT G:('Y) EXIT D FIX2^VAQ2A S UPDATE83=1 EXIT ;Print footer and quit W !!,DASHES S TMP="Installation of patch number 15 "_$S(ABORT:"aborted",1:"completed") W !!,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,"",(40-($L(TMP)\2))) I ('UPDATE82) D .S TMP="Updating of VAQ - RELEASE GROUP file (#394.82) was not performed" .W !,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,"",(40-($L(TMP)\2))) I ('UPDATE83) D .S TMP="Updating of VAQ - OUTGOING GROUP file (#394.83) was not performed" .W !,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,"",(40-($L(TMP)\2))) S TMP=$$NOW^VAQUTL99() S MDY=$TR($P(TMP,"@",1),"-","/") S TIME=$P(TMP,"@",2) S TMP=" "_MDY_" @ "_TIME S TMP=$$INSERT^VAQUTL1(TMP,DASHES,(79-$L(TMP)+1)) W !!,$$INSERT^VAQUTL1("VAQ*1.5*15 ",TMP,1) Q