VAQDIS10 ;ALB/JFP - DISPLAY,REQUEST PDX BY PATIENT;01APR93 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;;NOV 17, 1993 INIT ; -- Intialization D ^VAQUTL98 ; N POP,DFN,VAQIN,VAQDFN,X,Y ; S:'$D(VAQOPT) VAQOPT="" ; -- should be set from menu option MAIN ; -- Main entry point K BADSSN,FLE,FLD ; -- table entries K DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S POP=0 ; ; -- Call to Dir to request patient from patient file (2) S DIR("A")="Identify PDX: " S DIR(0)="FAO^1:30^K:(X'=$C(32)&($L(X)<3)) X" S DIR("?")="Enter Patient's Name (Last,First Middle) or SSN or Transaction #" S DIR("??")="^D HLPTRN1^VAQLED09" W !! D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S (X,VAQIN)=Y ; ; -- Function call to get patient from transaction file (DIC) D:$D(XRTL) T0^%ZOSV ; -- Capacity start S VAQDFN=$$GETTRN^VAQUTL96(X) S:$D(XRT0) XRTN=$T(+0) D:$D(XRT0) T1^%ZOSV ; -- Capacity stop D:VAQDFN=-1 PTNFND ; -- patient not in transaction file G:POP MLOOP D EP^VAQDIS11 ; -- Call to list processor (selection screen) MLOOP G MAIN ; -- loop back until no more patient added ; PTNFND ; -- Requested PDX not found W !,"Patient not found in PDX transaction file..." S POP=1 QUIT ; EXIT ; -- Cleanup and exit routine K BADSSN,FLE,FLD ; -- table entries K DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT K VAQOPT QUIT ; END ; -- End of code QUIT