VAQPST05 ;ALB/JFP - PDX, POST INIT ROUTINE ;01JUN93 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;;NOV 17, 1993 TERMTYP ; -- Displays a table to show what terminal attributes must be defined W !!,"In order to effectively use PDX, the following terminal type attributes" W !,"must be defined for each terminal type used. Please verify these attributes" W !,"against the TERMINAL TYPE file at your facility." W !!,?5,"Attribute",?35,"Value for a VT series terminal" W !,?5,"---------",?35,"------------------------------" F I=1:1 S VAQND=$T(ATT+I) Q:($P(VAQND,";;",2)="") D .W !,?5,$P(VAQND,U,2),?35,$P(VAQND,U,3) W !! K VAQND,I ATT ; ;; ^Form Feed^#,$C(27,91,50,74,27,91,72) ;; ^XY CRT^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_$C(59)_(DX+1)_$C(72) ;; ^Erase to End of Page^$C(27,91,74) ;; ^Insert Line^$C(27)_"[1L" ;; ^Underline On^$C(27,91,52,109) ;; ^Underline Off^$C(27,91,109) ;; ^High Intensity^$C(27,91,49,109) ;; ^Normal Intensity^$C(27,91,109) ;; ^Save Cursor Position^$C(27,55) ;; ^Restore Cursor Position^$C(27,56) ;; ^Set Top/Bottom Margin^$C(27,91)_(+IOTM)_$C(59)_(+IOBM)_$C(114) ;; END ; -- End of code QUIT