VAQUTL96 ;ALB/JFP - PDX Transaction Lookup ;01-APR-93 ;;1.5;PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE;**37**;NOV 17, 1993 ; ; GETTRN(PATIENT) ;-- Return DFN for PDX transaction ; -- Only returns patients patients with results of PDX ; -- This will return the same information that DIC returns in Y ; N DIC,X,Y,RESULT,USRABORT N TRNFLAG ; S USRABORT=-1 S:'$D(PATIENT) PATIENT="" ; ; -- User interface S DIC(0)="EQMZ" S DIC("S")="I $$TRN1^VAQUTL96()" S X=PATIENT S DIC="^VAT(394.61," K ^TMP("BS5",$J) D ^DIC K DIC,NM,SSN,BS5 K ^TMP("BS5",$J) ; ; -- User abort process ; Q:$D(DTOUT) USRABORT Q:$D(DUOUT) USRABORT Q Y ; TRN1() ; -- filters out transactions flaged as purged OR exceed life days S TRNFLAG=$$EXPTRN^VAQUTL97(Y) I TRNFLAG Q 0 ; N NODE S NODE=$G(^VAT(394.61,Y,"QRY")) S NM=$P(NODE,U,1) Q:NM="" 0 S SSN=$P(NODE,U,2) Q:SSN="" 0 ;S BS5=$E(NM,1,1)_$E(SSN,6,10) ; before patch VAQ*1.5*37 S BS5=$E(NM,1,1)_SSN ; after patch VAQ*1.5*37 ; ; -- filters out duplicate entries from multiple cross references I $D(^TMP("BS5",$J,BS5)) Q 0 S ^TMP("BS5",$J,BS5)=1 Q 1 ; END ; -- End of code QUIT