PXCADXP1 ;ISL/dee & LEA/Chylton - Validates & Translates data from the PCE Device Interface into a call to V POV & update Problem List ;3/20/97 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**24,33**;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; PART1 ; N PXCACLEX S (PXCADIAG,PXCAPROB)=0 I "^^^"'[$P(PXCADXPL,"^",5,8) S PXCAPROB=1 ;Note S PXCAITEM=$P($G(PXCA("DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,"NOTE")),"^",1),PXCAITM2=$L(PXCAITEM) I PXCAITEM]"" D . I PXCAITM2<3!(PXCAITM2>60) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,"NOTE",1)="PROBLEM Note must be 1-60 Characters^"_PXCAITEM . S PXCAPROB=1 ; ;Diagnosis Code S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCADXPL,"^",1) I PXCAITEM>0 D . N DIC,DR,DA,DIQ,PXCADIQ1 . S DIC=80 . S DR=".01;102" . S DA=PXCAITEM . S DIQ="PXCADIQ1(" . S DIQ(0)="I" . D EN^DIQ1 . I $G(PXCADIQ1(80,DA,.01,"I"))="" S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,1)="ICD9 Code not in file 80^"_PXCAITEM . E I $G(PXCADIQ1(80,DA,102,"I")),PXCADIQ1(80,DA,102,"I")'>+PXCADT S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,1)="ICD9 Code is INACTIVE^"_PXCAITEM ; ;Diagnosis Specification Code S PXCAITM2=$P(PXCADXPL,"^",2) I PXCAITM2'="" D . S PXCADIAG=1 . I '((PXCAITM2="P")!(PXCAITM2="S")!(PXCAITM2="PS")!(PXCAITM2="SP")) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,2)="Diagnosis specification code must be P|S^"_PXCAITM2 . E I PXCAITM2["P",PXCAITEM>0 D .. I 'PXCAPDX S PXCAPDX=PXCAITEM .. E I $P($G(^PX(815,1,"DI")),"^",2) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,2)="There is already a Primary Diagnosis for this encounter^"_PXCAITM2 .. E D ... S PXCA("WARNING","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,2)="There is already a Primary Diagnosis. This one is changed to Secondary^"_PXCAITM2 ... S $P(PXCADXPL,"^",2)="S" . I PXCAITEM'>0 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,1)="ICD9 Code is required for DIAGNOSIS^"_PXCAITEM ; ;Clinical Lexicon Term S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCADXPL,"^",3) I PXCAITEM]"" D . I $D(^LEX(757.01)) D .. I $D(^LEX(757.01,PXCAITEM,0))#2'=1 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,3)="Lexicon Utility term is not in file 757.01^"_PXCAITEM .. E S PXCACLEX=PXCAITEM . E I $D(^GMP(757.01)) D .. I $D(^GMP(757.01,PXCAITEM,0))#2'=1 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,3)="Clinical Lexicon Utility term is not in file 757.01^"_PXCAITEM .. E S PXCACLEX=PXCAITEM . E S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,3)="Lexicon Utility is not installed^"_PXCAITEM ; ;Problem List IEN S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCADXPL,"^",4) ;Add to Problem List S PXCAITM2=$P(PXCADXPL,"^",5) I PXCAITEM]"" D . I $G(^AUPNPROB(PXCAITEM,0))="" S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,4)="Problem not in file 9000011^"_PXCAITEM . E I PXCAPAT'=$P($G(^AUPNPROB(PXCAITEM,0)),"^",2) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,4)="Problem in file 9000011 is for a different Patient^"_PXCAITEM . I PXCAITM2=1 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,5)="Cannot ADD existing Problem to file 9000011^"_PXCAITM2 E I PXCAPROB,PXCAITM2'=1 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,4)="Cannot update an existing Problem with out an IEN to file 9000011^"_PXCAITEM I '(PXCAITM2=1!(PXCAITM2=0)!(PXCAITM2="")) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,5)="Add to Problem List flag bad^"_PXCAITM2 I PXCAITM2=1,PXCAPRV'>0 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,0)="Provider is required to add a new Problem^"_PXCAPRV ; Q ;