PXCAPOV1 ;ISL/dee & LEA/Chylton - Validates data from the PCE Device Interface into PCE's PXK format for POV ;6/20/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; Variables ; PXCADIAG Copy of a Diagnosis node of the PXCA array ; PXCAPRV Pointer to the provider (200) ; PXCANUMB Count of the number if POVs ; PXCAINDX Count of the number of Diagnosis for one provider ; PART1 ; S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCADIAG,"^",8),PXCAITM2=$L(PXCAITEM) I PXCAITM2<2!(PXCAITM2>80) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,8)="Provider's DIAGNOSIS term must be 2-80 Characters^"_PXCAITEM E D . S PXCAPNAR=+$$PROVNARR^PXAPI(PXCAITEM,9000010.07,$G(PXCACLEX)) . I PXCAPNAR'>0 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,8)="Could not get pointer to Provider's DIAGNOSIS term^"_$P(PXCADIAG,"^",8) . E S $P(PXCADIAG,"^",8)=PXCAPNAR S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCADIAG,"^",9),PXCAITM2=$L(PXCAITEM) I PXCAITM2>0 D . I PXCAITM2<2!(PXCAITM2>80) S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,9)="Provider's DIAGNOSIS grouper must be 2-80 Characters^"_PXCAITEM . E D .. S PXCANARC=+$$PROVNARR^PXAPI(PXCAITEM,9000010.07) .. I PXCANARC'>0 S PXCA("ERROR","DIAGNOSIS",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,9)="Could not get pointer to Provider's DIAGNOSIS grouper^"_$P(PXCADIAG,"^",9) .. E S $P(PXCADIAG,"^",9)=PXCANARC ; Q ;