PXCAXAM ;ISL/dee - Validates & Translates data from the PCE Device Interface into PCE's PXK format for Exams ;3/14/97 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**27**;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; Variables ; PXCAXAM Copy of a EXAM node of the PXCA array ; PXCAPRV Pointer to the provider (200) ; PXCANUMB Count of the number if XAMs ; PXCAINDX Count of the number of EXAM for one provider ; PXCAFTER Temp used to build ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,0,"AFTER") ; PXCAPNAR Pointer to the provider narrative (9999999.27) ; XAM(PXCAXAM,PXCANUMB,PXCAPRV,PXCAERRS) ; N PXCAFTER S PXCAFTER=$P(PXCAXAM,"^",1)_"^"_PXCAPAT_"^"_PXCAVSIT_"^" S PXCAFTER=PXCAFTER_$P(PXCAXAM,"^",2) S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,"IEN")="" S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,0,"BEFORE")="" S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,0,"AFTER")=PXCAFTER S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,12,"BEFORE")="" S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,12,"AFTER")="^^^"_$S(PXCAPRV>0:PXCAPRV,1:"") S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,812,"BEFORE")="" S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"XAM",PXCANUMB,812,"AFTER")="^"_PXCAPKG_"^"_PXCASOR Q ; EXAM(PXCA,PXCABULD,PXCAERRS) ;Validation routine for XAM Q:'$D(PXCA("EXAM")) N PXCAXAM,PXCAPRV,PXCANUMB,PXCAINDX N PXCAITEM S PXCAPRV="" S PXCANUMB=0 F S PXCAPRV=$O(PXCA("EXAM",PXCAPRV)) Q:PXCAPRV']"" D . I PXCAPRV>0 D .. I '$$ACTIVPRV^PXAPI(PXCAPRV,PXCADT) S PXCA("ERROR","EXAM",PXCAPRV,0,0)="Provider is not active or valid^"_PXCAPRV .. E I PXCABULD!PXCAERRS D ANOTHPRV^PXCAPRV(PXCAPRV) . S PXCAINDX=0 . F S PXCAINDX=$O(PXCA("EXAM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX)) Q:PXCAINDX']"" D .. S PXCAXAM=$G(PXCA("EXAM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX)) .. S PXCANUMB=PXCANUMB+1 .. I PXCAXAM="" S PXCA("ERROR","EXAM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,0)="EXAM data missing" Q .. S PXCAITEM=+$P(PXCAXAM,U,1) .. I $G(^AUTTEXAM(PXCAITEM,0))="" S PXCA("ERROR","EXAM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,1)="EXAM type not in file 9999999.15^"_PXCAITEM .. S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCAXAM,U,2) I '(PXCAITEM=""!(PXCAITEM="A")!(PXCAITEM="N")) S PXCA("ERROR","EXAM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX,2)="EXAM results must be A|N^"_PXCAITEM .. I PXCABULD&'$D(PXCA("ERROR","EXAM",PXCAPRV,PXCAINDX))!PXCAERRS D XAM(PXCAXAM,.PXCANUMB,PXCAPRV,PXCAERRS) Q ;