PXCED800 ;WASH/BDB - Used in editing the 800 node, Service Connected conditions ;1/18/05 3:33pm ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**124**;Aug 12, 1996 ;; ; Q ; ; Classification type 1 - Agent Orange ; 2 - Ionizing Radiation ; 3 - Service Connected ; 4 - Environmental Contaminants ; 5 - Military Sexual Trauma ; 6 - Cancer of the Head and/or Neck ; 7 - Combat Veteran GET800 ;Used by the Service Connected Conditions N PXCEINDX,PXOUT N PXBDATA,PXLOC,PXAPTDT,PXDFN S PXCEDXSC="" I $O(^SCE("AVSIT",PXCEVIEN,0)) D CLASS^PXBAPI21("","","","",PXCEVIEN) I '$O(^SCE("AVSIT",PXCEVIEN,0)) D . S PXAPTDT=+^AUPNVSIT(PXCEVIEN,0) . S PXDFN=$P(^AUPNVSIT(PXCEVIEN,0),"^",5) . S PXLOC=$P(^AUPNVSIT(PXCEVIEN,0),"^",22) . D CLASS^PXBAPI21("",PXDFN,PXAPTDT,PXLOC,"") F PXCEINDX=1:1:7 I $G(PXBDATA("ERR",PXCEINDX))=4 S PXOUT=PXBDATA("ERR",PXCEINDX) I $D(PXOUT) S PXCEEND=1 Q S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",1)=$P($G(PXBDATA(3)),"^",2) I +PXCEDXSC S (PXDATA(1),PXDATA(2),PXDATA(4))="^^" S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",2)=$P($G(PXBDATA(1)),"^",2) S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",3)=$P($G(PXBDATA(2)),"^",2) S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",4)=$P($G(PXBDATA(4)),"^",2) S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",5)=$P($G(PXBDATA(5)),"^",2) S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",6)=$P($G(PXBDATA(6)),"^",2) S $P(PXCEDXSC,"^",7)=$P($G(PXBDATA(7)),"^",2) Q ;