PXUTLVST ;ISL/dee - Looks up the visit to see if there is already one ;8/6/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; LOOKVSIT(PAT,VDT,LOC,DSS,INS,TYP) ;Calls visit tracking to see if there is already a visit. ;Get the visit for the appointment is there is one N APPTVST S APPTVST=$$APPT2VST^PXUTL1(PAT,VDT,LOC) I APPTVST>0 Q APPTVST ; N VSIT,VSITPKG S VSIT("IEN")="" S VSIT("VDT")=VDT S VSIT("PAT")=PAT S VSIT("LOC")=LOC S VSIT("INS")=$G(INS) S VSIT("TYP")=$G(TYP) S VSIT("DSS")=$G(DSS) I VSIT("DSS")="",$P($G(^SC(+VSIT("LOC"),0)),"^",7)>0 S VSIT("DSS")=$P(^SC(+VSIT("LOC"),0),"^",7) S VSITPKG="PX" S VSIT(0)="D0EM" ; ;CALL FOR VSIT D ^VSIT I '$D(VSIT("IEN"))#2 Q -1 Q $P(VSIT("IEN"),"^",1) ;