PSSDDUT ;BIR/LDT-Pharmacy Data Management DD Utility ;09/15/97 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**13,18,19,38,56**;9/30/97 ; SCH ;Called from DRUG file (50), Unit Dose Schedule field 62.04 ;(Replaces EN^PSGS0) I X[""""!($A(X)=45)!(X?.E1C.E)!($L(X," ")>2)!($L(X)>70)!($L(X)<1)!(X["P RN")!(X["PR N") K X Q I X?.E1L.E S X=$$ENLU^PSSGMI(X) I '$D(PSGOES) D EN^DDIOL(" ("_X_")","","?0") I X["Q0" K X Q ; ENOS ; order set entry S (PSGS0XT,PSGS0Y,XT,Y)="" I X["PRN"!(X="ON CALL")!(X="ONCALL")!(X="ON-CALL") G Q S X0=X I X,X'["X",(X?2.4N1"-".E!(X?2.4N)) D ENCHK^PSSGS0 S:$D(X) Y=X G Q I $S($D(^PS(51.1,"AC","PSJ",X)):1,1:$E($O(^(X)),1,$L(X))=X) D DIC^PSSGS0 I $G(XT)]"" G Q I X["@" D DW^PSSGS0 S:$D(X) Y=$P(X,"@",2) G Q I Y'>0,$S(X="NOW":1,X="ONCE":1,X="STAT":1,X="ONE TIME":1,X="ONETIME":1,X="1TIME":1,X="1 TIME":1,X="1-TIME":1,1:X="ONE-TIME") D:'$D(PSGOES) EN^DDIOL(" (ONCE ONLY)","","?0") S Y="",XT="O" G Q I $G(PSGSCH)=X S PSGS0Y=$G(PSGAT) Q ; NS I Y'>0 D:'$D(PSGOES) EN^DDIOL(" (Nonstandard schedule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from ^DD(55.06,26,4) S:'$D(PSGST) PSGST=$P($G(^PS(55,DA(1),5,DA,0)),"^",7),PSGDDFLG=1 G ENSH ; ENSH ;Called from MEDICATION INSTRUCTION file (51), field 5 Executable Help ;(Replaces ENSH^PSSGSH) N D,DA,DIC,DIE,DZ,Y D EN^DDIOL("'STAT', 'ONCE', 'NOW', and 'DAILY' are acceptable schedules.","","?0") I X?1"???".E F Q=1:1 Q:$P($T(HT+Q),";",3)="" S PSSHLP(Q)=$P($T(HT+Q),";",3) I X?1"???".E D EN^DDIOL(.PSSHLP) K PSSHLP I X?1"???".E R !,"(Press RETURN to continue.) ",Q:DTIME D:'$T EN^DDIOL("","","$C(7)") S:'$T Q="^" I Q="^" K:$D(PSGDDFLG) PSGDDFLG,PSGST Q K DIC S DIC="^PS(51.1,",DIC(0)="E",D="APPSJ",DIC("W")="W "" ""," I $D(PSJPWD),PSJPWD S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_"$S($D(^PS(51.1,+Y,1,PSJPWD,0)):$P(^(0),""^"",2),1:$P(^PS(51.1,+Y,0),""^"",2))" E S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_"$P(^(0),""^"",2)" I $D(PSGST) S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),""^"",5)"_$E("'",PSGST'="O")_"=""O""" D IX^DIC K DIC K:$D(PSGDDFLG) PSGDDFLG,PSGST Q ; HT ; ;; This is the frequency (ONLY) with which the doses are to be ;;administered. Several forms of entry are acceptable, such as ;;Q6H, 09-12-15, STAT, QOD, and MO-WE-FR@AD (where MO-WE-FR are ;;days of the week, and AD is the admin times). The schedule ;;will show on the MAR, labels, etc. No more than ONE space ;;(Q3H 4 or Q4H PRN) in the schedule is acceptable. If the ;;letters PRN ;;are found as part of the schedule, no admin ;;times will print on the MAR or labels, and the PICK LIST will ;;always show a count of zero (0). ;;Avoid using notation such as W/F (with food) or WM (with meals) ;;in the schedule as it may cause erroneous calculations. That ;;information should be entered into the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. ;; When using the MO-WE-FR@AD schedule, please remember that ;;this type of schedule will not work properly without the "@" ;;character and at least one admin time, and that at least the ;;first two letters of each weekday entered is needed. ; ; ENDLP ;Called from Pharmacy System file (59.7), field 60.1 BAXTER ATC ;212 DEVICE (Replaces ENDLP^PSGSET) S PSGION=$S($D(ION):ION,1:"HOME") K %ZIS S %ZIS="QN",IOP=X D ^%ZIS I POP S IOP=PSGION D ^%ZIS K %ZIS,IOP,PSGION S X="" Q D EN^DDIOL($S(X=$E(ION,1,$L(X)):$E(ION,$L(X)+1,$L(ION)),1:" "_ION),"","?0") S X=ION D ^%ZISC K %ZIS,PSGION,IOP Q ; ENSTH ;Executable help for type of schedule. (Replaces ENSTH^PSJSV0) N PSSX S PSSX=1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="The TYPE OF SCHEDULE determines how the schedule will be processed." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="A CONTINUOUS schedule is one in which an action is to take place on a" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="regular basis, such as 'three times a day' or 'once every two days'." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="A DAY OF THE WEEK schedule is one in which the action is to take" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="place only on specific days of the week. This type of schedule" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="should have admin times entered with it. If not, the start time of" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="the order is used as the admin time. Whenever this type is chosen," S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="the name of the schedule must be in the form of 'MO-WE-FR'." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 G:$S('$D(PSJPP):1,PSJPP="":1,1:PSJPP="PSJ") HOT S PSSHLP(PSSX)="A DAY OF THE WEEK-RANGE schedule is one in which the action to take" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="place only on specific days of the week, but at no specific time of" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="day (no admin times). Whenever this type is chosen, the name of the" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="schedule must be in the form of 'MO-WE-FR'." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 HOT S PSSHLP(PSSX)="A ONE-TIME schedule is one in which the action is to take place once" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="only at a specific date and time." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 I $S('$D(PSJPP):1,PSJPP="":1,1:PSJPP="PSJ") D WRITE Q S PSSHLP(PSSX)="A RANGE schedule is one in which the action will take place within a" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="given date range." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="A SHIFT schedule is one in which the action will take place within a" S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!?2",PSSX=PSSX+1 S PSSHLP(PSSX)="given range of times of day." S PSSHLP(PSSX,"F")="!",PSSX=PSSX+1 D WRITE Q WRITE ;Calls EN^DDIOL to write text D EN^DDIOL(.PSSHLP) K PSSHLP Q PSS13 ;Screen for CLINIC field - PDM patch PSS*1*13 N X,PSSDT S X1=DT,X2=-7 D C^%DTC S PSSDT=X I $P($G(^(0)),U,3)="C",$S('$P($G(^("I")),U):1,($P($G(^("I")),U)>PSSDT):1,(($P($G(^("I")),U)$P($G(^("I")),U,2))):1,1:0) Q PSS19 ;Delete DRUG GROUP/INTERACTION field #7 - PDM patch PSS*1*19 S DIK="^DD(50,",DA=7,DA(1)=50 D ^DIK ; ;In File #50, delete "I" node if it is null. N PSSIEN F PSSIEN=0:0 S PSSIEN=$O(^PSDRUG(PSSIEN)) Q:'PSSIEN I $D(^PSDRUG(PSSIEN,"I")),$P(^PSDRUG(PSSIEN,"I"),"^")="" K ^PSDRUG(PSSIEN,"I") Q