PPPPRT29 ;ALB/JFP - PPP,FFX DISPLAY DATA (GENERIC);01MAR93 ;;V1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EP ; -- Main entry point for the list processor ; (only kill on the first screen in) K XQORS,VALMEVL ; N X,HDRLN ; D EN^VALM("PPP FFX REPORTS") QUIT ; INIT ; -- Initializes variables and defines screen I '$D(^TMP("PPPL6",$J)) D QUIT .S VALMCNT=0 .S X=$$SETSTR^VALM1(" ","",1,79) D TMP .S X=$$SETSTR^VALM1(" ** No Data to Display ... to exit ","",1,79) .D TMP QUIT ; TMP ; -- Set the array used by list processor S VALMCNT=VALMCNT+1 S ^TMP("PPPL6",$J,VALMCNT,0)=$E(X,1,79) QUIT ; HDR ; -- Make header line for list processor ; I '$D(^TMP("PPPL6",$J,"HDR")) QUIT S HDRLN="" F HDRLN=0:0 S HDRLN=$O(^TMP("PPPL6",$J,"HDR",HDRLN)) Q:HDRLN="" D .S VALMHDR(HDRLN)=^TMP("PPPL6",$J,"HDR",HDRLN) QUIT ; FNL ; -- Note: The list processor cleans up its own variables. ; All other variables cleaned up here. ; K ^TMP("PPPL6",$J) K VALMCNT QUIT ; END ; -- End of code QUIT