ESP122PT ;ALB/JAP; POST-INSTALL FOR ES*1*22;3/98 ;;1.0;POLICE & SECURITY;**22**;Mar 31, 1994 EN ;entry point ;no harm is done if run multiple times N ZTSK,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTREQ,ZTSAVE,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ESPC,ESPU D FILE1 D FILE2 D CONVERT ;print conversion reports S ESPION=$G(XPDQUES("POSPRINT","B")) I ESPION=""!(ESPION["^") K ESPION I $D(ESPION) S ZTIO=ESPION S (ESPC,ESPU)=1 D NOW^%DTC S %=$E(%,1,12),ZTDTH=%+.001 S ZTRTN="PRINT^ESP122P1",ZTDESC="Print ES*1*22 Conversion Report",ZTREQ="@" S ZTSAVE("ESPC")="",ZTSAVE("ESPU")="",ZTSAVE("ZTREQ")="" D ^%ZTLOAD I $G(ZTSK)>0 D .W !!,"Conversion Reports queued as Task #",ZTSK,".",!! I '$G(ZTSK) D .W !!,"Unable to queue Conversion Reports.",!,"Use the Conversion Management print option later.",!! K ESPION Q ; FILE1 ;add new entries to file #912.9 N I,J,TEXT,TYPE,CAT,DIC,DLAYGO,DINUM,X,Y,DIE,DR,DA S DIC="^ESP(912.9,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=912.9 F J=1:1:4 S TEXT=$P($T(NEWREC+J),";;",2) D .S DINUM=$P(TEXT,U,1),X=$P(TEXT,U,2),TYPE=$P(TEXT,U,3),CAT=$P(TEXT,U,4) .I $D(^ESP(912.9,DINUM,0)),$P(^(0),U,1)=X Q .S DIC("DR")=".02////"_TYPE_";.03////"_CAT .K DO,DD D FILE^DICN .I Y=-1 D ..W !!,"File #912.9, filing entry #"_$P(TEXT,U,1) ..W !," for "_$P(TEXT,U,2)_" was unsuccessful." .I +Y>0 D ..W !!,"File #912.9, entry #"_$P(TEXT,U,1) ..W !," for "_$P(TEXT,U,2)_" was successfully filed." ;put inactivation dates in entries 23,24,25,26 S TEXT(23)="ABOVE $100 (GOV'T)" S TEXT(24)="BELOW $100 (GOV'T)" S TEXT(25)="ABOVE $100 (PERSONAL)" S TEXT(26)="BELOW $100 (PERSONAL)" F I=23,24,25,26 D .I '$D(^ESP(912.9,I,1)) S DIE="^ESP(912.9,",DR="1////2971001",DA=I D ^DIE .I $P($G(^ESP(912.9,I,1)),U,1)=2971001 D ..W !!,"File #912.9, entry #"_I ..W !," for "_TEXT(I)_" inactivated" ..W !," effective October 1, 1997." .I $P($G(^ESP(912.9,I,1)),U,1)'=2971001 D ..W !!,"File #912.9, entry #"_I ..W !," for "_TEXT(I) ..W !," has not been properly inactivated." Q ; FILE2 ;update file #915 N I K ^TMP($J,"WP"),^TMP($J,"ERR") I $P($G(^ESP(915,55,0)),U,1)'="THEFT-GOVERNMENT PROPERTY" D .W !!,"File #915, entry #55" .W !," ...not updated." .W !," Field #.01'=THEFT-GOVERNMENT PROPERTY" I $P($G(^ESP(915,55,0)),U,1)="THEFT-GOVERNMENT PROPERTY" D .F J=1:1:13 S ^TMP($J,"WP",J)=$P($T(UP55+J),";;",2) .D WP^DIE(915,"55,",10,,"^TMP($J,""WP"")","^TMP($J,""ERR"")") .I $D(^TMP($J,"ERR")) D ..W !!,"File #915, entry #55 - THEFT-GOVERNMENT PROPERTY" ..W !," ...not updated." ..W !," "_^TMP($J,"ERR","DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) .I '$D(^TMP($J,"ERR")) D ..W !!,"File #915, entry #55 - THEFT-GOVERNMENT PROPERTY" ..W !," ...successfully updated." K ^TMP($J,"WP"),^TMP($J,"ERR") I $P($G(^ESP(915,56,0)),U,1)'="THEFT-PERSONAL PROPERTY" D .W !!,"File #915, entry #56" .W !," ...not updated." .W !," Field #.01'=THEFT-PERSONAL PROPERTY" I $P($G(^ESP(915,56,0)),U,1)="THEFT-PERSONAL PROPERTY" D .F J=1:1:14 S ^TMP($J,"WP",J)=$P($T(UP56+J),";;",2) .D WP^DIE(915,"56,",10,,"^TMP($J,""WP"")","^TMP($J,""ERR"")") .I $D(^TMP($J,"ERR")) D ..W !!,"File #915, entry #56 - THEFT-PERSONAL PROPERTY" ..W !," ...not updated." ..W !," "_^TMP($J,"ERR","DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) .I '$D(^TMP($J,"ERR")) D ..W !!,"File #915, entry #56 - THEFT-PERSONAL PROPERTY" ..W !," ...successfully updated." K ^TMP($J,"WP"),^TMP($J,"ERR") Q ; CONVERT ;convert file #912 data ;for any offense occurring after midnight 9-30-97; ;convert any subtype 24 or 26 automatically; ;convert any aubtype 23 or 25 only if it's the only subtype and the dollar amount ;of property loss is known; ;all other cases of subtype 23 or 25 require user intervention. N ESDTBEG,ESDTREC,ESIEN,ESSUBT,ESN,ESNN,ESMONEY,ESCNVDT,ESCREAT,ESPURGE,X1,X2 D NOW^%DTC S Y=$E(%,1,12),ESCNVDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y,"5"),(ESCREAT,X1)=$P(%,".",1),X2=90 D C^%DTC S ESPURGE=X ;create the zero node for the temp storage global S ^XTMP("ESP",0)=ESPURGE_"^"_ESCREAT_"^temporary storage for ES*1*22" ;sort thru "C" xref; check field #.03 S (ESDTBEG,ESDTREC)=2970930.235959 F S ESDTREC=$O(^ESP(912,"C",ESDTREC)) Q:ESDTREC="" S ESIEN=$O(^(ESDTREC,0)) I ESIEN D .Q:'$D(^ESP(912,ESIEN)) Q:$P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,0),"^",3)'>ESDTBEG .S ESN=0 .F S ESN=$O(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN)) Q:+ESN=0 D ..S ESMONEY=0,ESNN=0 F S ESNN=$O(^ESP(912,ESIEN,90,ESNN)) Q:+ESNN=0 S ESMONEY=ESMONEY+$P(^(ESNN,0),U,3) ..;subtype=23,24,25,26 only ..S ESSUBT=$P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3) Q:(ESSUBT<23)!(ESSUBT>26) D ...;automatically update any below $100 subtypes ...I ESSUBT=24 S $P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3)=40,^XTMP("ESP","CONV",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^40^.5^"_ESCNVDT Q ...I ESSUBT=26 S $P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3)=42,^XTMP("ESP","CONV",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^42^.5^"_ESCNVDT Q ...;above $100 subtypes are still to be processed; ...;if there is only one classification node and the property loss is known, then convert subtype ...I ESN=1,+$O(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN))=0 D Q ....I ESMONEY>0,ESMONEY<1001 D Q .....I ESSUBT=23 S $P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3)=40,^XTMP("ESP","CONV",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^40^.5^"_ESCNVDT Q .....I ESSUBT=25 S $P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3)=42,^XTMP("ESP","CONV",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^42^.5^"_ESCNVDT Q ....I ESMONEY>1000 D Q .....I ESSUBT=23 S $P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3)=39,^XTMP("ESP","CONV",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^39^.5^"_ESCNVDT Q .....I ESSUBT=25 S $P(^ESP(912,ESIEN,10,ESN,0),U,3)=41,^XTMP("ESP","CONV",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^41^.5^"_ESCNVDT Q ....;if still not processed, then this subtype conversion requires user intervention ....S ^XTMP("ESP","USER",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^"_ESMONEY ...;if esn'=1 or esn=1 but multiple ...S ^XTMP("ESP","USER",ESIEN,ESN)=ESSUBT_"^"_ESMONEY Q ; NEWREC ;new file entries for file #912.9 ;;39^ABOVE $1000 (GOV'T)^46^11 ;;40^BELOW $1000 (GOV'T)^46^11 ;;41^ABOVE $1000 (PERSONAL)^47^11 ;;42^BELOW $1000 (PERSONAL)^47^11 ; UP55 ;update record #55 in file #915 ;;Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use ;;or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or ;;disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the ;;United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property ;;made or being made under contract for the United States or any ;;department or agency thereof, or Whoever receives, conceals or retains ;;the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain, knowing it to ;;have been embezzled, stolen, purloined or converted---Shall be fined ;;not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; ;;but if the value of such property does not exceed the sum of $1000, he ;;shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one ;;year, or both. The word "value" means face, par or market value, or ;;cost price, either wholesale or retail; whichever is greater. ; UP56 ;update record #56 in file #915 ;;Whoever, within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction ;;of the United States, takes and carries away, with intent to steal ;;or purloin, any personal property of another, shall be punished as ;;follows: If the property taken is of a value exceeding $1000, or is ;;taken from the person of another, by a fine of not more than $5,000, ;;or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both; in all other ;;cases by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment not ;;more than one year, or both. If the property stolen consists of any ;;evidence of debt, or other written instrument, the amount of money ;;due thereon, or secured to be paid thereby and remaining unsatisfied, ;;or which in any contingency might be collected thereon, or the value ;;of the property the title to which is shown thereby, or the sum ;;which might be recovered in the absence thereof, shall be the value ;;of the property stolen. ;