RMPOLT ;EDS/PAK - HOME OXYGEN LETTERS ;7/24/98 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**29**;Feb 09, 1996 EN ; -- main entry point for RMPO LETTER ; ; Input: ; RMPOLCD - Selected Home Oxygen Letter code ; ; Called by: ; RMPOLZ - H.O. Letter Control module ; D EN^VALM("RMPO LETTER") Q ; HDR ; -- header code S VALMHDR(1)=$$CNTR^RMPOLY(" ",$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(669.965,1,"",RMPOLCD),80) S VALMHDR(2)=$$CNTR^RMPOLY(" ","HOME OXYGEN PATIENT LETTER LIST",80) Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array N RMPODFN,REC,RMPOITEM,Y,X,SP ; ; for each entry in list for the selected letter type display details S RMPONAM="",VALMCNT=0,$P(SP," ",80)=" " F S RMPONAM=$O(^TMP($J,RMPOXITE,"RMPOLST",RMPOLCD,RMPONAM)) Q:RMPONAM="" D . S RMPODFN=$P(^TMP($J,RMPOXITE,"RMPOLST",RMPOLCD,RMPONAM),U,2) . S REC=^TMP($J,RMPOXITE,"RMPODEMO",RMPODFN),VALMCNT=VALMCNT+1 . S Y=$P(REC,U,3) D DD^%DT S RMPORX=Y,Y=$P(REC,U,4) . I Y'="" D DD^%DT . I Y="" S Y="No Rx!" . S RMPOEXP=Y,RMPOITEM=$P(REC,U,5) . S:RMPOITEM="" RMPOITEM="No Primary!" . ; . S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1($E(VALMCNT_SP,1,$P(VALMDDF("LINE #"),U,3)),"","LINE #") . S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1($P(REC,U),X,"PATIENT") . S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1($P(REC,U,2),X,"SSN") . S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(RMPOITEM,X,"PRIMARY ITEM") . S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(RMPORX,X,"ACTIVATION DATE") . S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1(RMPOEXP,X,"Rx EXPIRY DATE") . D SET^VALM10(VALMCNT,X,RMPODFN) ; Q ; HELP ; -- help code S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W !! Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code D CLEAN^VALM10 ; Q ; EXPND ; -- expand code Q ; EN02 ; Delete list entry ; N SEL,LINE ; ; Select lines to delete S SEL=$$SELN^RMPOLZA("L","Enter lines to delete",VALMCNT) I SEL="^" S ^TMP($J,RMPOXITE,"EXIT")=1 Q ; quit to menu Q:'SEL ; N CNT ; ; for each patient selected remove 'Letter to be sent' from ; Prosthetics Patient File (665) F CNT=1:1 S LINE=$P(SEL,",",CNT) Q:LINE="" D . S RMPODFN=$O(@VALMAR@("IDX",LINE,"")) . D UPDLTR^RMPOLZA(RMPODFN,"@") . ; . ; purge work file holding data . K ^TMP($J,RMPOXITE,"RMPOLST",RMPOLCD,RMPONAM),^TMP($J,RMPOXITE,"RMPODEMO",RMPODFN) ; ; delete listman data and rebuild list from amended work file D CLEAN^VALM10,INIT Q:'$D(@VALMAR) ; Quit if there are no entries in list S VALMBCK="R" Q