RMPOPST3 ;EDS/JAM,HinesIO/DDA - HOME OXYGEN BILLING TRANSACTIONS/ACCEPT FOR POST ;7/24/98 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**29,44,41,98,110**;Feb 09, 1996;Build 10 ;This subroutine is part of the billing module. Check file 665.72 ;for accepted transactions not yet posted. Q ACCEPT ; Check for accepted entries and post if user indicates N DFNS D FNDACC I $O(DFNS(""))="" Q D PSTACC Q ;ACCEPT ; TEST ;set test data N RMPOXITE,RMPOVDR,RMPODATE,DFNS S RMPOXITE=1,RMPOVDR=10,RMPODATE=2981200,DFNS(47)="" S RMPO("STA")=521 D FNDACC I $O(DFNS(""))="" Q D PSTACC Q ;TEST ; FNDACC ;Check records to ensure all accepted transactions are posted. N DFN,BILDT,SITE,FIL,VDR,I S FIL=665.72,SITE=RMPOXITE,BILDT=RMPODATE,VDR=RMPOVDR S DFN=0 F I=1:1 S DFN=$O(^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,BILDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN)) Q:'DFN D . ;check if patient transaction posted . I $P(^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,BILDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,0),U,3)="Y" Q . ;check if patient transaction accepted . I $P(^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,BILDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,0),U,2)'="Y" Q . I I=10 D . . W !!,"Verifying all accepted transactions posted. Please be patient" . S DFNS(DFN)="" Q ;FNDACC ; PSTACC ;Post accepted transactions if so indicated by user N MES K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" S MES="There are patients whose billing transactions have been accepted" S DIR("A",1)=MES,DIR("A",2)=" and not yet posted" S DIR("A")="Would you like to post them now" S DIR("?")="YES will Post accepted transaction and NO will not post" D ^DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) Q ;Call post module to post transactions D POST^RMPOPST0 K DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT,Y Q ;PSTACC F660 ;Post to file ^RMPR(660 for form 2319 N ITM,ITMD,D665A,SUSDES,TRXDT,D660,D6I,D6X,RMPOG,ERR S D665A=$G(^RMPR(665,DFN,"RMPOA")) I D665A="" Q D ;AMIS grouper number . L +^RMPR(669.9,RMPOXITE,0):9999 I $T=0 S RMPOG=DT_$P(DT,2,3) Q . S RMPOG=$P(^RMPR(669.9,RMPOXITE,0),U,7),RMPOG=RMPOG-1 . S $P(^RMPR(669.9,RMPOXITE,0),U,7)=RMPOG . L -^RMPR(669.9,RMPOXITE,0) S TRXDT=$P(^RMPO(665.72,RMPOXITE,1,RMPODATE,1,RMPOVDR,0),U,2) S ITM="" F S ITM=$O(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN,ITM)) Q:ITM="" D . S ITMD=$G(^RMPO(665.72,RMPOXITE,1,RMPODATE,1,RMPOVDR,"V",DFN,1,ITM,0)) . I ITMD="" Q .; I $P(ITMD,U,6)'>0 Q ;nothing posted to IFCAP . S RMCPHC=$P(ITMD,U,2),RMCPT="",RMCPRENT=$P(ITMD,U,18),RMCPSO="C" . S RMCPTY=$P(ITMD,U,14),RMCPQH=$P(ITMD,U,19) . S RMCPT1=$G(^RMPR(661.1,RMCPHC,4)) . I RMCPT1["RP",((RMCPTY="R")!(RMCPTY="X")) S RMCPT=RMCPT_"RP," . I RMCPT1["QH",($G(RMCPQH)) S RMCPT=RMCPT_"QH," . I (RMCPRENT=1),(RMCPT1["RR") S RMCPT=RMCPT_"RR," . I RMCPT1["NU",(RMCPT'["RR") S RMCPT=RMCPT_"NU," . I $L(RMCPT)>2 S RMCLEN=$L(RMCPT),RMCPT=$E(RMCPT,1,RMCLEN-1) . S DIC="^RMPR(660,",DIC(0)="L",X=DT . K DD,DO D FILE^DICN I +Y<0 Q . S D6I=+Y,D6X=D6I_"," . K DIE,DA,DR S DA(4)=RMPOXITE,DA(3)=RMPODATE,DA(2)=RMPOVDR,DA(1)=DFN . S DIE="^RMPO(665.72,"_DA(4)_",1,"_DA(3)_",1,"_DA(2)_",""V"","_DA(1) . S DIE=DIE_",1,",DA=ITM,DR="15////^S X=D6I" D ^DIE . S D660(660,D6X,.02)=DFN ;Patient name pointer . S D660(660,D6X,1)=TRXDT ;Request date . S D660(660,D6X,2)=$P(ITMD,U,14) ;Type of transaction . S D660(660,D6X,4)=$P(ITMD,U) ;item . S D660(660,D6X,4.1)=$P(^RMPR(661.1,$P(ITMD,U,2),0),U,4) ;HCPCS . S D660(660,D6X,4.5)=$P(ITMD,U,2) ;PSAS HCPCS . S D660(660,D6X,4.7)=RMCPT ;CPT MODIFIER . S D660(660,D6X,5)=$P(ITMD,U,7)-$P(ITMD,U,17) ;quantity . S D660(660,D6X,7)=RMPOVDR ;vendor . S D660(660,D6X,8)=RMPO("STA") ;station . S D660(660,D6X,10)=CURDT ;Delivery date . D . . I $P(PAYINF,U) D Q . . . S D660(660,D6X,11)=9 ;form requested on(1358) . . . ;IFCAP transaction number - from file 424 . . . I $G(IEN424)'="" S D660(660,D6X,23)=$P($G(^PRC(424,IEN424,0)),U) . . S D660(660,D6X,11)=14 ;form requested on (visa) . . S D660(660,D6X,23)=SRVORD ;IFCAP transaction number . S D660(660,D6X,12)="C" ;Source . S D660(660,D6X,14)=$P(ITMD,U,6) ;total cost . S D660(660,D6X,16)=$P(ITMD,U,4) ;remarks . S SUSDES=$S($P(ITMD,U,11)'="":"Suspended Amt "_$P(ITMD,U,11)_" ",1:"") . S D660(660,D6X,24)=SUSDES_$P(ITMD,U,12) ;description . S D660(660,D6X,27)=DUZ ;initiator . S D660(660,D6X,62)=$P(D665A,U) ;patient category . S D660(660,D6X,63)=$P(D665A,U,5) ;special category . S D660(660,D6X,68)=RMPOG . S D660(660,D6X,78)=$P(ITMD,U,15) ;unit of issue . D FILE^DIE("K","D660","ERR") . I $D(ERR) D . . W !!,"Posting to 2319 for item ",ITM," patient ",DFN," failed." . . W "Posting will be done later" . . Q . ; RMPR*3*98 . ; CALL TO PROCESS PFSS CHARGE MESSAGE . I '$D(ERR) D CHARGE^RMPOPF . Q K DIC,X,Y Q