RMPRPIUB ;HINCIO/ODJ - APIs for file 661.7 ;3/8/01 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**61**;Feb 09, 1996 Q ; ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR - an array with the following elements... ; RMPR("STATION IEN") - Station ien (ptr ^DIC(4,) ; RMPR("LOCATION IEN") - Location ien (ptr ^RMPR(661.5,) ; RMPR("HCPCS") - HCPCS code (eg E0111) ; RMPR("ITEM") - HCPCS Item number (eg 1) ; RMPR("ISSUED QTY") - Quantity Issued ; RMPR("ISSUED VALUE") - Issue Value ; ; RMPRERR - function return... ; 0 - no errors ; 1 - null Station ien input ; 2 - null Location ien input ; 3 - null HCPCS code input ; 4 - null Item input ; 5 - issued qty not greater than 0 ; 6 - problem with 661.7 file FIFO(RMPR) ; N RMPRERR,RMPRK,RMPROLD,RMPREOF,RMPR7,RMPR7I,RMPRIBAL,RMPRVBAL N RMPRUVAL S RMPRERR=0 S RMPRK("STATION")=$G(RMPR("STATION IEN")) I RMPRK("STATION")="" S RMPRERR=1 G FIFOX S RMPRK("LOCATION")=$G(RMPR("LOCATION IEN")) I RMPRK("LOCATION")="" S RMPRERR=2 G FIFOX S RMPRK("HCPCS")=$G(RMPR("HCPCS")) I RMPRK("HCPCS")="" S RMPRERR=3 G FIFOX S RMPRK("ITEM")=$G(RMPR("ITEM")) S RMPRK("IEN")=$G(RMPR("IEN")) S RMPRK("DATE&TIME")=$G(RMPR("DATE&TIME")) I RMPRK("ITEM")="" S RMPRERR=4 G FIFOX I '+$G(RMPR("ISSUED QTY")) S RMPRERR=5 G FIFOX S RMPRIBAL=RMPR("ISSUED QTY") ; init issued qty. balance S RMPRVBAL=+$G(RMPR("ISSUED VALUE")) ; init issue value balance S RMPRUVAL=RMPRVBAL/RMPRIBAL ; unit cost per issued item L +^RMPR(661.7,"XSLHIDS",RMPR("STATION IEN"),RMPR("LOCATION IEN"),RMPR("HCPCS"),RMPR("ITEM")) G PASS ; ; Loop on all records for Stn, Loc, HCPCS and Item until stock ; depleted by the issued amount FIFOA S RMPRERR=$$NEXT^RMPRPIXE(.RMPRK,"XSLHIDS","",1,.RMPROLD,.RMPREOF) I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=6 G FIFOU I RMPREOF G FIFOU I RMPRK("ITEM")'=RMPROLD("ITEM") G FIFOU I RMPRK("HCPCS")'=RMPROLD("HCPCS") G FIFOU I RMPRK("LOCATION")'=RMPROLD("LOCATION") G FIFOU I RMPRK("STATION")'=RMPROLD("STATION") G FIFOU PASS K RMPR7 M RMPR7=RMPRK S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX7(.RMPR7) ; read in current stock rec. I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=6 G FIFOU K RMPR7I S RMPR7I("IEN")=RMPR7("IEN") S RMPR7I("QUANTITY")=RMPR7("QUANTITY") S RMPR7I("VALUE")=RMPR7("VALUE") ; ; If issued balance less than on-hand quantity then update ; the on-hand record I RMPRIBAL