RMPRPIYS ;HINCIO/ODJ - RC - PIP Receive Stock ;10/8/02 13:11 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**61,108,128**;Feb 09, 1996 Q ; ;***** PB - Print Bar Code labels ; RMPR INV BAR CODE ; Callable from VISTA menu, no vars required other than ; global VISTA vars (DUZ, etc) ; PB N RMPRERR,RMPRSTN,RMPRLCN,RMPREXC,RMPR1,RMPR11,RMPROVAL,RMPRNLAB N RMPR6,RMPR7,RMPR7I,RMPRBARC,RMPRITXT,RMPRBCP,RMPRQ,RMPRIOP ; ;***** STN - prompt for Site/Station STN S RMPROVAL=$G(RMPRSTN("IEN")) W @IOF S RMPRERR=$$STN^RMPRPIY1(.RMPRSTN,.RMPREXC) I RMPRERR G PBX I RMPREXC'="" G PBX I RMPROVAL'=RMPRSTN("IEN") K RMPR1,RMPR11 ; ;***** HCPCS - prompt for HCPCS and Item HCPCS W !!,"Print Bar code Labels for current inventory...",! HCPCS2 D HCPCS^RMPRPIY7(RMPRSTN("IEN"),$G(RMPR1("HCPCS")),.RMPR1,.RMPR11,.RMPREXC) I RMPREXC="T" G PBX I RMPREXC="P" G STN I RMPREXC="^" D G PBX . W !,"** No HCPCS selected..." H 1 . Q I $G(RMPR11("IEN"))'="" G HCPCS3A HCPCS3 D ITEM^RMPRPIYP(RMPRSTN("IEN"),RMPR1("HCPCS"),.RMPR11,.RMPREXC) I RMPREXC="T" G PBX I RMPREXC="P"!(RMPREXC="^") G HCPCS HCPCS3A S RMPR11("STATION")=RMPRSTN("IEN") S RMPR11("STATION IEN")=RMPRSTN("IEN") ; ; display selected HCPCS and item and continue HCPCS4 W !!,"HCPCS: "_RMPR1("HCPCS")_" "_RMPR1("SHORT DESC") W !!,"IFCAP Item: ",RMPR11("ITEM MASTER") W !!,"PIP Item desc.: ",RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") ; ;***** CURST - call prompt for current stock record CURST S RMPRLCN="" D PVEN^RMPRPIYR(RMPRSTN("IEN"),.RMPRLCN,RMPR11("HCPCS"),RMPR11("ITEM"),.RMPR6,.RMPR7,.RMPREXC) I RMPREXC="T" G PBX I RMPREXC="P" G HCPCS3 I RMPREXC="^" G HCPCS I '+$G(RMPR7("QUANTITY")) D G HCPCS2 . W !,"This item is not currently in stock.",!! . Q K RMPR7I S RMPRERR=$$ETOI^RMPRPIX7(.RMPR7,.RMPR7I) S RMPRBARC=RMPR11("HCPCS")_"-"_$P(RMPR7I("DATE&TIME"),".",1)_$P(RMPR7I("DATE&TIME"),".",2) S RMPRITXT("DATE")=$E(RMPR7I("DATE&TIME"),4,5)_"/"_$E(RMPR7I("DATE&TIME"),6,7)_"/"_(1700+$E(RMPR7I("DATE&TIME"),1,3)) S RMPRITXT("ITEM")=RMPR11("HCPCS-ITEM") S RMPRITXT("MASTER DESC")=RMPR11("ITEM MASTER") S RMPRITXT("ITEM DESC")=RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") S RMPRITXT("UNIT PRICE")=+$J(RMPR7("VALUE")/RMPR7("QUANTITY"),0,2) S RMPRITXT("VENDOR")=RMPR6("VENDOR") S RMPRITXT("LOCATION")=RMPR7("LOCATION") ; ;***** NLAB - call prompt for number of labels to print NLAB S RMPRNLAB=RMPR7("QUANTITY") W ! D NLABP(.RMPRNLAB,RMPR7("QUANTITY"),.RMPREXC) I RMPREXC="T" G PBX I RMPREXC="P" G HCPCS I RMPREXC="^" G HCPCS ; ;***** SELP - call prompt for bar code print device SELP D PRINT G HCPCS G HCPCS PBX D KILL^XUSCLEAN Q ; ;***** PRINT - print bar code labels ; requires RMPRNLAB (number of labels) and ; RMPRBCP (bar code printer name) to be set ; RMPRBARC (bar code to print) ; RMPRIOP (the device to open) PRINT I '$D(RMPRNLAB) S RMPRNLAB=1 ;allows queing of bar code labels SELD S %ZIS("A")="Select Bar Code Printer: " S %ZIS="QM" K IOP W ! D ^%ZIS G:POP PRINTX I $G(IOST)'["P-ZEBRA" D . W !!,"** WARNING - This is NOT a Zebra Bar Code Printer!!",!! I '$D(IO("Q")) U IO G PNOW K IO("Q") S ZTDESC="PRINT BAR CODE LABELS",ZTRTN="PNOW^RMPRPIYS" S ZTIO=ION,ZTSAVE("RMPRBARC")="",ZTSAVE("RMPRITXT(")="" S ZTSAVE("RMPRNLAB")="",ZTSAVE("RMPR(")="",ZTSAVE("RMPRSTN(")="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) !,"REQUEST QUEUED!" H 2 G PRINTC ; PNOW ;jump here if not queued. D ZPLII^RMPRPI11(RMPRBARC,.RMPRITXT,RMPRNLAB) S IONOFF=1 PRINTC D ^%ZISC K IONOFF PRINTX Q ; ;***** NLABP - Number of labels prompt NLABP(RMPRNLAB,RMPRMAX,RMPREXC) ; N RMPRERR,DIR,X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT,DA S RMPRNLAB=$G(RMPRNLAB) S RMPRERR=0 S DIR(0)="NAO^1:"_RMPRMAX_":0" S DIR("A")="Number of Labels to print: " S:RMPRNLAB'="" DIR("B")=RMPRNLAB S DIR("??")="^D NLABPH2^RMPRPIYS" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G NLABPX I $D(DIROUT) S RMPREXC="P" G NLABPX I X=""!(X["^")!($D(DUOUT)) S RMPREXC="^" G NLABPX S RMPREXC="" S RMPRNLAB=+Y NLABPX Q NLABPH2 W "Type in the number of bar code labels you want to print for the",! W "inventory item you have selected.",! Q ; ;***** BARC - bar code prompt BARC(RMPRBARC,RMPREXC) ; N RMPRERR,DIR,X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT,DA S RMPRBARC="" S RMPREXC="" S RMPRERR=0 S DIR(0)="FAO" S DIR("A")="Scan in item bar code: " S DIR("?")="^D BARCH^RMPRPIYS" BARC1 D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G BARCX I $D(DIROUT) S RMPREXC="P" G BARCX I X["^"!($D(DUOUT)) S RMPREXC="^" G BARCX I X="",$G(REDIT) G BARCX I X="" G BARC1 S RMPRBARC=X BARCX Q BARCH W "If you have access to a bar code scanner, use it to scan the item bar code now.",! W "Don't press the [Enter] key as the scanner should do this automatically.",! W "If the scanner cannot read the bar code, type in the character sequence",! W "immediately below the bar code.",! ;W "If there is no bar code or you prefer to enter the transaction manually",! ;W "leave this prompt blank.",! Q ; ;***** SCAN - scan bar code and set up stock issue vars. ; (to be called by RMPRPIYI (too big)) SCAN K RMPR7,RMPR7I,RMPR1,RMPR1I,RMPR11,RMPR11I,RMPR6,RMDAHC,RMITQTY SCAN1 D BARC(.RMPRBARC,.RMPREXC) I RMPREXC'="" S RMPRBARC="" G SCANX I RMPRBARC="" G SCANX S RMPRBARC=$$UPCASE(RMPRBARC) ; ; If we get a good bar code then populate all the fields and go ; straight to the Post/Edit prompt K RMPR7 S (RMPR7("STATION"),RMPRSTN)=RMPR("STA") S RMPR7("HCPCS")=$P(RMPRBARC,"-",1) S RMDAHC=$O(^RMPR(661.1,"B",RMPR7("HCPCS"),0)) I $G(RMDAHC),$D(^RMPR(661.1,RMDAHC,0)),($P(^RMPR(661.1,RMDAHC,0),U,5)'=1) S RMDAHC=$P(^RMPR(661.1,RMDAHC,0),U,3) I '$G(RMDAHC) W !,"** No HCPCS Selected or Unable to Select Inactive HCPCS..." G SCAN S RMPR7("DATE&TIME")=$E($P(RMPRBARC,"-",2),1,7)_"."_$E($P(RMPRBARC,"-",2),8,$L(RMPRBARC)) ; ; look up current stock record with bar coded key fields S RMPRERR=$$SCAN^RMPRPIUA(.RMPR7,.RMPREXC) I $G(RMPR7("IEN"))="" W !,"*** The Item scanned is not available, please update your inventory !!!" G SCAN1 I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 S RMPRERR=$$ETOI^RMPRPIX7(.RMPR7,.RMPR7I) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 S R1("DATE&TIME")=$G(RMPR7I("DATE&TIME")) S $P(R1(0),U,8)=$G(RMPR7I("UNIT")) ; ; set vars. for HCPCS K RMPR1,RMPR1I S RMPR1("HCPCS")=RMPR7("HCPCS") S RMPRERR=$$HPACT^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR1) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 S RMPRERR=$$HPETOI^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR1,.RMPR1I) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 ; ; set vars. for Item K RMPR11,RMPR11I S RMPR11("STATION")=RMPR("STA") S RMPR11("HCPCS")=RMPR7("HCPCS") S RMPR11("ITEM")=RMPR7("ITEM") S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR11) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 S RMPRERR=$$ETOI^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR11,.RMPR11I) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 I RMPR11I("ITEM MASTER IEN")="" D G SCAN1 . W !,"This item is not associated with an IFCAP Item.",! . W "Please use the Edit Inventory option before trying to issue this item." . W ! . Q ;S RMDAHC=RMPR1("IEN") D CPT(RMDAHC_"^"_$P(R1(0),U,4)_"^"_RMPR11I("SOURCE")_"^660") I RMPREXC="T" G SCANX I RMPREXC'="" G SCAN1 ; ; get Vendor S RMPR6("DATE&TIME")=RMPR7I("DATE&TIME") S RMPR6("HCPCS")=RMPR7("HCPCS") S RMPR6("SEQUENCE")=RMPR7("SEQUENCE") S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX6(.RMPR6) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 S RMPRERR=$$VNDIEN^RMPRPIX6(.RMPR6) I RMPRERR D SCANE G SCAN1 S $P(R1(0),U,9)=RMPR6("VENDOR IEN") S $P(R3("D"),U,9)=RMPR6("VENDOR") ; ; set vars for issue S RMCPTC="" I $G(RMDAHC),$D(^RMPR(661.1,RMDAHC,0)) S RMCPTC=$P(^RMPR(661.1,RMDAHC,0),U,4) S $P(R1(1),U,4)=RMDAHC S $P(R1(0),U,22)=$G(RMCPTC) S $P(R1(0),U,6)=RMPR11I("ITEM MASTER IEN") S (RMHCNEW,RMHCDA)=RMDAHC S RMITDA=RMPR11("IEN") S RMHCPC=RMPR11("HCPCS") S RMIT=RMPR11("HCPCS-ITEM") S RDESC=RMPR1("SHORT DESC") S $P(R3("D"),U,14)=RMPR11("SOURCE") S RMSO=RMPR11I("SOURCE") S $P(R1(0),U,14)=RMSO S $P(R3("D"),U,6)=RMPR11("ITEM MASTER") S $P(R1(0),U,6)=RMPR11I("ITEM MASTER IEN") S $P(R1(2),U,1)=RMIT S $P(R1(2),U,2)=RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") S RMLOC=RMPR7I("LOCATION"),RMUBA=0,RMPR11("ITEM")=$P(RMIT,"-",2) S RMPR11("LOCATION")=RMLOC,RMPR11("STATION")=RMPRSTN I '$G(RMPR11("LOCATION")) S RMUBA=RMPR7("QUANTITY") S:'$G(RMUBA) RMUBA=$$BAL^RMPRPIX7(.RMPR11) S RMITQTY=RMPR7("QUANTITY") K RMPR5 S RMPR5("IEN")=RMLOC S RMPRUCST=RMPR7("VALUE")/RMPR7("QUANTITY") S $P(R1(0),U,16)=$J(RMPRUCST,0,2) S $P(R3("D"),U,16)=$J(RMPRUCST,0,2) S $P(R1(0),U,7)=1 ;qty. S $P(R1(0),U,11)="" ;serial num S $P(R1(0),U,24)="" ;lot num S $P(R1(0),U,18)="" ;remarks SCANX Q SCANE W !,"A problem has occurred with the scan, please try again.",! Q ; ;***** CPT - prompt for CPT modifier ; (extension of RMPRPIYI and to be used only by that routine) CPT(RDA) ; N DIC,Y,RQUIT,X,DA,DIR,DUOUT,DTOUT N RMPR1,RMPR11,RMPR11I,RMPR7,RMPR7I S RMPREXC="" D:$D(RMCPT) CHK^RMPRED5 W:$G(REDIT) !,"OLD CPT MODIFIER: ",$P(R1(1),U,6) I RMHCOLD'=RMDAHC D CPT^RMPRCPTU(RDA) I $D(DUOUT) S RMPREXC="^" G CPTX I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G CPTX S $P(R1(1),U,6)=$G(RMCPT) W:$G(REDIT) !,"NEW CPT MODIFIER: ",$G(RMCPT) I RMHCOLD'="",(RMHCOLD=RMDAHC),$G(REDIT) D .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to Edit CPT MODIFIER Entry ",DIR("B")="N" D ^DIR Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) .I $G(Y) D ..D CPT^RMPRCPTU(RDA) ..I $D(DUOUT) S RMPREXC="^" ..I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" ..W:RMCPT=$P(R1(1),U,6) !!,"***Based on the information given above, CPT modifier string has not changed!!!",! ..W:RMCPT'=$P(R1(1),U,6) !,"NEW CPT MODIFIER: ",$G(RMCPT) ..S $P(R1(1),U,6)=$G(RMCPT) CPTX Q UPCASE(RMPRSTR) ; Q $TR(RMPRSTR,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")