QAQAHOC5 ;WCIOFO/ERC-Continuation of QAQAHOC3 ;7/22/98 ;;1.7;QM Integration Module;**5**;07/25/1995 ; EDITMAC ;if the macro is not valid, display message explaining that user ;should enter the macro again, then either use the same name to ;replace the old macro with the current, valid one, or to use a ;new name. W !!,"Your macro is no longer valid. Re-enter the macro now, and" W !,"when finished enter '[S' to save it at the prompt for the next" W !,"field. Enter the old macro name if you want to replace it with" W !,"the new criteria, or enter a completely new name." S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S Y=0 Q STRIP ;if there are qualifiers on QAQFLD,strip them off N X S QAQFLD1="" F X=1:1:$L(QAQFLD) I "'!@#&+-"[$E(QAQFLD) S QAQFLD1=QAQFLD1_$E(QAQFLD),QAQFLD=$E(QAQFLD,2,999) Q STRIP2 ;if there are qualifiers on QAQPF, strip them out before comparing ;to QAQPM N QAQFIRST,QAQLAST,QAQLNTH,QAQPFQUL,X S QAQPFQUL="" S (QAQCC,QAQFIRST)=0 S QAQPFX=QAQPF F X=1:1:$L(QAQPFX) S:"'!@#&+-"[$E(QAQPFX) QAQLNTH(X)=X,QAQPFQUL=QAQPFQUL_$E(QAQPF,X) S QAQPFX=$E(QAQPFX,2,999) S QAQPM=$TR(QAQPM,"~") I $G(QAQPFQUL)]"" D . F S QAQCC=$O(QAQLNTH(QAQCC)) Q:QAQCC'>0 S:$G(QAQFIRST)<1 QAQFIRST=QAQCC S QAQLAST=QAQCC . I $G(QAQFIRST)>0 D . . S QAQPF1=$E(QAQPF,1,QAQFIRST-1) . . S QAQPF2=$E(QAQPF,QAQLAST+1,999) . . I $G(QAQPM)'=($G(QAQPF1)_$G(QAQPF2)) S QAQPF1=$G(QAQPM1),QAQPF2=$G(QAQPM2) . . S QAQPFALL=$G(QAQPF1)_$G(QAQPFQUL)_$G(QAQPF2) . . I $G(QAQPFEND)]"" S QAQPFALL=$G(QAQPFALL)_";"_$G(QAQPFEND) I $G(QAQPFQUL)']"" D . I $G(QAQPF)'=$G(QAQPM) S QAQPF=$G(QAQPM) . S QAQPFALL=$G(QAQPF)_$S($G(QAQPFEND)]"":";"_QAQPFEND,1:"") S $P(^QA(740.1,QAQD0,"FLD",QAQEE,0),U,2)=$G(QAQPFALL) Q