ACKQDWB ;AUG/JLTP BIR/PTD HCIOFO/BH-Compile A&SP Capitation Data - CONTINUED ; [ 12/05/95 10:33 ] ;;3.0;QUASAR;;Feb 11, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified. ; BUILD ; Capitation report has been generated. N XMDUZ,XMDUN,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,TXT,X S (XMDUZ,XMDUN)="QUASAR",XMTEXT="TXT(",XMSUB="A&SP CAPITATION DATA GENERATED" S TXT(1,0)="A&SP capitation data have been generated for "_ACKMO_"." S TXT(2,0)=" " D DIV1 ; Display Divisions S TXT(I,0)="" S I=I+1,TXT(I,0)=" Start Date/Time : "_ACKXSDTE_" at "_ACKXST S I=I+1,TXT(I,0)=" Finish Date/Time: "_ACKXEDTE_" at "_ACKXFT S I=I+1,TXT(I,0)="" S I=I+1,TXT(I,0)="You can use the Print A&SP Capitation Report option to check the" S I=I+1,TXT(I,0)="data for accuracy.",I=I+1,TXT(I,0)="" D STAFF,^XMD Q ; ABORT(ACKST) ; Abort bulletin. ACKST = reason for abort. N XMDUZ,XMDUN,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,TXT,X,ACKK1 S ACKK1="" S (XMDUZ,XMDUN)="QUASAR",XMTEXT="TXT(",XMSUB="A&SP CAPITATION REPORT ABORTED!" ; S TXT(1,0)=" **** WARNING ****" S TXT(2,0)=" The monthly A&SP Capitation generation has terminated abnormally." ; D DIV ; Display Divisions with errors ; S TXT(I,0)="Reason: "_$P(ACKST,U,3),TXT(I+1,0)=" " S TXT(I+1,0)=" Please inform your IRM Service. Your Capitation Report" S TXT(I+1,0)="for the month can not be printed until this problem is resolved." S TXT(I+1,0)=" " D STAFF,^XMD Q ; STAFF ;Create XMY( array using active supervisors from the A&SP STAFF file (#509850.3). N ST S ST=0 F S ST=$O(^ACK(509850.3,ST)) Q:'ST I $P(^ACK(509850.3,ST,0),U,6),'$P(^(0),U,4) S XMY($$CONVERT1^ACKQUTL4(ST))="" I $G(ACKMAN) S XMY(ACKDUZ)="" I '$O(XMY(0)) S XMY(.5)="" Q ; DIV ; Loops through the Entered Divisions and displays the ones appropriate S I=3 S ACKK1="" F S ACKK1=$O(ACKDIV(ACKK1)) Q:ACKK1="" D . S DIVIEN=$P(ACKDIV(ACKK1),U,1) . I '$D(^ACK(509850.7,ACKDA,5,DIVIEN)) Q . I '$P(^ACK(509850.7,ACKDA,5,DIVIEN,0),U,2),'$P(^ACK(509850.7,ACKDA,5,DIVIEN,0),U,3),'$P(^ACK(509850.7,ACKDA,5,DIVIEN,0),U,4) Q . I $E(ACKST)=2,$P(^ACK(509850.7,ACKDA,5,DIVIEN,0),U,4) D Q . . D DIVLN S I=I+1 . I $E(ACKST)=1,'$P(^ACK(509850.7,ACKDA,5,DIVIEN,0),U,4) D Q . . D DIVLN S I=I+1 Q ; DIV1 ; Loops through all divisions and displays them S ACKK1="",I=3 F S ACKK1=$O(ACKDIV(ACKK1)) Q:ACKK1="" D DIVLN S I=I+1 Q ; DIVLN I I=3 S TXT(3,0)=" For the following "_$S($O(ACKDIV(ACKK1))'="":"Divisions",1:"Division")_" : "_$P(ACKDIV(ACKK1),U,3) Q S TXT(I,0)=" "_$P(ACKDIV(ACKK1),U,3) Q ;