RA41PRE ;HOIFO/SWM-Pre install ;3/1/04 11:28 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**41**;Mar 16, 1998 ; This is the pre-install routine for patch RA*5.0*41 ; ; This routine may be deleted after RA*5.0*41 is installed. ; ; Three field descriptions (not data) will be deleted: ; Subfile 70.03 field 26 CREDIT METHOD ; File 79.1 field 21 CREDIT METHOD ; File 75.1 field 14 REQUESTING PHYSICIAN ; Their descriptions will be put back in by the ; installation with new information. ; I '$D(XPDNM)#2 D EN^DDIOL("This entry point must be called from the KIDS installation -- Nothing Done.",,"!!,$C(7)") Q K %,%Z,DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y N RATXT S DIK="^DD(70.03,",DA(1)=70.03,DA=26 D ^DIK S RATXT(1)=" Temporarily removed description for subfile 70.03, field 26 CREDIT METHOD." S RATXT(2)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K %,%Z,DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y S DIK="^DD(79.1,",DA(1)=79.1,DA=21 D ^DIK S RATXT(1)=" Temporarily removed description for file 79.1, field 21 CREDIT METHOD." D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K %,%Z,DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y S DIK="^DD(75.1,",DA(1)=75.1,DA=14 D ^DIK S RATXT(1)=" Temporarily removed description for file 75.1, field 14 REQUESTING PHYSICIAN." D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K %,%Z,DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y Q