RAMAINU1 ;HISC/GJC-Radiology Utility File Maintenance (utility) ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**45**;Mar 16, 1998 ;Note: new routine with the release of RA*5*45 ; FILEAU(RAD0,RATRKCMB) ;File the 'when, where, and who' data when the contrast ;media definitions for our Rad/Nuc Med Procedure change via an edit. ;input: RADA=IEN of the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure record ; RATRKCMB=the before contrast media definition S RAD1=$O(^RAMIS(71,RAD0,"AUD",$C(32)),-1)+1 ;It is important to know when the user purges cm associations ;related to a procedure. In this case, we want to audit file to ;track subsequent cm purge events ignoring the case when the user ;initially associates cm with a procedure. I RAD1=1,RATRKCMB="" K RAD1 Q S RASFM(71.06,"+"_RAD1_","_RAD0_",",.01)=+$E($$NOW^XLFDT(),1,12) S RASFM(71.06,"+"_RAD1_","_RAD0_",",2)=RATRKCMB S RASFM(71.06,"+"_RAD1_","_RAD0_",",3)=$G(DUZ) D UPDATE^DIE("","RASFM","RAD1") K RAD1,RASFM Q ; AUD70(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RATRKCMB) ;File the 'when, where, and who' data ;when the contrast media definitions for our Rad/Nuc Med exam change ;via an edit. ;input: RADFN=DFN of the Rad/Nuc Med patient (file 2) ; RADTI=exam date/time (inverse) ; RACNI=ien of exam record (examinations sub-file 70.03) ; RATRKCMB=the before contrast media definition S RAD3=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"AUD",$C(32)),-1)+1 ;It is important to know when the user purges cm associations related ;to an exam. In this case, we want to audit file to track subsequent ;cm purge events ignoring the case when the user initially associates ;cm with an exam. I RAD3=1,RATRKCMB="" K RAD3 Q S RAIENS="+"_RAD3_","_RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_"," S RASFM(70.16,RAIENS,.01)=+$E($$NOW^XLFDT(),1,12) S RASFM(70.16,RAIENS,2)=RATRKCMB S RASFM(70.16,RAIENS,3)=$G(DUZ) D UPDATE^DIE("","RASFM","RAD3") K RAD3,RAIENS,RASFM Q ; UPPCM(DA,X) ;Check that if contrast media data is associated with this ;procedure that the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' (#20) field is set ;to 'Yes'. If contrast media data is not associated with this ;procedure check that the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' field is set ;to 'No'. Called immediately after exiting the 'RA PROCEDURE EDIT' ;input template in RAMAIN2. ; ;input: DA=IEN of the record in file 71 ; X=the internal value; 'N' - No, 'Y' - Yes, or '@' - delete ; K RASFM S RASFM(71,DA_",",20)=X D UPDATE^DIE("","RASFM") K RASFM Q ; CMINTEG(DA,X) ;ensure data consistency between the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' & ;'CONTRAST MEDIA' fields for file 71. ; ;input: DA=ien of the record in file 71 ; X=zero node of RAD/NUC MED PROCEDURE record S RACM471=$O(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",0)) I RACM471,$P(X,U,20)'="Y" D ;cm assoc, contrast media used 'no' .W !!?3,"'"_$E($P(X,U),1,45)_"' has contrast media associations:" .S RAI=0 F S RAI=$O(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",RAI)) Q:'RAI D ;display CM ..S RAI(0)=$G(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",RAI,0)) ..W !?5,$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(71.0125,.01,"",$P(RAI(0),U)) ..Q .W !?3,"Updating the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' field to 'Yes'." .D UPPCM(DA,"Y") K RAI .Q I 'RACM471,$P(X,U,20)="Y" D ;no cm assoc, contrast media used 'yes' .W !!?3,"'"_$E($P(X,U),1,45)_"' doesn't have contrast media associations;" .W !?3,"updating the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' field to 'No'." .D UPPCM(DA,"N") .Q K RACM471 Q ; XCMINTEG(DA) ;ensure data consistency between the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' & ;'CONTRAST MEDIA' fields for file 70. ; ;input: DA=ien of the record in file 70 array; DA, DA(1), & DA(2) ; S RAXCM0=$G(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,0)) S RAXCMP=$P(RAXCM0,U,2),RAXCMP=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(70.03,2,"",RAXCMP) S RACM470=$O(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,"CM",0)) I RACM470,$P(RAXCM0,U,10)'="Y" D ;cm assoc, contrast media used 'no' .W !!?3,"'"_$E(RAXCMP,1,45)_"' has contrast media associations:" .S RAI=0 .F S RAI=$O(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,"CM",RAI)) Q:'RAI D ;display CM ..S RAI(0)=$G(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,"CM",RAI,0)) ..W !?5,$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(70.3225,.01,"",$P(RAI(0),U)) ..Q .W !?3,"Updating the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' field to 'Yes'." .D UPXCM^RAMAINU(.DA,"Y") K RAI .Q I 'RACM470,$P(RAXCM0,U,10)="Y" D ;no cm assoc, contrast media used 'yes' .W !!?3,"'"_$E(RAXCMP,1,45)_"' doesn't have contrast media associations;" .W !?3,"updating the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED' field to 'No'." .D UPXCM^RAMAINU(.DA,"N") .Q K RACM470,RAXCM0,RAXCMP Q ;