RARIC1 ;HISC/GJC-Check to see if Imaging package exists ;3/4/96 15:43 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**23**;Mar 16, 1998 ; ; API's STUFPHY and DELIMGPT are supported by DBIA#3317 ; IMAGE() ; check to see if Imaging package exists ; called from RACNLU, RAPTLU and RART1 ; 1 = exists ; 0 = doesn't exist S X="MAGBAPI" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T Q 0 S X="MAGGTIA" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T Q 0 Q $S($O(^MAG(2005,0)):1,1:0) ; ; STUFPHY(RAVERF,RASR,RARTN) ; stuff physician duz ;RASR should be rtn MAGJUPD1's RIST, =15 if staff, =12 if resident ;RAVERF=duz of physician (primary staff or primary resident) S RARTN="STUFPHY called" I '$D(DA(2))!'$D(DA(1))!'($D(DA)#2) S RARTN="Missing DA references" Q I 'RASR S RARTN="Missing RASR value" Q N RAERR,RAFLD,RAMDIV,RAMDV,RAMLC,RAESIG,RACOD ; ; check loc access S RACOD=$S(RASR=15:"S",RASR=12:"R",1:"") I RACOD="" S RARTN="Can't determine staff/resident code" Q I '$$SCRN^RAUTL8(.DA,RACOD,RAVERF,"PRI") S RARTN="Failed loc access" Q ; ; check verifier access I $D(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),0)) S RAMDIV=^(0),RAMLC=+$P(RAMDIV,"^",4),RAMDIV=+$P(RAMDIV,"^",3),RAMDV=$S($D(^RA(79,RAMDIV,.1)):^(.1),1:""),RAMDV=$S(RAMDV="":RAMDV,1:$TR(RAMDV,"YyNn",1100)) I '$D(RAMDV) S RARTN="Can't determine RAMDV" Q D VERCHK^RAHLO3 ;returns RAERR text string I $G(RAERR)]"" S RARTN="Failed verifier: "_RAERR Q ; ; stuff data S DIE="^RADPT("_DA(2)_",""DT"","_DA(1)_",""P""," S DR=RASR_"////"_RAVERF D ^DIE K DI,DIC,DE,DQ,DIE,DR S RARTN=1 ; ;delete 2nd staff/resident if it matches the primary staff/resident S RAFLD=$S(RASR=15:60,RASR=12:70,1:"") I 'RAFLD K DA Q ;can't determine secondary field to check/delete D EN^RAUTL8(RAVERF,RAFLD,.DA) K DA Q DELIMGPT(RAIE74,RAIE2005) ;delete imaging pointer ;input RAIE74 is File 74's ien ;input RAIE2005 is File 2005's ien ; quit if either input value is 0 or null or non-numeric Q:'RAIE74 Q:'RAIE2005 ; quit if report doesn't have this RAIE2005 value N DA,DIK S DA=$O(^RARPT(RAIE74,2005,"B",RAIE2005,0)) Q:'DA ; delete this 2005 pointer record S DA(1)=RAIE74,DIK="^RARPT(DA(1),2005," D ^DIK Q EHVC ; Executable Help for File 72's VISTARAD CATEGORY field N RATXT,I F I=1:1:12 S RATXT(I)=$P($T(EHVCTXT+I),";;",2) D EN^DDIOL(.RATXT) Q EHVCTXT ; ;;This field is only needed for sites that will be using VistaRad for soft-copy ;;reading of images. This information is used by VistaRad software to prepare ;;the various types of exam lists that are displayed on the VistaRad workstation, ;;and to properly manage exam locking for the radiologists. ;; ;;If this Examination Status is to be used for exams that will be ;;read with VistaRad, then enter a value that corresponds to it ;;from the following list. Note that not all status codes should ;;be assigned a VistaRad Category value, but only those that apply. ;; ;;All other Exam Status codes that may be defined in the Radiology ;;Exam Status file should NOT be entered into this field. Q