RAUTL17 ;HISC/DAD-RAD/NUC MED COMMON PROCEDURE FILE (#71.3) UTILITIES ;6/14/96 11:34 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 EN1 ; *** Get an imaging type ; Input: None ; Output: The variable 'Y' will be one of the following ; -1 = No imaging type selected (up-arrow, time-out, etc.) ; 0 = No active imaging types found ; IEN = IMAGING TYPE file (#79.2) IEN N DIC,RAI,RAIMGTYI,X ; *** Get active imaging types (must have at least one imaging ; location and at least one procedure to be active) S (RAI,RAIMGTYI)=0 F S RAIMGTYI=$O(^RA(79.2,RAIMGTYI)) Q:RAIMGTYI'>0 D . I $O(^RAMIS(71,"AIMG",RAIMGTYI,0)),$O(^RA(79.1,"BIMG",RAIMGTYI,0)) D .. S RAIMGTYI(RAIMGTYI)=1 .. Q . Q S RAIMGTYI=+$O(RAIMGTYI(0)) ; *** No active imaging types I RAIMGTYI'>0 D S Y=0 G EN1EXIT . W !!?5,"No 'active' imaging types were found. For an imaging" . W !?5,"type to be active it must be assigned to at least one" . W !?5,"imaging location and at least one procedure." . Q ; *** Only one active imaging type I $O(RAIMGTYI(RAIMGTYI))'>0 S Y=RAIMGTYI G EN1EXIT ; *** display the imaging types available for selection W !,"Select one of the following imaging types:" F S RAI=$O(RAIMGTYI(RAI)) Q:RAI'>0 W !?3,$$GET1^DIQ(79.2,RAI_",",.01) ; *** Prompt for active imaging type K DIC S DIC="^RA(79.2,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select IMAGING TYPE: " S DIC("S")="I $G(RAIMGTYI(+Y))" W ! D ^DIC S Y=+Y EN1EXIT Q ; EN2(RAIMGTYI,RAPROCD0) ; *** Common procedure file error check ; Input: IMAGING TYPE file (#79.2) IEN (RAIMGTYI) ; PROCEDURE file (#71) IEN (RAPROCD0) (Optional) ; Output: Number_of_Common_Proccedures ^ $S(Duplicate_Sequence#:1,1:0) ; N RA,RACNT,RAD0,RADUP,RASEQ S (RASEQ,RACNT,RADUP)=0 F S RASEQ=$O(^RAMIS(71.3,"AA",RAIMGTYI,RASEQ)) Q:RASEQ'>0 D . S RAD0=0 . F S RAD0=$O(^RAMIS(71.3,"AA",RAIMGTYI,RASEQ,RAD0)) Q:RAD0'>0 D .. S RACNT=RACNT+1 I $G(RASEQ(RASEQ)) S RADUP=1 .. S RASEQ(RASEQ)=$S($G(RASEQ(RASEQ)):RASEQ(RASEQ)_U,1:"")_RAD0 .. Q . Q I $G(RAPROCD0),RADUP'>0 D . S RAD0=0 K RASEQ . F S RAD0=$O(^RAMIS(71.3,"B",RAPROCD0,RAD0)) Q:RAD0'>0 D .. S RA=$G(^RAMIS(71.3,RAD0,0)),RASEQ=$P(RA,U,4) .. I RASEQ S RASEQ(RASEQ)="" .. Q . S RASEQ=0 . F S RASEQ=$O(RASEQ(RASEQ)) Q:RASEQ'>0!RADUP D .. I $O(^RAMIS(71.3,"AA",RAIMGTYI,RASEQ,0)) S RADUP=1 .. Q . Q Q RACNT_U_RADUP ; EN3(D0) ; *** imaging type of a procedure ; Input: RAD/NUC MED PROCEDURE file (#71) IEN ; Output: IMAGING TYPE file (#79.2) IEN Q +$P($G(^RAMIS(71,+D0,0)),U,12) ; EN5(RAD0,RAIMGTYI,RASEQ,SK) ; *** Update ^RAMIS(71.3,"AA", xref ; Input: RAD0 = RAD/NUC MED COMMON PROCEDURE file (#71.3) IEN ; RAPRC = PROCEDURE file (#71) IEN ; RASEQ = Sequence number ; SK = Set/Kill flag: $S(SK="S":Set_xref,SK="K":Kill_xref) I (RASEQ'>0)!(RAIMGTYI'>0) Q I SK="S" S ^RAMIS(71.3,"AA",RAIMGTYI,RASEQ,RAD0)="" I SK="K" K ^RAMIS(71.3,"AA",RAIMGTYI,RASEQ,RAD0) Q ; EN6(RAIMGTYI,RAPROCD0) ; *** Common procedure file error messages ;Invoked when .01 field of file 71.3 is edited, allowing the user ;to change the procedure that the .01 field points to ; Input: IMAGING TYPE file (#79.2) IEN (RAIMGTYI) ; PROCEDURE file (#71) IEN (RAPROCD0) N RA,RACNT,RADUP S RA=$$EN2(RAIMGTYI,RAPROCD0),RACNT=$P(RA,U),RADUP=$P(RA,U,2) I RACNT>40!RADUP D K X . N RATXT . S RATXT(1)="" . S RATXT(2)="Changing/ADDING this procedure would cause the following" . S RATXT(3)="problem(s) in the Rad/Nuc Med Common Procedure file:" . S RATXT(4)="" . I RACNT>40 S RATXT(10)=" More than 40 common procedures with the same imaging type." . I RADUP S RATXT(20)=" Two or more procedures with the same sequence number." . S RATXT(30)="" . S RATXT(31)="In order to change this procedure you must first" . S RATXT(32)="inactivate it in the Rad/Nuc Med Common Procedure file." . S RATXT(33)="" . D EN^DDIOL(.RATXT) . Q Q DESC(RAD0,RAY) ; Detemine if a procedure qualifies as a descendent for this ; parent procedure. Descendent must be either a detailed or series ; type procedure, must be of same imaging type of the parent, and must ; not be inactive. Called from ^DD(71.05,.01,0) ; 'RAD0' ien of parent procedure in file 71 ; 'RAY' ien of pointed to procedure in file 71 ; Returns: 'RA' i.e, 0:invalid procedure, 1:valid procedure ; RAPARNT: zero node of parent procedure ; RAPARNT(12): i-type of parent procedure ; RADESC : zero node of descendent procedure ; RADESC("I"): inactivation date (if any) of descendent ; RADESC(6) : procedure type of descendent ; RADESC(12) : i-type of descendent procedure Q:RAD0'>0!(RAY'>0) 0 Q:'$D(^RAMIS(71,RAD0,0))!('$D(^RAMIS(71,RAY,0))) 0 N RA,RAI,RADESC,RAPARNT S RA=0 S RAPARNT=$G(^RAMIS(71,RAD0,0)),RAPARNT(12)=+$P(RAPARNT,U,12) S RADESC=$G(^RAMIS(71,RAY,0)),RADESC(6)=$P(RADESC,U,6) S RADESC(12)=$P(RADESC,U,12) S RADESC("I")=+$G(^RAMIS(71,RAY,"I")) S RAI=$S(RADESC("I")=0:1,RADESC("I")>DT:1,1:0) I RADESC(12)=RAPARNT(12),("^D^S^"[(U_RADESC(6)_U)),(RAI) S RA=1 Q RA