RAWFR4 ;HISC/GJC-'Wasted Film Report' (4 of 4) ;10/7/94 14:28 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 DISPLAY(A) ; Outputs the I-Types associated with a division ; The division name is passed in as a parameter. N B,RATAB S B="",RATAB=3 W !!,"Division: ",A,!?RATAB,"Imaging Type(s): " F S B=$O(RACCESS(DUZ,"DIV-IMG",A,B)) Q:B']"" D Q:RAXIT . I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT D HDR^RAWFR3 . W:$X>(IOM-30) !?($X+RATAB+$L("Imaging Type(s): ")) . W B,?($X+RATAB) . Q Q DISPXAM(A) ; Display Examination Statuses which meet certain criteria. ; 'A' is the equivalent of the variable 'RAWFR'. This code is related ; to the 'CRIT^RAUTL1' subroutine. This sets up the RAWFR local array ; according to I-Type. N RA,RAHD,UNDRLN,X,Y,Z S RAHD(0)="The entries printed for this report will be based only" S RAHD(1)="on exams that are in one of the following statuses:" W !!?(IOM-$L(RAHD(0))\2),RAHD(0),!?(IOM-$L(RAHD(1))\2),RAHD(1) S X="" F S X=$O(^TMP($J,"RA I-TYPE",X)) Q:X']"" D Q:RAXIT . I $D(^RA(72,"AA",X)) K UNDRLN S Y="" D .. I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT W @IOF .. S $P(UNDRLN,"-",($L(X)+1))="" W !!?10,X,!?10,UNDRLN .. F S Y=$O(^RA(72,"AA",X,Y)) Q:Y']"" D Q:RAXIT ... S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^RA(72,"AA",X,Y,Z)) Q:'Z D Q:RAXIT .... S RA(0)=$G(^RA(72,Z,0)),RA(.3)=$G(^RA(72,Z,.3)) .... S RA(.3,A)=$P(RA(.3),"^",A) .... I RA(0)]"",(RA(.3)]""),(RA(.3,A)]""),("Yy"[RA(.3,A)) D ..... S RAWFR(Z)=X ; Where 'X' is the I-Type ..... I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT D ...... W @IOF,!?10,X,!?10,UNDRLN ...... Q ..... W !?15,$P(RA(0),"^") ..... Q .... Q ... Q .. Q . Q Q ZEROUT ; Zero out global array totals for division/i-type N X,Y,Z S RATOT=0,X="",Z=$S(RASYN=1:"S",1:"NS") F S X=$O(RACCESS(DUZ,"DIV-IMG",X)) Q:X']"" D . Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"RA D-TYPE",X)) . S RATOT=RATOT+1,^TMP($J,"RA WFR",Z,X)=0,Y="" . F S Y=$O(RACCESS(DUZ,"DIV-IMG",X,Y)) Q:Y']"" D .. Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"RA I-TYPE",Y)) .. S ^TMP($J,"RA WFR",Z,X,"I",Y)=0 .. S ^TMP($J,"RA WFR",Z,X,"I",Y,"F"," ")=0 .. S ^TMP($J,"RA WFR",Z,X,"I",Y,"WF"," ")=0 .. Q . Q Q