RTT12 ;ISC-ALBANY/PKE-repoint request to new record ; 12/30/02 12:28pm ;;2.0;Record Tracking;**31**;10/22/91 D EN K X,P,Z,RDT,RTV0,RTWND Q ; EN I '$D(RT)!('$D(RTPAR))!('RT)!('RTPAR) Q S RTRD(1)="Yes^transfer Requests to Record/Volume "_RTVOL S RTRD(2)="No^not change the Record/Volume(s) Requested." S:'$D(RTRD("A")) RTRD("A")="Pending Requests can be transferred to last Record/Volume just created. "_$C(13,10)_" Transfer Requests to volume '"_RTVOL_"' ? " S RTRD(0)="S",RTRD("B")=2 D SET^RTRD K RTRD S X=$E(X) S:X["^" RTESC="" I X'="Y" Q ;get pend cut Q:'$D(RTTY) D PND^RTRPT Q:'$D(RTWND(+RTTY)) ;get requests GET ; N RTCNT F RTV0=0:0 S RTV0=$O(^RT("P",RTPAR,RTV0)) Q:'RTV0 I RTV0'=RT D FIND S RTV0=RTPAR Q:RTV0=RT ;z=da FIND F Z=0:0 S Z=$O(^RTV(190.1,"B",RTV0,Z)) Q:'Z D REC L -^RTV(190.1,Z) QUIT ; REC I $D(^RTV(190.1,Z,0)),$D(^RT(+^RTV(190.1,Z,0))) L +^RTV(190.1,Z):1 I '$T G REC N RTMVMNT0 I '$D(^RTV(190.1,Z,0))!('$D(^RT(+^RTV(190.1,Z,0)))) L -^RTV(190.1,Z) Q ;only requests,pending S RTMVMNT0=^RTV(190.1,Z,0) ;zero node of the entry in 190.1 S RDT=+$P(RTMVMNT0,U,4) Q:'RDT I $P(RDT,".")