DG53446P ;ALB/MM - Add HOSPICE TREATING SPECIALTY ; 5/21/02 2:28pm ;;5.3;Registration;**446**;May 20, 2002 ;base program: DG53176P ; EN ;Add Observation Treating Specialties to the SPECIALITY file (#42.4) N DGI,DGERR,DGSPEC,DGIFN,DGQUES S DGIFN=0 F DGI=1:1 S DGSPEC=$P($T(TRSP+DGI),";;",2) Q:DGSPEC="QUIT" D .D TSPEC .S DGQUES=$P(DGSPEC,U,9) .D FAC .Q Q TSPEC ;Add treating specialty to SPECIALTY File (#42.4) D BMES^XPDUTL(">>>"_$P(DGSPEC,U,2)_">>>") N DA,DGFILE,DGMULT,DIC,DIE,DGDA1,DINUM,DLAYGO,DR,X,Y S DGERR=0 S DIC="^DIC(42.4," S DIC(0)="LX" S DINUM=$P(DGSPEC,U) S X=$P(DGSPEC,U,2) S DLAYGO=42.4 D ^DIC S (DGIFN,DGDA1)=Y I +DGIFN=-1 D Q .D MES^XPDUTL(" Entry not added to SPECIALTY File (#42.4). No further updating will occur.") .D MES^XPDUTL(" Please contact Customer Service for assistance.") .Q I $P(DGIFN,U,3)'=1&(+DGIFN'=$P(DGSPEC,U)) D Q .D MES^XPDUTL(" Entry exists in SPECIALTY File (#42.4), but with a different PTF Code #.") .D MES^XPDUTL(" No further updating will occur. Please review entry.") .S DGERR=1 .Q D MES^XPDUTL(" Entry "_$S($P(DGIFN,U,3)=1:"added to",1:"exists in")_" SPECIALTY File (#42.4).") D MES^XPDUTL(" Updating SPECIALTY File fields.") S DIE=DIC S DR="1///"_$P(DGSPEC,U,3)_";3///"_$P(DGSPEC,U,4)_";4///"_$P(DGSPEC,U,5)_";5///"_$P(DGSPEC,U,6)_";6///"_$P(DGSPEC,U,7) S DA=+DGIFN D ^DIE S DGFILE=42.4 S DGMULT=10 S DIC="^DIC(42.4,"_+DGIFN_",""E""," D MULT Q FAC ;Add treating specialty to Facility Treating Specialty file (#45.7) I $G(XPDQUES(DGQUES))'=1 D Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(" Answered NO to install question. Specialty will not be added to FACILITY") .D MES^XPDUTL(" TREATING SPECIALTY File (#45.7).") .Q I +DGIFN<0 D Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(" Treating specialty not found in SPECIALTY File (#42.4). Cannot") .D MES^XPDUTL(" be added to FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY File (#45.7).") .Q I DGERR=1 D Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(" Answered YES to install question. SPECIALITY File (#42.4) does not") .D MES^XPDUTL(" contain the expected PTF Code #. Cannot update FACILITY TREATING") .D MES^XPDUTL(" SPECIALTY File (#45.7).") .Q N DA,DGFILE,DGMULT,DIC,DIE,DLAYGO,DR,X,Y S DIC="^DIC(45.7," S DIC(0)="LXZ" S DLAYGO=45.7 S X=$P(DGSPEC,U,2) D ^DIC S DGDA1=Y I +DGDA1=-1 D BMES^XPDUTL(" Entry not added to FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY File(#45.7).") Q I $P(DGDA1,U,3)'=1&($P(Y(0),U,2)'=$P(DGSPEC,U)) D Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(" Entry exists in FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY File (#45.7), but with") .D MES^XPDUTL(" a different PTF Code #. No further updating will occur.") .D MES^XPDUTL(" Please review entry.") .Q D BMES^XPDUTL(" Entry "_$S($P(DGDA1,U,3)=1:"added to",1:"exists in")_" FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY File (#45.7).") D MES^XPDUTL(" Updating SPECIALTY field...") S DIE=DIC S DA=+DGDA1 S DR="1////"_$P(DGSPEC,U) D ^DIE S DGFILE=45.7 S DGMULT=100 S DIC="^DIC(45.7,"_+DGDA1_",""E""," D MULT Q MULT ;Add Effective Date N DA,DIE,DR S DA(1)=+DGDA1 S DIC(0)="LX" S DIC("P")=$P(^DD(DGFILE,DGMULT,0),"^",2) S X=3020701 D ^DIC S DA=+Y I +Y=-1 D MES^XPDUTL(" Effective date not added.") Q D MES^XPDUTL(" Effective date added.") S DIE=DIC S DR=".02///Y" D ^DIE Q TRSP ;PTF code^Speciality^Print Name^Service^Ask Psych^Billing Bedsection^CDR^^Ques# ;;96^HOSPICE^HOSPICE^NH^N^NURSING HOME CARE^1425^^POS1 ;;QUIT Q