DG53558 ;ALB/GN - DG*5.3*558 CLEANUP FOR DUPE MEANS TEST FILE ; 7/16/04 11:17am ;;5.3;Registration;**558,579**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; Read through the Mean Test file (#408.31) via the "C" xref. ; Search for duplicate & Bad tests and delete them. Duplicates are ; defined as more than one test for the same patient for the same day ; and the same status. All dupes but the primary test will be ; deleted and when no primary test on a given day then the last ; transmission for that day will be kept ; ; Bad tests are defined as those that have a NULL status code in ; the 0 node of file 408.31. ; ; DG*5.3*579 - changes were made to fix a problem when future dated ; tests come in and flip a test from Primary to Non-Primary. This ; should not be done for IVM converted cases. This patch will ; find those IVM tests and flip them back to Priamry and flip the ; future test that caused this back to Non-Primary. Q TEST ; Entry point for testing this routine S TESTING=1 EN ; Entry point for purging Duplicate Means Tests ; N QUIT,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSK,ZTQUEUED,ZTSAVE,CHKPNT S CHKPNT=5 W !,"Do you want to process a group of "_CHKPNT_" duplicates and stop? " K DIR S DIR("?",1)=" Enter Y to process at least "_CHKPNT_" dupes and stop the utility. This will " S DIR("?",2)=" allow you to verify the cleanup in small steps. Enter N to process the " S DIR("?")=" remainder of the file to completion." S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) W !,"Cancelled...",! Q ; S:'Y CHKPNT=0 ;do not use check points ; ; setup TM variables and Load S ZTRTN=$S($G(TESTING):"QUET^DG53558",1:"QUE^DG53558") S ZTDESC="Cleanup Duplicates in the Means Test file" S ZTIO="" S ZTSAVE("CHKPNT")="" ; W !!,ZTDESC,! ;check if already running or completed. S QUIT=$$CHKSTAT(0) Q:QUIT D ^%ZTLOAD L -^XTMP($$NAMSPC) I $D(ZTSK) D . W !,"This request queued as Task # ",ZTSK,! Q ; POST ; N ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSK,ZTQUEUED,ZTSAVE,CHKPNT D MES^XPDUTL("") D MES^XPDUTL("=====================================================") D MES^XPDUTL("Queuing Dupe Income Test Purge Utility.....") I $$CHKSTAT(1) D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL("ABORTING Post Install Utility Queuing") . D MES^XPDUTL("=====================================================") S ZTRTN="QUE^DG53558" S ZTDESC="Cleanup Duplicates in the Means Test file" S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H S CHKPNT=0,ZTSAVE("CHKPNT")="" D ^%ZTLOAD L -^XTMP($$NAMSPC) D MES^XPDUTL("This request queued as Task # "_ZTSK) D MES^XPDUTL("=====================================================") D MES^XPDUTL("") Q ; QUET ; Entry point for taskman (testing mode) S TESTING=1 QUE ; Entry point for taskman (live mode) N NAMSPC S NAMSPC=$$NAMSPC^DG53558 L +^XTMP(NAMSPC):10 I '$T D Q ;quit if can't get a lock . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,5)="NO LOCK GAINED" N QQ,ZTSTOP,XREC,MTIEN,DIK,DA,IVMTOT,IVMPUR,BEGTIME,PURGDT,IVMBAD N DFN,TMP,ICDT,MTST,IVMDUPE,COUNT,PRI,TYPE,TYPNAM,DELETED,IVMIEN,PRIM N SRCE,TMPIVM,XX,IVMCV,MAX,IVMIEND,IVMPFL,LINK,LTYP,LTNAM S TESTING=+$G(TESTING) ; ;get last run info if exists S XREC=$G(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0)) S DFN=$P(XREC,U,1) ;last REC processed S IVMTOT=+$P(XREC,U,2) ;total records processed S IVMPUR=+$P(XREC,U,3) ;total dupe records purged S IVMBAD=+$P(XREC,U,7) ;total bad records purged S IVMPFL=+$P(XREC,U,8) ;total PRIM records fliped S IVMDUPE=IVMPUR ; ;setup XTMP according to stds. & for 60 day expiration D SETUPX^DG53558M(60) ; ;init status field and start date & time if null S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,5,6)="RUNNING^" S:$P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,4)="" $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,4)=$$NOW^XLFDT ; ;drive through "C" XREF level of MT file S ZTSTOP=0,DELETED=0 F QQ=1:1 S DFN=$O(^DGMT(408.31,"C",DFN)) Q:'DFN D Q:ZTSTOP . I $G(CHKPNT)>1,IVMPUR>IVMDUPE,IVMPUR-CHKPNT>IVMDUPE S ZTSTOP=1 Q . K TMP,TMPIVM . S IVMTOT=IVMTOT+1 . ; . ;build local TMP and prioritize dupes . S MTIEN=0 . F S MTIEN=$O(^DGMT(408.31,"C",DFN,MTIEN)) Q:'MTIEN D . . I '$D(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)) K ^DGMT(408.31,"C",DFN,MTIEN) Q . . S ICDT=$P(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0),"^",1) . . S MTST=$P(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0),"^",3) . . S PRI=+$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,"PRIM")) . . S SRCE=+$P(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0),"^",23) . . S MAX=0 . . S:$D(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,"C")) MAX=$O(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,"C",""),-1) . . S IVMCV=0 ;init IVM converted flag to no DG*5.3*579 . . F XX=1:1:MAX D Q:IVMCV . . . S:^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,"C",XX,0)["Z06 MT via Edb" IVMCV=1 . . I SRCE=2,IVMCV D ;IVM converted test from EDB . . . S TMPIVM(DFN,ICDT,MTST)=MTIEN,TMPIVM(DFN,ICDT)=MTIEN . . . S PRI=1 ;set as PRIMARY . . ; . . ;test for null MT status & flag as BAD and delete . . I MTST="" D Q . . . S TYPE=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)),"^",19),TYPNAM="" . . . S:TYPE]"" TYPNAM=$G(^DG(408.33,TYPE,0)) . . . D DELBAD(MTIEN,DFN,.IVMBAD,.DELETED) . . . Q:'DELETED . . . S ^XTMP(NAMSPC,DFN,ICDT,999999,MTIEN,"BAD")=TYPE . . . S ^XTMP(NAMSPC_".DET",DFN,ICDT,MTIEN,"BAD")=TYPNAM . . . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,7)=IVMBAD . . ; . . S COUNT=+$G(TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST))+1 . . S TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST)=COUNT . . S TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,MTIEN)=PRI . . S:PRI TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,"P")=MTIEN . ; . ;drive thru TMP and delete all dupes, but last one per day per sts . S ICDT="" . F S ICDT=$O(TMP(DFN,ICDT)) Q:ICDT="" D . . S MTST="" . . ; . . ;if this is the IVM test that is set to not prim, then flip it . . S IVMIEND=$G(TMPIVM(DFN,ICDT)) ;DG*5.3*579 . . I IVMIEND D . . . D SETPRIM(IVMIEND,1,.IVMPFL) . . . S LINK=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMIEND,2)),"^",6) . . . D:LINK SETPRIM(LINK,1,.IVMPFL) ;set any linked test to PRIM . . ; . . F S MTST=$O(TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST)) Q:MTST="" D . . . ;keep at least one test per day per status, even if not PRIM . . . D:'$D(TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,"P")) SETPRI(.TMP) . . . ; drive thru ien's and del dupes . . . S MTIEN=0 . . . F S MTIEN=$O(TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,MTIEN)) Q:'MTIEN D . . . . S PRIM=$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,"PRIM")) . . . . S LINK=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,2)),"^",6) . . . . ; . . . . ;if this ien is primary & it is not the IVM test or Linked to . . . . ;the IVM test, then it should be flipped back to Not Primary . . . . I IVMIEND,PRIM,MTIEN'=IVMIEND,LINK'=IVMIEND D ;DG*5.3*579 . . . . . D SETPRIM(MTIEN,0,.IVMPFL) . . . . . S TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,MTIEN)=0 . . . . ; . . . . I TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,"P")'=MTIEN D . . . . . S TYPE=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)),"^",19),TYPNAM="" . . . . . S:TYPE]"" TYPNAM=$G(^DG(408.33,TYPE,0)) . . . . . D DELMT^DG53558M(MTIEN,DFN,.IVMPUR,.DELETED,.LINK) . . . . . Q:'DELETED . . . . . S ^XTMP(NAMSPC_".DET",DFN,ICDT,MTIEN)=TYPNAM . . . . . I LINK,'$D(^DGMT(408.31,LINK,0)) S LINK=0 . . . . . Q:'LINK . . . . . S LTYP=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,LINK,0)),"^",19),LTNAM="" . . . . . S:LTYP LTNAM=$G(^DG(408.33,LTYP,0)) . . . . . S ^XTMP(NAMSPC_".DET",DFN,ICDT,LINK)=LTNAM . . . . M ^XTMP(NAMSPC,DFN,ICDT,MTST)=TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST) . ; . ;update last processed info . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,1,3)=DFN_U_IVMTOT_U_IVMPUR . S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,7,8)=IVMBAD_U_IVMPFL . ; . ;check for stop request after every 100 processed DFN recs . I QQ#100=0 D . . S:$$S^%ZTLOAD ZTSTOP=1 . . I $D(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,"STOP")) S ZTSTOP=1 K ^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,"STOP") ; ;set status and mail stats I ZTSTOP S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,5,6)="STOPPED"_U_$$NOW^XLFDT E S $P(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0),U,5,6)="COMPLETED"_U_$$NOW^XLFDT D MAIL^DG53558M K TESTING L -^XTMP($$NAMSPC) Q ; ;DG*5.3*579 SETPRIM(DA,PR,IVMP) ; set an Income Test (in #408.31) to either Prim or Not Q:'$D(DA)!'$D(PR) N DR,DIE,DGDATA,DGPRI S DGPRI=$G(^DGMT(408.31,DA,"PRIM")) Q:DGPRI=PR ;quit if already at that sts S IVMP=$G(IVMP)+1 S DGDATA="FLIPPED TO "_$S(PR=0:"NOT PRIMARY",1:"PRIMARY") S:$D(NAMSPC) ^XTMP(NAMSPC_".DET",DFN,ICDT,DA)=DGDATA S DR="2////"_PR,DIE="^DGMT(408.31," D:'$G(TESTING) ^DIE Q ; SETPRI(TMP) ;indicate like a primary (in TMP) to avoid it from being deleted N IEN S IEN=$O(TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,""),-1) S TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,IEN)=1 S TMP(DFN,ICDT,MTST,"P")=IEN Q ; DELBAD(IEN,DFN,PUR,DELETED) ; Kill Bad test S DELETED=0 Q:'$G(IEN) S TESTING=+$G(TESTING,1),DFN=$G(DFN) I 'TESTING S DELETED=$$DEL^DG53558M(IEN,.LINK,DFN) S:TESTING DELETED=1 Q:'DELETED S IVMBAD=IVMBAD+1 I '$D(ZTQUEUED) W !,"Deleting BAD IEN in 408.31 > ",IEN," for DFN > ",DFN Q ; CHKSTAT(POST) ;check if job is running, stopped, or completed N Y,DUOUT,DTOUT,QUIT,STAT,STIME,NAMSPC S QUIT=0 S NAMSPC=$$NAMSPC L +^XTMP(NAMSPC):1 I '$T D BMES^XPDUTL("*** ALREADY RUNNING ***") Q 1 ; ; get job status S STAT=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0)),U,5) S STIME=$P($G(^XTMP(NAMSPC,0,0)),U,6) ; I POST D KILIT Q 0 ;DG*5.3*579 ; ;if job Completed and run from menu opt, ask to Re-Run I STAT="COMPLETED" D . W " was Completed on "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(STIME) . W !," Do you want to Re-Run again?" . K DIR . S DIR("?",1)=" Entering Y, will delete the XTMP global where the previous cleanup" . S DIR("?")=" information was stored and begin a new job, or N to cancel request" . S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR . I 'Y S QUIT=1 Q . W !," ARE YOU SURE?" . K DIR . S DIR("?")="Enter Y to begin a new Job or N to cancel request" . S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR . I 'Y S QUIT=1 Q . ;fall thru to re-run mode, kill ^XTMPs . D KILIT Q QUIT ; KILIT ; kill Xtmp work files for a re-run S:'$D(NAMSPC) NAMSPC=$$NAMSPC^DG53558 K ^XTMP(NAMSPC),^XTMP(NAMSPC_".DET") Q ; STOP ; alternate stop method S ^XTMP($$NAMSPC,0,"STOP")="" Q ; NAMSPC() ; Return a consistent name space variable Q "DG53558"