1 | DGA4003 ;ALB/MRL - AMIS 420 MESSAGES FROM MAILMAN ;01 JAN 1988@2300
2 | ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993
3 | S XMSUB=DGH,XMDUZ=.5,XMY(DUZ)="" F I=1:1 S J=$P($T(OPEN+I),";;",2) Q:J="QUIT" S DGL=I,DGTEXT(I,0)=J
4 | D MORE Q
5 | PMES ;Pending Message
6 | S XMSUB=DGH,XMDUZ=.5,XMY(DUZ)="" F I=1:1 S J=$P($T(PEND+I),";;",2) Q:J="QUIT" S DGL=I,DGTEXT(I,0)=J
7 | MORE S XMTEXT="DGTEXT(",DGL=DGL+1,DGTEXT(DGL,0)="",DGL=DGL+1,DGTEXT(DGL,0)="Number of PENDING Dispositions found: "_+DGP,DGL=DGL+1,DGTEXT(DGL,0)="Number of OPEN Dispositions found : "_+DGO D ^XMD K XMSUB,XMY,DGTEXT,XMDUZ,I,J,DGL Q
8 | OPEN ;
9 | ;;I've accomplished a preliminary search of your database in preparation for
10 | ;;generation of the AMIS 401-420 series reports for the range shown above. In
11 | ;;this search there were "open" dispositions found which caused the actual gen-
12 | ;;eration of the report to cease. There were, possibly, some "pending" dispos-
13 | ;;itions found also. Although these do not stop the report from generating every
14 | ;;effort should be made to properly disposition these registrations also. A
15 | ;;listing of these open/pending dispositions should have printed for your use in
16 | ;;properly dispositioning them. If you can't locate this list there is an option
17 | ;;available to regenerate this listing without generating the report.
18 | ;;QUIT
19 | PEND ;
20 | ;;I didn't find any "open" dispositions in preparation for generation of the AMIS
21 | ;;401-420 series reports but I did find some "pending" dispositions. Although
22 | ;;these do not stop the report from clearing you should make every effort to
23 | ;;properly disposition these registrations and then regenerate the report. A
24 | ;;listing of these "pending" dispositions should have printed for your use in
25 | ;;properly dispositioning them. If you can't locate this listing there is an
26 | ;;option available to regenerate it without regenerating the report itself.
27 | ;;QUIT
28 | DEL ;Delete Existing 401-420 Data from ^DG(391.1
29 | F DGSEG=401:1:420 F DGDIV=0:0 S DGDIV=$O(^DG(391.1,DGSEG,"D",DGDIV)) Q:'DGDIV K ^DG(391.1,DGSEG,"D",DGDIV,"MY",DGA,"A1")