DGENELA3 ;ALB/CJM - Patient Eligibility API ; 13 JUN 1997 ;;5.3;Registration;**147**;08/13/93 ; FILE(SUB) ; ;Description: Given a subscript from the ELIGIBILITY object array, ;returns the corresponding file number. ; ;Input: ; SUB - subscript from the ELIGIBILITY object array ; ;Output: ; FUNCTION RETURN VALUE - the file the array subscript is mapped to, or NULL if mapping not found ; Q:SUB="MTSTA" "" ;don't map Means Test Category Q:SUB="RD" 2.04 Q:SUB="PER" 2.04 Q:SUB="RDSC" 2.04 ; Q 2 EXT(SUB,VAL) ; ;Description: Given the subscript used in the ELIGIBILITY object array, ; and a field value, returns the external representation of the ; value. ;Input: ; SUB - subscript in the array defined by the ELIGIBILTY object array ; VAL - field value ; ;Output: ; Function Value - returns the external value of the attribute ; Q:(($G(SUB)="")!($G(VAL)="")) "" ; N FLD,FILE S FILE=$$FILE(SUB) S FLD=$$FIELD^DGENELA1(SUB) ; Q:(FLD="") "" Q $$EXTERNAL^DILFD(FILE,FLD,"F",VAL)