DGENUPL1 ;ALB/CJM,ISA/KWP,CKN - PROCESS INCOMING (Z11 EVENT TYPE) HL7 MESSAGES ; 2/25/02 1:39pm ;;5.3;REGISTRATION;**147,222,232,314,397,379,407,363,673,653**;Aug 13,1993;Build 2 ; ; PARSE(MSGIEN,MSGID,CURLINE,ERRCOUNT,DGPAT,DGELG,DGENR,DGCDIS,DGOEIF,DGSEC,DGNTR,DGMST) ; ;Description: This function parses the HL7 segments. It creates arrays ;defined by the PATIENT, ENROLLMENT, ELIGIBILY, CATASTROPHIC DISABILITY, ;OEF/OIF CONFLICT objects. ;Field values are put in DHCP format and the validity at the ;field level is tested. Fields to be deleted are set to "@". ; ;Input: ; MSGIEN - the ien of the HL7 message in the HL7 MESSAGE TEXT file (772) ; MSGID -message control id of HL7 msg in the MSH segment ; CURLINE - the subscript of the PID segment of the current message (pass by reference) ; ERRCOUNT - is a count of the number of messages in the batch that can not be processed (pass by ref) ; ;Output: ; Function Value: Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. ; CURLINE - upon leaving the procedure this parameter should be set to the end of the current message. ; ERRCOUNT - set to count of messages that were not processed due to errors encountered. (pass by ref) ; DGPAT - array defined by the PATIENT object. (pass by ref) ; DGENR - array defined by the PATIENT ENROLLMENT object. (pass by ref) ; DGELG - array defined by the PATIENT ELIGIBILITY object. (pass by ref) ; DGCDIS - array defined by the CATASTROPHIC DISABILITY object. (pass by ref) ; DGSEC - array defined by the PATIENT SECURITY object. (pass by ref) ; DGOEIF - array defined by the OEF/OIF CONFLICT object. (pass by ref) ; DGNTR - array defined for NTR data. ; DGMST - array defined for MST data. N SEG,ERROR,COUNT,QFLG,NFLG ; K DGEN,DGPAT,DGELG,DGCDIS,DGNTR,DGMST ; S ERROR=0,NFLG=1 F SEG="PID","ZPD","ZIE","ZIO","ZEL" D Q:ERROR .D:NFLG NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,.CURLINE,.SEG) .I SEG="ZIO",SEG("TYPE")'="ZIO" S NFLG=0 Q .I SEG("TYPE")=SEG D Q ..D:(SEG'="ZEL") @SEG^DGENUPL2 ..D:(SEG="ZEL") ZEL^DGENUPL2(1) ..S NFLG=1 .D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),SEG_" SEGMENT MISSING OR OUT OF ORDER",.ERRCOUNT) .S ERROR=1 .; .;possible that in a bad message we are now past the end .S CURLINE=CURLINE-1 ; I 'ERROR F COUNT=2:1 D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,CURLINE,.SEG) Q:(SEG("TYPE")'="ZEL") D Q:ERROR .S CURLINE=CURLINE+1 .D ZEL^DGENUPL2(COUNT) ;Phase II Add the capability to accept more than 1 ZCD I 'ERROR F SEG="ZEN","ZMT","ZCD" D Q:ERROR .D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,.CURLINE,.SEG) .I SEG("TYPE")=SEG D ..D @SEG^DGENUPL2 .E D ..D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),SEG_" SEGMENT MISSING OR OUTOF ORDER",.ERRCOUNT) ..S ERROR=1 ..; ..;possible that in a bad message we are now past the end ..S CURLINE=CURLINE-1 ; I 'ERROR F COUNT=2:1 D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,CURLINE,.SEG) Q:(SEG("TYPE")'="ZCD") D Q:ERROR .S CURLINE=CURLINE+1 .D ZCD^DGENUPL2 ; ; Purple Heart/OEF-OIF Addition of optional ZMH segment ; Modified handling of ZSP and ZRD to accomodate ZMH ; I 'ERROR D Q:ERROR $S(ERROR:0,1:1) .D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,.CURLINE,.SEG) .I SEG("TYPE")="ZSP" D ZSP^DGENUPL2 Q .D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),SEG_" SEGMENT MISSING OR OUT OF ORDER",.ERRCOUNT) .S ERROR=1 .;possible that in a bad message we are now past the end .S CURLINE=CURLINE-1 ; ;Modified following code to receive multiple ZMH segment for ;Military service information - DG*5.3*653 I 'ERROR D Q:ERROR $S(ERROR:0,1:1) .D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,.CURLINE,.SEG) .S QFLG=0 F D Q:QFLG . . I SEG("TYPE")'="ZMH" S QFLG=1 Q . . D ZMH^DGENUPL2,NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,.CURLINE,.SEG) .I SEG("TYPE")="ZRD" D ZRD^DGENUPL2 Q .D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),SEG_" SEGMENT MISSING OR OUT OF ORDER",.ERRCOUNT) .S ERROR=1 .;possible that in a bad message we are now past the end .S CURLINE=CURLINE-1 ; I 'ERROR F COUNT=2:1 D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,CURLINE,.SEG) Q:(SEG("TYPE")'="ZRD") D Q:ERROR .S CURLINE=CURLINE+1 .D ZRD^DGENUPL2 ; I 'ERROR F D Q:(ERROR!(SEG("TYPE")'="OBX")) .;possible if OBX segment not present that we are now past the end .I SEG("TYPE")'="OBX" S CURLINE=CURLINE-1 Q .D OBX^DGENUPL2 .S CURLINE=CURLINE+1 .D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(MSGIEN,CURLINE,.SEG) ; Q $S(ERROR:0,1:1) ; CONVERT(VAL,DATATYPE,ERROR) ; ;Description: Converts the value found in the HL7 segment to DHCP format ; ;Input: ; VAL - value parsed from the HL7 segment ; DATATYPE: indicates the type of conversion necessary ; "DATE" - needs to be converted to FM format ; "TS" - time stamp, needs to be converted to FM format ; "Y/N" - 0->"N",1->"Y" ; "1/0" - "Y"->1,"N"->0 ; "INSTITUTION" - needs to convert the station number with suffix to a point to the INSTITUTION file ; "ELIGIBILITY" - VAL is a pointer to the national eligibility code file (#8.1), needs to be converted to a local eligibility code (file #8) ; ; "MT" - VAL is a Means Test Status code, it needs to be converted ; to a pointer to the Means Test Status file ; Phase II convert code to RSN IEN for DGCDIS object ; "CDRSN" data type converts the codes diagnosis,procedure,condition to RSN IEN. (HL7TORSN^DGENA5) ; "EXT" convert from code to abbreviation ; "POS" convert from Period of Service code to a point to Period of Service file ;OUTPUT: ; Function Value - the result of the conversion ; ERROR - set to 1 if an error is detected, 0 otherwise (optional,pass by ref) ; S ERROR=0 D .I VAL="" Q .I VAL="""""" S VAL="@" Q .I $G(DATATYPE)="EXT" D Q ..S VAL=$$HLTOLIMB^DGENA5(VAL) .I $G(DATATYPE)="CDRSN" D Q ..S VAL=$$HL7TORSN^DGENA5(VAL) .I ($G(DATATYPE)="MT") D Q ..S VAL=$O(^DG(408.32,"AC",1,VAL,0)) ..I 'VAL S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="DATE") D Q ..I $L(VAL)'=8 S ERROR=1 Q ..S VAL=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(VAL) ..I ((VAL'=+VAL)!($L($P(VAL,"."))<7)) S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="TS") D Q ..I $L(VAL)<8 S ERROR=1 Q ..S VAL=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(VAL) ..I ((VAL'=+VAL)!($L($P(VAL,"."))<7)) S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="Y/N") D Q ..I VAL=0 S VAL="N" Q ..I VAL=1 S VAL="Y" Q ..S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="1/0") D Q ..I VAL="N" S VAL=0 Q ..I VAL="Y" S VAL=1 Q ..S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="ELIGIBILITY") D Q ..S VAL=$$MAP(VAL) ..I 'VAL S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="INSTITUTION") D Q ..N OLDVAL ..S OLDVAL=VAL ..S VAL=$O(^DIC(4,"D",OLDVAL,0)) ..I 'VAL S VAL=$O(^DIC(4,"D",(+OLDVAL),0)) ..I 'VAL S ERROR=1 .I ($G(DATATYPE)="POS") D Q ..N OLDVAL ..S OLDVAL=VAL ..S VAL=$O(^DIC(21,"D",OLDVAL,0)) Q VAL ; MAP(VALUE) ; ;Description: Tries to map an eligibility code from file #8.1 (the national MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE file) to file #8 (the local ELIGIBILITY CODE file) ; ;Input: VALUE - ien of an entry in file #8.1 ; ;Output: Function value - NULL if mapping is not found, otherwise returns an ien of entry in file #8 ; N ECODE,NODE,COUNT,NAME ;try to choose a code from file 8 to use that is appropriate S (COUNT,ECODE)=0 ; F S ECODE=$O(^DIC(8,"D",VALUE,ECODE)) Q:'ECODE D .S NODE=$G(^DIC(8,ECODE,0)) .;put code on list if active .I (NODE'=""),'$P(NODE,"^",7) S ECODE(ECODE)=$P(NODE,"^"),COUNT=COUNT+1 ; ;only one match found, so use it Q:COUNT=1 $O(ECODE(0)) ; ;no match found Q:'COUNT "" ; ;multiple matches found, try to match by name I COUNT>1 D .S ECODE=0 .S NAME=$P($G(^DIC(8.1,VALUE,0)),"^") .F S ECODE=$O(ECODE(ECODE)) Q:'ECODE Q:ECODE(ECODE)=NAME Q ECODE ; ACCEPT(MSGID) ; ;Description: Writes an ack (AA) to a global to be transmitted later. ; ;Inputs: ; MSGID -message control id of HL7 msg in the MSH segment ; ;Outputs: none ; K HL,HLMID,HLMTIEN,HLDT,HLDT1 D INIT^HLFNC2(HLEID,.HL) D CREATE^HLTF(.HLMID,.HLMTIEN,.HLDT,.HLDT1) S HLEVN=1 S MID=HLMID_"-"_HLEVN D MSH^HLFNC2(.HL,MID,.HLRES) S ^TMP("HLS",$J,1)=HLRES ; ;it seems HLFS sometimes disappears upon reaching this point I $G(HLFS)="" S HLFS="^" ; S ^TMP("HLS",$J,2)="MSA"_HLFS_"AA"_HLFS_MSGID Q ; MVERRORS ; ;Error messages were being deleted from ^TMP("HLS",$J by another package ;during the upload. To fix this, errors are written to another ;subscript, then moved when the error list is complete. ; M ^TMP("HLS",$J)=^TMP("IVM","HLS",$J) K ^TMP("IVM","HLS",$J) Q