DGPFLMA1 ;ALB/KCL - PRF ASSIGNMENT LM PROTOCOL ACTIONS ; 6/10/03 3:57pm ;;5.3;Registration;**425**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ;no direct entry QUIT ; SP ;Entry point for DGPF SELECT PATIENT action protocol. ; ; Input: None ; ; Output: ; DGDFN - pointer to patient in PATIENT #2 file ; VALMBCK - 'R' = refresh screen ; N DGPAT ;patient lookup array ; ;set screen to full scrolling region D FULL^VALM1 ; ;patient selection (lookup) D SELPAT^DGPFUT1(.DGPAT) I (+$G(DGPAT)>0) D . S DGDFN=+DGPAT . ; . Q:'$$CONTINUE^DGPFUT() . ; . ;- build header for selected patient . D BLDHDR^DGPFLMU(DGDFN,.VALMHDR) . ; . ;- build list of flag assignments for selected patient . D BLDLIST^DGPFLMU(DGDFN) ; ;return to LM (refresh screen) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ; DF ;Entry point for DGPF DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT DETAIL action protocol. ; ; Input: None ; ; Output: ; VALMBCK - 'R' = refresh screen ; N DGDFN ;patient dfn N DGIEN ;assignment ien N SEL ;user selection N VALMY ;output of EN^VALM2 call, array of user selected entries ; ;set screen to full scroll region D FULL^VALM1 ; ;is action selection allowed? I '$D(@VALMAR@("IDX")) D Q . W !!?2,">>> '"_$P($G(XQORNOD(0)),U,3)_"' action not allowed at this point.",*7 . I '$G(DGDFN) W !?6,"A patient has not been selected." . E W !?6,"There are no record flag assignments for this patient." . D PAUSE^VALM1 . S VALMBCK="R" ; ;ask user to select a single assignment for detail display S (SEL,DGIEN,VALMBCK)="" D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0)),"S") ; ;process user selection S SEL=$O(VALMY("")) I SEL,$D(@VALMAR@("IDX",SEL,SEL)) D . S DGIEN=$P($G(@VALMAR@("IDX",SEL,SEL)),U) . S DGDFN=$P($G(@VALMAR@("IDX",SEL,SEL)),U,2) . ;-display flag assignment details . N VALMHDR . D EN^DGPFLMAD ; ;return to LM (refresh screen) S VALMBCK="R" Q