1 | DGPMOBS ;ALB/MM - Observation API;11/25/98
2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**212**;Aug 13 1993
3 | ;
4 | ;This routine provides 3 entry points to obtain observation statuses.
5 | ;Line labels MVT, PT, and SPEC document required input variables and
6 | ;output values.
7 | ;
8 | MVT(IFN) ;This entry point returns the observation status based on
9 | ;a specified Patient Movement (#405) file entry
10 | ;
11 | ;Input:
12 | ; Patient Movement (#405) file IFN (Required)
13 | ;
14 | ;Output:
15 | ; If an obseration treating specialty return:
16 | ; 1^Facility Treating Specialty (#45.7)file IFN^Facility
17 | ; Treating Specialty (#45.7) file name^Specialty (#42.4)
18 | ; file IFN^Specialty (#42.4) file name
19 | ;
20 | ; If not an observation treating specialty return:
21 | ; 0^Facility Treating Specialty (#45.7) file IFN^Facility
22 | ; Treating Specialty (#45.7) file name^Specialty (#42.4)
23 | ; file IFN^Specialty (#42.4) file name
24 | ;
25 | ; If Patient (#2) file DFN, Patient Movement (#405) IFN, or
26 | ; Specialty (#42.4) file IFN not defined or invalid return:
27 | ; -1^Error condition
28 | ;
30 | S OBS=0
31 | I '$D(IFN) S OBS="-1^Patient Movement (#405) file IFN undefined" Q OBS
32 | I '$G(^DGPM(+IFN,0)) S OBS="-1^No Patient Movement (#405) file entry" Q OBS
33 | S DFN=+$P($G(^DGPM(+IFN,0)),U,3)
34 | I 'DFN S OBS="-1^Patient (#2) file DFN not defined" Q OBS
35 | ;VAIP("E") contains the Patient Movement (#405) file IFN
36 | S VAIP("E")=+IFN
37 | D INP
38 | Q OBS
39 | PT(DFN,MVTDT) ;This entry point returns observation status for a patient
40 | ;based on the treating specialty associated for a designated date/time.
41 | ;If not defined, defaults to status for the current date/time.
42 | ;
43 | ;Input:
44 | ; DFN from Patient (#2) file
45 | ; MVTDT (optional) if not defined defaults to current date/time
46 | ;
47 | ;Output:
48 | ; Same as output documented for MVT entry point
49 | ;
51 | S OBS=0
52 | ;If date not defined, defaults to current date/time
54 | ;MVTDT must contain a time
55 | I $P(MVTDT,".",2)']"" S OBS="-1^Time required" Q OBS
56 | I '$D(DFN) S OBS="-1^Patient (#2) file DFN not defined" Q OBS
57 | I '$D(^DPT(+DFN,0)) S OBS="-1^No Patient (#2) file entry" Q OBS
58 | S VAIP("D")=MVTDT
59 | D INP
60 | Q OBS
61 | INP ;Get inpatient data based on criteria from MVT and PT entry points
62 | D IN5^VADPT
63 | ;VAIP(8) returned by IN5^VADPT call is the treating specialty from
64 | ;the Facility Treating Specialty (#45.7) file in internal^external
65 | ;format
66 | ;SPIFN is a pointer to the SPECIALTY (#42.4) file from the SPECIALTY
67 | ;(#1) field
68 | S SPIFN=$P($G(^DIC(45.7,+VAIP(8),0)),U,2)
70 | I +OBS'=-1 S OBS=OBS_U_VAIP(8)_U_SPIFN_U_$P($G(^DIC(42.4,+SPIFN,0)),U)
71 | Q
72 | SPEC(SPIFN) ;This entry point determines if the Specialty file (#42.4)
73 | ;is an observation specialty.
74 | ;
75 | ;Observation specialties from the Specialty (#42.4) file are:
76 | ;
77 | ; 18 - Neurology Observation
78 | ; 23 - Spinal Cord Injury Observation
79 | ; 24 - Medical Observation
80 | ; 36 - Blind Rehab Observation
81 | ; 41 - Rehab Medicine Observation
82 | ; 65 - Surgical Observation
83 | ; 94 - Psychiatric Observation
84 | ;
85 | ;Input:
86 | ; SPIFN - Specialty (#42.4) IFN
87 | ;
88 | ;Output:
89 | ; 1 observation treating specialty
90 | ; 0 not an observation specialty
91 | ; -1 no treating specialty IFN defined or
92 | ; IFN not found in Specialty (#42.4) file
93 | ;
94 | N SPEC,TX
95 | S TX=0
96 | I '$D(SPIFN) S TX="-1^Specialty (#42.4) IFN not defined" Q TX
97 | I '$D(^DIC(42.4,+SPIFN,0)) S TX="-1^No Specialty (#42.4) file entry" Q TX
98 | ;SPEC=observation treating specialty IFNs
99 | F SPEC=18,23,24,36,41,65,94 I SPEC=SPIFN S TX=1 Q
100 | Q TX