VAFCMSG5 ;ALB/JRP - MESSAGE BUILDER UTILITIES;12-SEP-1996 ;;5.3;Registration;**91**;Jun 06, 1996 ; GETSRVR(EVNTTYPE) ;Get pointer to HL7 Server Protocol for given event type ; ;Input : EVNTTYPE - Event type to build list for (Defaults to A08) ; Currently supported events: ; A04, A08, A28 ;Output : SRVRPTR - Pointer to HL7 Server Protocol (value for HLEID) ;Notes : Zero (0) will be returned if the event does not have an ; associated HL7 Server Protocol or the HL7 Server Protocol ; can not be found in the PROTOCOL file (#101) ; ;Check input S EVNTTYPE=$G(EVNTTYPE) S:(EVNTTYPE="") EVNTTYPE="A08" ;Declare variables N SRVRNAME,X,OK ;Check for supported event S OK=0 F X="A04","A08","A28" I X=EVNTTYPE S OK=1 Q Q:('OK) 0 ;Determine name of HL7 Server Protocol S SRVRNAME="VAFC ADT-"_EVNTTYPE_" SERVER" ;Return pointer to HL7 Server Prototol Q +$O(^ORD(101,"B",SRVRNAME,0)) ; NOW() ;Function call that returns the current date/time in FileMan format ; ;Input : None ;Output : Current date/time in FileMan format ; ;Declare variables N %,%H,%I,X,Y ;Get current date/time D NOW^%DTC ;Return current date/time Q %