XWBTCPM ;ISF/RWF - BROKER TCP/IP PROCESS HANDLER ;01/04/2006 62562.56228 ;;1.1;RPC BROKER;**35,43**;Mar 28, 1997 ;Based on: XWBTCPC & XWBTCPL, Modified by ISF/RWF ;Changed to be started by UCX or %ZISTCPS ; DSM ;DSM called from ucx, % passed in with device. D ESET ;Open the device S XWBTDEV=% X "O XWBTDEV:(TCPDEV):60" ;Special UCX/DSM open ;Go find the connection type U XWBTDEV G CONNTYPE ; CACHEVMS ;Cache'/VMS tcpip entry point, called from XWBTCP_START.COM file D ESET S XWBTDEV="SYS$NET" ; **Cache'/VMS specific code** O XWBTDEV::5 X "U XWBTDEV:(::""-M"")" ;Packet mode like DSM G CONNTYPE ; NT ;entry from ZISTCPS ;JOB LISTEN^%ZISTCPS("port","NT^XWBTCPM","stop code") D ESET S XWBTDEV=IO G CONNTYPE ; GTMUCX(%) ;From ucx ZFOO ;If called from LISTEN^%ZISTCP(PORT,"GTM^XWBTCPM") S XWBTDEV=IO D ESET ;GTM specific code S @("$ZINTERRUPT=""I $$JOBEXAM^ZU($ZPOSITION)""") S XWBTDEV=% X "O %:(RECORDSIZE=512)" G CONNTYPE ; GTMLNX ;From Linux xinetd script D ESET ;GTM specific code S @("$ZINTERRUPT=""I $$JOBEXAM^ZU($ZPOSITION)""") S XWBTDEV=$P X "U XWBTDEV:(nowrap:nodelimiter)" S %="",@("%=$ZTRNLNM(""REMOTE_HOST"")") S:$L(%) IO("GTM-IP")=% G CONNTYPE ; ESET ;Set inital error trap S U="^",$ETRAP="D ^%ZTER H" ;Set up the error trap Q ;Find the type of connection and jump to the processing routine. CONNTYPE ; N XWBDEBUG,XWBAPVER,XWBCLMAN,XWBENVL,XWBLOG,XWBOS,XWBPTYPE N XWBTBUF,XWBTIP,XWBTSKT,XWBVER,XWBWRAP,XWBSHARE,XWBT N SOCK,TYPE D INIT S XWB=$$BREAD^XWBRW(5,XWBTIME) D LOG("MSG format is "_XWB_" type "_$S(XWB="[XWB]":"NEW",XWB="{XWB}":"OLD",XWB="0:^XTV(8989.3,1,4,X,0),1:"ROU^y^1") I $G(^%ZIS(14.5,"LOGON",XWBVOL)) Q 0 ;Check INHIBIT LOGONS? I $D(^%ZOSF("ACTJ")) X ^("ACTJ") I $P(J,U,3),($P(J,U,3)'>Y) Q 0 Q 1 ; M2M ;M2M Broker S XWBRBUF=XWB_XWBRBUF,(IO,IO(0))=XWBTDEV G SPAWN^XWBVLL Q ; NEW ;New broker S U="^",DUZ=0,DUZ(0)="",XWBVER=1.108 D SETTIME(1) ;Setup for sign-on timeout U XWBTDEV D . N XWB,ERR,NATIP,I . S ERR=$$PRSP^XWBPRS . S ERR=$$PRSM^XWBPRS . S MSG=$G(XWB(4,"CMD")) ;Build connect msg. . S I="" F S I=$O(XWB(5,"P",I)) Q:I="" S MSG=MSG_U_XWB(5,"P",I) . ;Get the peer and save that IP. . S NATIP=$$GETPEER^%ZOSV S:'$L(NATIP) NATIP=$P(MSG,"^",2) . I NATIP'=$P(MSG,"^",2) S $P(MSG,"^",2)=NATIP . Q S X=$$NEWJOB() D:'X LOG("No New Connects") I ($P(MSG,U)'="TCPConnect")!('X) D QSND^XWBRW("reject"),LOG("reject: "_MSG) Q D QSND^XWBRW("accept"),LOG("accept") ;Ack S IO("IP")=$P(MSG,U,2),XWBTSKT=$P(MSG,U,3),XWBCLMAN=$P(MSG,U,4) S XWBTIP=$G(IO("IP")) ;start RUM for Broker Handler XWB*1.1*5 D LOGRSRC^%ZOSV("$BROKER HANDLER$",2,1) ;GTM I $G(XWBT("PCNT")) D . S X=$NA(^XUTL("XUSYS",$J,1)) L +@X:0 . D COUNT^XUSCNT(1),SETLOCK^XUSCNT(X) ;We don't use a callback K XWB,CON,LEN,MSG ;Clean up ;Attempt to share license, Must have TCP port open first. U XWBTDEV ;D SHARELIC^%ZOSV(1) ;setup null device "NULL" S %ZIS="0H",IOP="NULL" D ^%ZIS S XWBNULL=IO I POP S XWBERROR="No NULL device" D ^%ZTER,EXIT Q D SAVDEV^%ZISUTL("XWBNULL") ;change process name D CHPRN("ip"_$P(XWBTIP,".",3,4)_":"_XWBTDEV) ; RESTART ;The error trap returns to here N $ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ETRAP^XWBTCPM" S DT=$$DT^XLFDT,DTIME=30 U XWBTDEV D MAIN D LOG("Exit: "_XWBTBUF) ;Turn off the error trap for the exit S $ETRAP="" D EXIT ;Logout K XWBR,XWBARY ;stop RUM for handler XWB*1.1*5 D LOGRSRC^%ZOSV("$BROKER HANDLER$",2,2) D USE^%ZISUTL("XWBNULL"),CLOSE^%ZISUTL("XWBNULL") ;Close in the calling script K SOCK,TYPE,XWBSND,XWBTYPE,XWBRBUF Q ; MAIN ; -- main message processing loop. debug at MAIN+1 F D Q:XWBTBUF="#BYE#" . ;Setup . S XWBAPVER=0,XWBTBUF="",XWBTCMD="",XWBRBUF="" . K XWBR,XWBARY,XWBPRT . ; -- read client request . S XR=$$BREAD^XWBRW(1,XWBTIME,1) . I '$L(XR) D LOG("Timeout: "_XWBTIME) S XWBTBUF="#BYE#" Q . S XR=XR_$$BREAD^XWBRW(4) . I XR="#BYE#" D Q ;Check for exit . . D QSND^XWBRW("#BYE#"),LOG("BYE CMD") S XWBTBUF="#BYE#" . . Q . S TYPE=(XR="[XWB]") ;check HDR . I 'TYPE D LOG("Bad Header: "_XR) Q . D CALLP^XWBPRS(.XWBR,$G(XWBDEBUG)) ;Read the NEW Msg parameters and call RPC . IF XWBTCMD="#BYE#" D Q . . D QSND^XWBRW("#BYE#"),LOG("BYE CMD") S XWBTBUF=XWBTCMD . . Q . U XWBTDEV . S XWBPTYPE=$S('$D(XWBPTYPE):1,XWBPTYPE<1:1,XWBPTYPE>6:1,1:XWBPTYPE) . ;I $G(XWBPRT) D RETURN^XWBPRS2 Q ;New msg return . I '$G(XWBPRT) D SND^XWBRW ;Return data,flush buffer Q ;End Of Main ; ; ETRAP ; -- on trapped error, send error info to client N XWBERC,XWBERR ;Change trapping during trap. S $ETRAP="D ^%ZTER,EXIT^XWBTCPM HALT" S XWBERC=$E($$EC^%ZOSV,1,200),XWBERR="M ERROR="_XWBERC_$C(13,10)_"LAST REF="_$$LGR^%ZOSV I $EC["U411" S XWBERROR="U411",XWBSEC="",XWBERR="Data Transfer Error to Server" D ^%ZTER ;%ZTER clears $ZE and $ZCODE D LOG("In ETRAP: "_XWBERC) ;Log I (XWBERC["READ")!(XWBERC["WRITE")!(XWBERC["SYSTEM-F") D EXIT HALT U XWBTDEV I $G(XWBT("PCNT")) L ^XUTL("XUSYS",$J,0) E L ;Clear Locks ;I XWBOS'="DSM" D S XWBPTYPE=1 ;So SNDERR won't check XWBR ;D SNDERR^XWBRW,WRITE^XWBRW($C(24)_XWBERR_$C(4)) D ESND^XWBRW($C(24)_XWBERR_$C(4)) S $ETRAP="Q:($ESTACK&'$QUIT) Q:$ESTACK -9 S $ECODE="""" D CLEANP^XWBTCPM G RESTART^XWBTCPM",$ECODE=",U99," Q ; CLEANP ;Clean up the partion N XWBTDEV,XWBNULL D KILL^XUSCLEAN Q ; STYPE(X,WRAP) ;For backward compatability only I $D(WRAP) Q $$RTRNFMT^XWBLIB($G(X),WRAP) Q $$RTRNFMT^XWBLIB(X) ; BREAD(L,T) ;read tcp buffer, L is length Q $$BREAD^XWBRW(L,$G(T)) ; CHPRN(N) ;change process name ;Change process name to N D SETNM^%ZOSV($E(N,1,15)) Q ; SETTIME(%) ;Set the Read timeout 0=RPC, 1=sign-on S XWBTIME=$S($G(%):90,$G(XWBVER)>1.105:$$BAT^XUPARAM,1:36000),XWBTIME(1)=2 I $G(%) S XWBTIME=$S($G(XWBVER)>1.1:90,1:36000) Q TIMEOUT ;Do this on MAIN loop timeout I $G(DUZ)>0 D QSND^XWBRW("#BYE#") Q ;Sign-on timeout S XWBR(0)=0,XWBR(1)=1,XWBR(2)="",XWBR(3)="TIME-OUT",XWBPTYPE=2 D SND^XWBRW Q ; OS() ;Return the OS Q $S(^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM":"DSM",^("OS")["UNIX":"UNIX",^("OS")["OpenM":"OpenM",1:"MSM") ; INIT ;Setup S U="^",XWBTIME=10,XWBOS=$$OS,XWBDEBUG=0,XWBRBUF="" S XWBDEBUG=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","XWBDEBUG") S XWBT("BF")=$S(XWBOS="GT.M":"#",1:"!") S XWBT("PCNT")=0 I XWBOS="GT.M",$L($T(^XUSCNT)) S XWBT("PCNT")=1 D LOGSTART^XWBDLOG("XWBTCPM") Q ; DEBUG ;Entry point for debug, Build a server to get the connect ;DSM sample;ZDEBUG ON S $ZB(1)="SERV+1^XWBTCPM:1",$ZB="ETRAP+1^XWBTCPM:1" W !,"Before running this entry point set your debugger to stop at" W !,"the place you want to debug. Some spots to use:" W !,"'SERV+1^XWBTCPM', 'MAIN+1^XWBTCPM' or 'CAPI+1^XWBPRS.'",! W !,"or location of your choice.",! W !,"IP Socket to Listen on: " R SOCK:300 Q:'$T!(SOCK["^") ;Use %ZISTCP to do a single server D LISTEN^%ZISTCP(SOCK,"SERV^XWBTCPM") U $P W !,"Done" Q SERV ;Callback from the server S XWBTDEV=IO,XWBTIME(1)=3600 D INIT S XWBDEBUG=1,MSG=$$BREAD^XWBRW(5,60) ;R MSG#5 D NEW S IO("C")=1 ;Cause the Listenr to stop Q ; EXIT ;Close out I $G(DUZ) D LOGOUT^XUSRB I $G(XWBT("PCNT")) D COUNT^XUSCNT(-1) Q ; LOG(MSG) ;Record Debug Info D:$G(XWBDEBUG) LOG^XWBDLOG(MSG) Q ;