SPNCTAA ;WDE/SD SCORE TYPE MAIN DRIVER ;6/27/02 05:15 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**19,20**;01/02/1997 ; ; This is to select the type of data to enter for a patient. ; If none of the given report are selected then SPNFEXIT is set to 1 ; and the program exits. ; Returns SPNSCOR as a value of 1 to 12 indicating the type ; of SCORE to be entered/edited ; ; Output: ; SPNFEXIT = 1 User exited ; 0 User passed ; SPNSCOR = 1-12 SCORE TYPE IN ;set up dir string for inpatient K SPNAA,DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^" S SPNXX=0 F S SPNXX=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX)) Q:SPNXX="" W "." S SPNYY=0 F S SPNYY=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX,SPNYY)) Q:SPNYY="" S SPNZZ=0 F S SPNZZ=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX,SPNYY,SPNZZ)) Q:SPNZZ="" D .S SPNRR=$P($G(^SPNL(154.1,SPNZZ,0)),U,2) Q:SPNRR="" ;RECORD TYPE ON FILE .S SPNSS=$P($G(^SPNL(154.1,SPNZZ,2)),U,17) Q:SPNSS="" ;SCORE TYPE ON FILE .I SPNRR=SPNFTYPE S SPNAA(SPNSS)=0 ;I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 D S SPNQQ=0 F A=1,2,3,4,5,6 D .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=1 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_A_":INPT START;" .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=2 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_A_":INPT GOAL;" .I A=3 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_A_":INPT INTERIM;" .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=4 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_A_":INPT REHAB FINISH;" .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=5 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_A_":INPT FOLLOW-UP (END);" .I A=6 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_A_":UNKNOWN;" K A,SPNSS,SPNXX,SPNYY,SPNZZ ;K DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^1:INPT START;2:INPT GOAL;3:INPT INTERIM;4:INPT REHAB FINISH;5:INPT FOLLOW-UP (END);6:UNKNOWN" S DIR("?",1)=" Enter 1 for an INPT START outcome" S DIR("?",2)=" Enter 2 for an INPT GOAL outcome" S DIR("?",3)=" Enter 3 for an INPT INTERIM outcome" S DIR("?",4)=" Enter 4 for an INPT REHAB FINISH outcome" S DIR("?",5)=" Enter 5 for an INPT FOLLOW-UP (END) outcome" S DIR("?",6)=" Enter 6 for UNKNOWN if the score type is not known" S DIR("?")=" Enter 1,2,3,4,5 or 6." D ASK Q:(SPNSCOR="")!(SPNSCOR=0)!(SPNEXIT=1) ; take input and convert it to proper value based on dd value S SPNSCOR=$S(SPNSCOR=1:1,SPNSCOR=2:2,SPNSCOR=3:3,SPNSCOR=4:4,SPNSCOR=5:5,1:11) Q OUT ;set up dir string for outpatient K SPNAA,DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^" S SPNXX=0 F S SPNXX=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX)) Q:SPNXX="" W "." S SPNYY=0 F S SPNYY=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX,SPNYY)) Q:SPNYY="" S SPNZZ=0 F S SPNZZ=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX,SPNYY,SPNZZ)) Q:SPNZZ="" D .S SPNRR=$P($G(^SPNL(154.1,SPNZZ,0)),U,2) Q:SPNRR="" ;RECORD TYPE .S SPNSS=$P($G(^SPNL(154.1,SPNZZ,2)),U,17) Q:SPNSS="" ;SCORE TYPE .I SPNRR=SPNFTYPE S SPNAA(SPNSS)=0 S SPNQQ=0 F A=6,7,8,9,10,11 D .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=6 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"1:OUTPT START;" .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=7 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"2:OUTPT GOAL;" .I A=8 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"3:OUTPT INTERIM;" .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=9 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"4:OUTPT REHAB FINISH;" .I $D(SPNAA(A))=0 I A=10 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"5:OUTPT FOLLOW-UP (END);" .I A=11 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"6:UNKNOWN;" K A,SPNSS,SPNXX,SPNYY,SPNZZ ;K DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^1:OUTPT START;2:OUTPT GOAL;3:OUTPT INTERIM;4:OUTPT REHAB FINISH;5:OUTPT FOLLOW-UP (END);6:UNKNOWN" S DIR("?",1)=" Enter 1 for an OUTPT START outcome" S DIR("?",2)=" Enter 2 for an OUTPT GOAL outcome" S DIR("?",3)=" Enter 3 for an OUTPT INTERIM outcome" S DIR("?",4)=" Enter 4 for an OUTPT REHAB FINISH outcome" S DIR("?",5)=" Enter 5 for an OUTPT FOLLOW-UP (END) outcome" S DIR("?",6)=" Enter 6 for UNKNOWN if the score type is not known" S DIR("?")=" Enter 1,2,3,4,5 or 6." D ASK Q:(SPNSCOR="")!('+SPNSCOR)!(SPNEXIT=1) ; take the input and convert it to the proper value based on ; the dd value. S SPNSCOR=$S(SPNSCOR=1:6,SPNSCOR=2:7,SPNSCOR=3:8,SPNSCOR=4:9,SPNSCOR=5:10,1:11) Q ANNUAL ;Annual eval No reason to ask for care type as it is annual eval ;no score type is entered for annual eval S SPNSCOR=11 Q CONT ;continuum of care No reason to ask for care type as it is continuum ;no score type is entered for continuum of care K SPNAA,DIR S DIR(0)="SOM^" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"1:CC ADMIT;" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"2:CC GOAL;" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"3:CC INTERIM;" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"4:CC DISCHARGE;" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"5:CC OUTPT;" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"6:UNKNOWN;" S DIR("?",1)=" Enter 1 for an CC ADMIT outcome" S DIR("?",2)=" Enter 2 for an CC GOAL outcome" S DIR("?",3)=" Enter 3 for an CC INTERIM outcome" S DIR("?",4)=" Enter 4 for an CC DISCHARGE outcome" S DIR("?",5)=" Enter 5 for an CC OUTPT outcome" S DIR("?",6)=" Enter 6 for UNKNOWN if the score type is not known" S DIR("?")=" Enter 1,2,3,4,5 or 6." D ASK Q:(SPNSCOR="")!('+SPNSCOR)!(SPNEXIT=1) ; take the input and convert it to the proper value based on ; the dd value. S SPNSCOR=$S(SPNSCOR=1:12,SPNSCOR=2:13,SPNSCOR=3:14,SPNSCOR=4:15,SPNSCOR=5:16,1:11) Q ASK ; S SPNEXIT=0 I $D(IOF) W @IOF K DIRUT I $D(IOF) W @IOF S SPNSCOR=0 S DIR("A")="Select the Score Type for this outcome" W ! D ^DIR K DIR S SPNSCOR=+Y I $D(DIRUT) S SPNEXIT=1 Q I $D(DIRUT) S:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) SPNEXIT=1 Q Q:SPNSCOR<1 I $D(IOF) W @IOF Q