SPNGDINH ;WDE/SD OUTCOME GRID FOR DIENER 9/19/2002 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**19**;01/02/1997 EN ; D CALC I SPNGOAL="" Q REASK W !,"You have entered an INPT REHAB FINISH or INPT FOLLOW/UP (END) or OUTPT" W !,"REHAB FINISH or OUTPT FOLLOW/UP (END) DIENER for a patient who has a recorded" W !,"INPT GOAL or OUTPT GOAL DIENER. Do you want to see a comparison template you" W !,"can copy and paste into a CPRS progress note" ASK ; S %=2 D YN^DICN I %=0 W !!,"Answer with Yes or No." W !,*7 G REASK I %=-1 Q Q:%=2 ;D COPY1^SPNGCOPY ;display the copy rights I $D(IOF) W @IOF W !,"---------------------------------" W !,"| | SWLS |" W !,"---------------------------------" W !,"|",XA,?16,"|",?22,SPNR1C1,?32,"|" W !,"---------------------------------" W !,"|Goal",?16,"|",?22,SPNR2C1,?32,"|" W !,"---------------------------------" W !,"|Difference",?16,"|",?22,$J(SPNR3C1,2),?32,"|" W !,"---------------------------------" W !!,"Comments:" R !!?10,"Press Return to continue ",SPNREAD:DTIME Q CALC ; S SPNGOAL="" S SPNXX=0 F S SPNXX=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX)) Q:SPNXX="" S SPNYY=0 F S SPNYY=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX,SPNYY)) Q:SPNYY="" S SPNZZ=0 F S SPNZZ=$O(^TMP($J,SPNXX,SPNYY,SPNZZ)) Q:SPNZZ="" D Q:+SPNGOAL .I $P(^SPNL(154.1,SPNZZ,0),U,2)=6 I 27[$P(^SPNL(154.1,SPNZZ,2),U,17) S SPNGOAL=SPNZZ I SPNGOAL="" S SPNMSG="There is no DIENER start Outcome on file." Q S XA=$S(SPNRSCO=4:"Finish",SPNRSCO=5:"F/U (END)",SPNRSCO=9:"Finish",SPNRSCO=10:"F/U (END)",1:"ERROR") S SPNR1C1=$P($G(^SPNL(154.1,DA,"SCORE")),U,1) I SPNR1C1="" S SPNR1C1=0 S SPNR2C1=$P($G(^SPNL(154.1,SPNGOAL,"SCORE")),U,1) I SPNR2C1="" S SPNR2C1=0 S SPNR3C1=SPNR1C1-SPNR2C1 Q ZAP ;