SPNLGROP ; ISC-SF/GMB - SCD GATHER OUTPATIENT DATA;20 MAY 94 [ 08/08/94 1:09 PM ] ;6/23/95 11:38 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**7,20**;01/02/1997 ROLLUP(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,HI) ; ; DFN Patient's internal entry number in the Patient file ; FDATE "From" date ; TDATE "Thru" date, default=today ; HI 1=keep track of individual patient usage ; 0=don't keep track ; Data will be rolled up into the following global: ; ^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP", ; with the following nodes: ; "PAT") # patients ; "VISITS") # visits ; "VISITS",-visits) # patients who made this many visits ; "STOPS") # stops ; "SC",stopcd) # patients who stopped at this stop code ; "SC",stopcd,"NAME") name of the stop code ; "SC",stopcd,"VISITS") # visits to this stop code ; "SC",stopcd,"STOPS") # stops to this stop code ; ... and individual patient usage ... ; "HI","H1",-visits,-ndscnums,DFN) ; NOTE: A visit is when a patient goes to a hospital on a given day. ; A stop is when a patient goes to a stop code (clinic) in the ; hospital. There can be any number of stops per visit. ; Now for the tricky part.... ; Visits to a stop code are calculated by dividing the visit (1) ; by the number of >different< stop codes gone to. So if four ; different clinics were gone to, then each gets .25 visit. ; The following global is used as a scratch pad: ; ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP": ; "SC",scnum,date)="" this stop code was visited on these dates ; "VI",date,scnum)="" these stop codes were visited on this date ; "VI",date) # different stop codes visited on this date N APPT,APPTINFO,SCNUM,SCDATE,VISITS,STOPS,WHEN,RECNR,SCPTR N NDSCNUMS,TSTOPS,VASD,SC,VIFRACTN I '$D(TDATE) S TDATE=DT K ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP") ; The following call returns all scheduled appointments which were ; kept, and all future appointments, within the from/to dates S VASD("F")=FDATE,VASD("T")=TDATE D SDA^VADPT S APPT=0 ; for each date/time of appt. F S APPT=$O(^UTILITY("VASD",$J,APPT)) Q:APPT="" D . S APPTINFO=$G(^UTILITY("VASD",$J,APPT,"I")) . I $P($G(APPTINFO),U,3)="I" Q ;inpatient appointment 12/2/2002 . S SCDATE=$P(APPTINFO,U,1)\1 . ; follow clinic ptr to hospital location to stop code number . S SCNUM=$$STOPCODE^SPNLGU($P(APPTINFO,U,2)) . S SC(SCNUM)=$G(SC(SCNUM))+1 ; # times this stop code was visited . S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","SC",SCNUM,SCDATE)="" . S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","VI",SCDATE,SCNUM)="" ; Now we count all "walk-ins" without appointments (unscheduled) D UNSCH^SPNLGEOP(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,"D CB^SPNLGROP(Y,Y0,.SDSTOP)") S (TSTOPS,NDSCNUMS)=0 ; track total stops & # of different stop codes S SCNUM="" ; for each stop code the patient visited F S SCNUM=$O(SC(SCNUM)) Q:SCNUM="" D . S STOPS=SC(SCNUM) . S ^("STOPS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","SC",SCNUM,"STOPS"))+STOPS . S TSTOPS=TSTOPS+STOPS . S NDSCNUMS=NDSCNUMS+1 . S ^(SCNUM)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","SC",SCNUM))+1 . S SCDATE="" ; for every day on which it was visited . F S SCDATE=$O(^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","SC",SCNUM,SCDATE)) Q:SCDATE="" D . . ; increment the count of different stop codes visited on that date . . S ^(SCDATE)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","VI",SCDATE))+1 S VISITS=0,SCDATE="" ; for every day the patient visited F S SCDATE=$O(^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","VI",SCDATE)) Q:SCDATE="" D . S VISITS=VISITS+1 . S VIFRACTN=1/^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","VI",SCDATE) ; fraction of a visit . S SCNUM="" ; for every stop code visited on that day . F S SCNUM=$O(^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","VI",SCDATE,SCNUM)) Q:SCNUM="" D . . ; track what portion of the visits went to a particular stop code . . S ^("VISITS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","SC",SCNUM,"VISITS"))+VIFRACTN Q:VISITS=0 K ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP") S ^("VISITS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","VISITS"))+VISITS S ^(-VISITS)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","VISITS",-VISITS))+1 S ^("STOPS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","STOPS"))+TSTOPS S ^("PAT")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","PAT"))+1 S:HI ^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","HI","H1",-VISITS,-NDSCNUMS,DFN)="" Q NAMEIT ; N SCNUM,SCNAME,SCPTR S SCNUM="" F S SCNUM=$O(^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","SC",SCNUM)) Q:SCNUM="" D . S SCPTR=$O(^DIC(40.7,"C",SCNUM,0)) . I SCPTR'>0 D . . S SCNAME="Not Identified" . E D . . S SCNAME=$E($P($G(^DIC(40.7,SCPTR,0)),U,1),1,35) . . I SCNAME="" S SCNAME="Not Identified" . S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"OP","SC",SCNUM,"NAME")=SCNAME Q ; CB(SPNOE,SPNOE0,SPNSTOP) ; -- callback code called for each ; record in query result set ; ; input: SPNOE := ien of Outpatient Encounter ; SPNOE0 := zeroth node of Outpatient Encounter ; SPNSTOP := tells query to stop processing by setting to 1 ; N SPNDATE,SCDATE,SCDATE,SCPTR,SCNUM IF $P(SPNOE0,U,6) G CBQ ; -- quit if encounter has parent IF $P(SPNOE0,U,8)'=2 G CBQ ; -- quit if not standalone encounter ; S SPNDATE=+SPNOE0 ; -- encounter date S SCDATE=SPNDATE\1 S SCPTR=+$P(SPNOE0,U,3) ; -- stop code pointer IF 'SCPTR G CBQ S SCNUM=$P($G(^DIC(40.7,SCPTR,0)),U,2) S SC(SCNUM)=$G(SC(SCNUM))+1 ; # times this stop code was visited S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","SC",SCNUM,SCDATE)="" S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"TMP","VI",SCDATE,SCNUM)="" CBQ Q ;