SPNPM1N ;SD/AB-SCD PROGRAM MEASURE #1, GET THE NUMERATOR ;4/9/98 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**6**;01/02/1997 MAIN ;-- Called from MAIN^SPNPM1 ;-- This program will return PM #1 Numerator which is the number of people in the SCD-R who have a REGISTRATION STATUS of SCD-CURRENTLY SERVED by the end of FY 97 AND who have a Primary Care Provider entered in the SCD-R. D TMPLOOP EXIT ; Q TMPLOOP ;-- Loop thru ^TMP($J,"SPNPM1","DFN") and get total of all Pts who have a Primary Care Provider entered into the SCD-R file ;-- Quit if ^TMP global not found I '$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPM1","DFN")),'$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPMDX","SPNICD")) Q S (SPN("DFN"),SPN("TOT_PC"))=0 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^TMP($J,"SPNPM1","DFN",SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .D PCCHK I +SPN("PC_FLG") S SPN("TOT_PC")=SPN("TOT_PC")+1 .Q Q PCCHK ;-- Called from TMPLOOP, check to see if Pt has a PC Provider in file 154 (SCD-R file), and PC provider does NOT have a termination date in file 200, i.e. a valid provider ;-- Inititalize Primary Care Provider Flag (PC_FLG)=0, set to 1 if PC Prrovider found S SPN("PC_FLG")=0 Q:'$D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"CARE")) ;-- Quit if no CARE node found I +$P($G(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"CARE")),U) D .S SPN("PROV#")=$P(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"CARE"),U) I SPN("PROV#")>0 D ..;-- Check for valid Provider ..I +$D(^VA(200,SPN("PROV#"),0)) D ...;-- If valid PC Provider entered into SCD-R set PC_FLG=0 ...I $P($G(^VA(200,SPN("PROV#"),0)),U,11)="" S SPN("PC_FLG")=1 ...Q ..Q .Q Q