SPNPM4N ;SD/AB-PROGRAM MEASURE #4 NUMERATOR ;7/29/98 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**6,7**;01/01/1997 MAIN ;-- Called from MAIN^SPNPM4 ;-- This program will loop thru all SCD pts collected in the Denominator and count (for the Numerators Offered and Received) all Pts: ;-- who are SCD-CURRENTLY SERVED ;-- AND ;-- who have received or been offered an ANNUAL REHAB EVALUATION ;-- 1st loop thru ^SPNL(154,DFN) to get total of all SCD-R Pts D LOOPSCD D LOOPNUM EXIT ; Q LOOPSCD ;-- Loop thru ^SPNL(154,DFN) to count Total # SCD-R Pts S (SPN("DFN"),SPN("TOT_CNT"))=0 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .;-- Quit if no Zero node .Q:'$D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),0)) .;-- Increment Total # SCD Pt counter (TOT_CNT) .S SPN("TOT_CNT")=SPN("TOT_CNT")+1 .Q Q LOOPNUM ;-- Loop thru Denominator global ^TMP($J,"SPNPM4","TOT_DENOM",DFN) S (SPN("DFN"),SPN("TOT_NUMO"),SPN("TOT_NUMR"),SPN("TOT_NUM"))=0 ;-- Quit if '$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPM4","TOT_DENOM")) Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPM4","TOT_DENOM")) F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^TMP($J,"SPNPM4","TOT_DENOM",SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .;-- Now check to see if Pt has received or been offered an Annual Rehab Eval .I $D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"REHAB",0)) D CHKEVAL .;-- If ANNUAL REHAB EVAL flag (EVAL_FLGO) set to 1 then increment Numerator Offered counter (TOT_NUMO) .I +$G(SPN("EVAL_FLGO")) S SPN("TOT_NUMO")=SPN("TOT_NUMO")+1 .;-- If ANNUAL REHAB EVAL flag (EVAL_FLGR) set to 1 then increment Numerator Received counter (TOT_NUMR) .I +$G(SPN("EVAL_FLGR")) S SPN("TOT_NUMR")=SPN("TOT_NUMR")+1 .;-- If BOTH EVAL_FLGO and EVAL_FLGR set then increment Numeratoer Offered and Received counter (TOT_NUM) .I +$G(SPN("EVAL_FLGO"))&(+$G(SPN("EVAL_FLGR"))) S SPN("TOT_NUM")=SPN("TOT_NUM")+1 .Q Q CHKEVAL ;-- Check REHAB nodes to see if Pt Received or has been Offered an Annual Rehab Eval S (SPN("REHAB_NODE"),SPN("EVAL_FLGO"),SPN("EVAL_FLGR"))=0 F S SPN("REHAB_NODE")=$O(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"REHAB",SPN("REHAB_NODE"))) Q:'+SPN("REHAB_NODE") D .;-- Set Annual Rehab Eval Offered Date variable (OFFRD_DT) and Annual Rehab Eval Received Date variable (RECVD_DT) .S SPN("OFFRD_DT")=+$P($G(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"REHAB",SPN("REHAB_NODE"),0)),U),SPN("RECVD_DT")=+$P($G(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"REHAB",SPN("REHAB_NODE"),0)),U,2) .;-- Look to see if any ANNUAL REAHB EVAL OFFERED dates exists w/in previous FY, if so set ANNUAL REHAB EVAL flag (EVAL_FLGO) to 1 .I +SPN("OFFRD_DT")'SPN("END_DT")) S SPN("EVAL_FLGO")=1 .;-- Look to see if any ANNUAL REHAB RECEIVED dates exists w/in previous FY, if so set ANNUAL REHAB EVAL flag (EVAL_FLGR) to 1 .I +SPN("RECVD_DT")'SPN("END_DT")) S SPN("EVAL_FLGR")=1 .Q Q