SPNPSFAC ;SD/CM- RETURNS SITES WHERE PT HAS BEEN TREATED ;10-5-99 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**11**;01/02/1997 START ; S U="^" W !!!,"This option shows the facilities (other VA sites) at which" W !,"a patient has been treated.",!! I '$D(^DGCN(391.91,"B")) W !!,*7,"No records on file! Consult IRM regarding installation of CIRN.",!! Q PICK S DIC=154,DIC(0)="AEMQZ" D ^DIC G:Y<0 EXIT S SPNDA=$P(Y,U) I '$D(^DGCN(391.91,"B",SPNDA)) W !!,"Pt has not been treated at any other VA site.",! G PICK W !!,"Pt Has Been Treated at",?36,"Date Last Treated",! S SPNIEN=0 F S SPNIEN=$O(^DGCN(391.91,"B",SPNDA,SPNIEN)) Q:'+SPNIEN W !,$P(^DIC(4,$P(^DGCN(391.91,SPNIEN,0),U,2),0),U,1),?36,$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^DGCN(391.91,SPNIEN,0)),U,3),"5DZ") W !! G PICK G EXIT EXIT ; K SPNDA,SPNIEN,DIC Q