SROACPM1 ;BIR/SJA - LAB INFO ;01/14/08 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**125,153,166**;24 Jun 93;Build 6 I '$D(SRTN) W !!,"A Surgery Risk Assessment must be selected prior to using this option.",!!,"Press to continue " R X:DTIME G END S SRSOUT=0 D ^SROAUTL START G:SRSOUT END K SRA,SRAO D ^SROACPM2,DISP ASK W !!,"Select Laboratory Information to Edit: " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S SRSOUT=1 D CONCC G END I X="" D CONCC G END S:X="a" X="A" I '$D(SRAO(X)),(X'?.N1":".N),(X'="A") D HELP G:SRSOUT END G START I X="A" S X="1:10" I X?.N1":".N S Y=$E(X),Z=$P(X,":",2) I Y<1!(Z>10)!(Y>Z) D HELP G:SRSOUT END G START S SRPAGE="" D HDR^SROAUTL I X?.N1":".N D RANGE G START I $D(SRAO(X)) S EMILY=X D ONE G START END W @IOF Q HELP W @IOF,!!!!,"Enter the number or range of numbers you want to edit. Examples of proper",!,"responses are listed below." W !!,"1. Enter 'A' to update all information.",!!,"2. Enter a number (1-10) to update the information in that field. (For",!," example, enter '7' to update Serum Creatinine)" W !!,"3. Enter a range of numbers (1-10) separated by a ':' to enter a range of",!," information. (For example, enter '5:7' to update Serum Potassium,",!," Serum Bilirubin, and Serum Creatinine)" W !!,"Press to continue, or '^' to quit " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S SRSOUT=1 Q RANGE ; range of numbers S SRNOMORE=0,SHEMP=$P(X,":"),CURLEY=$P(X,":",2) F EMILY=SHEMP:1:CURLEY Q:SRNOMORE D ONE Q ONE ; edit one item K DR,DIE S DA=SRTN,DR=$P(SRAO(EMILY),"^",3)_"T;"_$P(SRAO(EMILY),"^",4)_"T",DIE=130 D ^DIE S:$D(Y) SRNOMORE=1 K DR Q RET Q:SRSOUT W !!,"Press to continue, or '^' to quit " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S SRSOUT=1 Q Q DISP N SRX S SRPAGE="PAGE: 1",SRHDR(.5)="PREOPERATIVE LABORATORY RESULTS" D HDR^SROAUTL S SRX=$P(SRAO(1),"^") W !," 1. HDL:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(21,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(1),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(2),"^") W !," 2. LDL:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(23,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(2),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(3),"^") W !," 3. Total Cholesterol:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(24,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(3),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(4),"^") W !," 4. Serum Triglyceride:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(22,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(4),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(5),"^") W !," 5. Serum Potassium:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(5,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(5),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(6),"^") W !," 6. Serum Bilirubin:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(14,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(6),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(7),"^") W !," 7. Serum Creatinine:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(7,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(7),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(8),"^") W !," 8. Serum Albumin:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(11,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(8),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(9),"^") W !," 9. Hemoglobin:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(1,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(9),"^",2) S SRX=$P(SRAO(10),"^") W !,"10. Hemoglobin A1c:",?25,$J(SRX,6),?35,$$NORCHK(27,SRX),?38,$P(SRAO(10),"^",2) W !! F MOE=1:1:80 W "-" Q CONCC ; check for concurrent case and update if one exists S SRCON=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,"CON")),"^") Q:'SRCON S SRI="" F S SRI=$O(SRAO(SRI)) Q:SRI="" S S1=$P(SRAO(SRI),"^",3),S2=$P(SRAO(SRI),"^",4) K DA,DIC,DIQ,DR,SRY D .S DA=SRTN,DR=S1_";"_S2,DIC="^SRF(",DIQ="SRY",DIQ(0)="I" D EN^DIQ1 S P1=SRY(130,SRTN,S1,"I") S:P1="" P1="@" S P2=SRY(130,SRTN,S2,"I") S:P2="" P2="@" .K DA,DIE,DR S DA=SRCON,DIE=130,DR=S1_"////"_P1_";"_S2_"////"_P2 D ^DIE K DR Q NORCHK(SRAT,RESULT) ; I RESULT']""!(RESULT="NS") Q "" N NODE,LOW,HIGH,SRY S SRY="" S:"<>"[$E(RESULT) SRY=$E(RESULT),RESULT=$E(RESULT,2,99) S NODE=$G(^SRO(139.2,SRAT,2)),LOW=$P(NODE,"^",2),HIGH=$P(NODE,"^",3) Q:LOW']""!(HIGH']"") I SRY'="" Q $S(RESULT<(LOW+.01):"L",((RESULT>(HIGH-.01))&(SRY=">")):"H",1:"") Q $S(RESULTHIGH:"H",1:"")