SROCON ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - STUFF ENTRY IN CONCURRENT CASE ;23 AUG 1990 9:15 AM ;;3.0;Surgery;**78,119,161**;24 Jun 93;Build 5 I $D(SRNOCON),SRNOCON=1 Q I $D(SRFLAG) S SRCON=$P(^SRF(DA(1),"CON"),"^") I '$D(SRFLAG) S SRCON=$P(^SRF(DA,"CON"),"^") ASK W !!,"Do you want to store this information in the concurrent case ? YES// " R SRYN:DTIME I '$T!(SRYN["^") S SRYN="N" Q S:SRYN="" SRYN="Y" S SRYN=$E(SRYN) I "YyNn"'[SRYN D HELP G ASK I "Yy"'[SRYN W ! Q STUFF ; concatonate field to SRODR W ! I $G(SRFLAG)=1 S SRODR(130.213,DA(2)_","_SRCON_",",SRFLD)=X K SRFLAG Q S SRODR(130,SRCON_",",SRFLD)=X Q HELP ; S SRMX=X W @IOF S DFN=$P(^SRF(SRTN,0),"^") D DEM^VADPT S X=SRMX ;; < RJS *161 > W !!,"There is a concurrent surgical case associated with this procedure. A brief",!,"description of that case is listed below." S SROPER=$P(^SRF(SRCON,"OP"),"^") I $O(^SRF(SRCON,13,0)) S SROTHER=0 F I=0:0 S SROTHER=$O(^SRF(SRCON,13,SROTHER)) Q:'SROTHER D OTHER K SROPS,MM,MMM S:$L(SROPER)<65 SROPS(1)=SROPER I $L(SROPER)>64 S SROPER=SROPER_" " F M=1:1 D LOOP Q:MMM="" S SRSUR=$S($D(^SRF(SRCON,.1)):$P(^(.1),"^",4),1:"") S:'SRSUR SRSUR="NOT ENTERED" S:SRSUR SRSUR=$P(^VA(200,SRSUR,0),"^") S SRSS=$P(^SRF(SRCON,0),"^",4) S:'SRSS SRSS="NOT ENTERED" S:SRSS SRSS=$P(^SRO(137.45,SRSS,0),"^") W !!,"Surgeon: "_SRSUR,!,"Surgical Specialty: "_SRSS,!!,"Procedure: ",?12,SROPS(1) I $D(SROPS(2)) W !,?12,SROPS(2) I $D(SROPS(3)) W !,?12,SROPS(3) I $D(SROPS(4)) W !,?12,SROPS(4) W !!,"If you answer 'YES', the information you entered for this field will also",!,"be stored for the concurrent case. If this information is not pertinent for",!,"the concurrent case, enter 'NO'.",!! Q OTHER ; other operations S SRLONG=1 I $L(SROPER)+$L($P(^SRF(SRCON,13,SROTHER,0),"^"))>235 S SRLONG=0,SROTHER=999,SROPERS=" ..." I SRLONG S SROPERS=$P(^SRF(SRCON,13,SROTHER,0),"^") S SROPER=SROPER_$S(SROPERS=" ...":SROPERS,1:", "_SROPERS) Q LOOP ; break procedure S SROPS(M)="" F LOOP=1:1 S MM=$P(SROPER," "),MMM=$P(SROPER," ",2,200) Q:MMM="" Q:$L(SROPS(M))+$L(MM)'<65 S SROPS(M)=SROPS(M)_MM_" ",SROPER=MMM Q