QAPFILE ;557/THM-POPULATE THE DEMOGRAPHIC REFERENCE FILE [ 06/19/95 11:59 AM ] ;;2.0;Survey Generator;;Jun 20, 1995 ; D SCREEN^QAPUTIL EN I $D(DUZ)#2=0 W !!,*7,"Your DUZ is missing ! " H 2 G EXIT I '$D(DUZ(0)) W !!,*7,"Your DUZ(0) is missing ! " H 2 G EXIT ; BEGIN W @IOF,! S QAPHDR="Populate the Demographic Reference File" X QAPBAR W !! I DUZ(0)'="@" W !!,*7,"Programmer access required for this program ! " H 2 G EXIT W !,"Enter DEMOGRAPHIC REFERENCE FILE NAME: " R X:DTIME I X[U!(X="") G EXIT S DLAYGO=748.2,DIC="^QA(748.2,",DIC(0)="EQLMZ" I X["?" S IOTM=1,IOBM=24 W @TOPBOT,@IOF,! D ^DIC G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT W !!,"Press RETURN " R ANS:DTIME G:'$T EXIT S IOTM=8,IOBM=24 W @TOPBOT G BEGIN D ^DIC G:X=""!(X[U) EXIT S DA=+Y I +Y<0 H 1 G EN I $P(Y,U,3)'=1 S DR=".01",DIE=DIC W !! D ^DIE G EN ; EXIT G EXIT^QAPUTIL ; SCREEN ;screen any user file selections on demographics ;they are not allowed to use files they have no normal access to S QAPY=Y,QAPY=+$P($G(^QA(748.2,+QAPY,0)),U,1) S PROTECT=$G(^DIC(+QAPY,0,"RD")) I DUZ(0)="@"!(DUZ(0)[PROTECT) ;set $T K PROTECT,DIC("S"),QAPY Q