QAPUTIL2 ;557/THM-SURVEY GENERATOR UTILITIES, PART 3 [ 07/24/96 2:46 PM ] ;;2.0;Survey Generator;**2,5**;Jun 20, 1995 ; HELP2 ;from QAPEDIT K DTOUT,DIRUT X:$D(CLEOP) CLEOP W !!!,"Select C to create a completely new survey",! W " B to change only the basic survey information",! W " D to add or edit demographic survey fields",! W " E to edit all survey questions in current order",! W " I to add or edit individual survey questions",! W " P to print a copy of the survey",! W " Q, '^' or to EXIT",! W !!,"Press RETURN " R ANS:30 I '$T X:$D(CLEOP) CLEOP S DIRUT=1 Q X:$D(CLEOP) CLEOP Q ; HELP3 ;demographic help (from input transform) N QLINE S QLINE=20 X:$D(CLEOP1) CLEOP1 W !,"Do you want to see extended help" S %=2 D YN^DICN S QLINE=4 X:$D(CLEOP1) CLEOP1 G:%'=1 HELP3Q I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) S QAPOUT=1 Q W !,"Demographic data items are optional. You may wish to include them in",! W "order to identify the survey participant or group, or to sort on specific",! W "demographic items. Note that while including demographic data items in",! W "your survey is up to you, you may also make them mandatory entry fields",! W "for your survey participants.",!! W "First you must enter the text for your demographic data item as it should",! W "be displayed on the survey. Then you will be asked what TYPE of demographic",! W "it is. They may be pointers to existing DHCP files, sets of codes, free",! W "text, or dates.",!!,"Press RETURN " R ANS:DTIME I '$T S DTOUT=1 Q HELP3Q S QLINE=3 X:$D(CLEOP1) CLEOP1 Q ; HELP4 ;password help W !!,"You may password-protect your survey from unauthorized participants.",! W "Using the password is optional and if you decide to use one and enter",! W "it here, you will have to communicate it to all participants.",! Q ; DEMLST ;print demographics on hard copies - from QAPPT0 S QAPOUT=0 Q:$O(^QA(748,SURVEY,1,0))="" ;none to print S QAPCOL=0 F DEMDA=0:0 S DEMDA=$O(^QA(748,SURVEY,1,DEMDA)) Q:DEMDA=""!(+DEMDA=0)!(QAPOUT=1) DO I QAPOUT=1 S DEMDA="9999" .S DEMVAL=$P(^QA(748,SURVEY,1,DEMDA,0),U),DEMTYPE=$P(^QA(748,SURVEY,1,DEMDA,0),U,2) .W ?(QAPCOL),DEMVAL_": " D:'$D(USERPRT)&(DEMTYPE="s") DEMSHOW Q:QAPOUT=1 D:$D(USERPRT) S QAPCOL=QAPCOL+40 I QAPCOL>50 S QAPCOL=0 W !! X:$D(TOF) TOF Q:QAPOUT=1 ..S DEML=$O(^QA(748.3,FILEDA,2,"B",DEMDA,0)) Q:DEML="" ;no type/demog ..S DEMVAL=$P(^QA(748.3,FILEDA,2,DEML,0),U,2) ..I DEMTYPE="d" S Y=DEMVAL X ^DD("DD") S DEMVAL=Y ..W $E(DEMVAL,1,30) Q:QAPOUT=1 X:$D(TOF) TOF Q:QAPOUT=1 W !!! K QAPCOL,DEMDA X:$D(TOF) TOF Q ; HELPDIS W !,"Enter a number between 1 and 99999. You may use decimals to two",! W "places if you wish. If there is a previous value in this field you",! W "may press RETURN to skip it if you do not wish to change it.",!! Q ; TRAP ;suspend and reset during participation for QAPSCRN LOCK W !!,*7,"An error has been encountered during your information entry.",!,"Please contact your local IRM for assistance.",!! W "Your answers entered so far will be saved and your entry given a",! W """SUSPENDED"" status. You may resume after the error has been",!,"resolved.",!!,"Press RETURN " R ANS:DTIME ;if timeout continue to suspend S:'$D(QAPCNT) QAPCNT=0 S:'$D(CQUES) CQUES=0 S:'$D(FILEDA) FILEDA=IFN S (DIC,DIE)="^QA(748.3,",DA=FILEDA,DR="3////s;4////"_QAPCNT_";5////"_CQUES D ^DIE W !!,"Survey suspended, see you later." H 2 D ^%ZISC I '$D(ZTSK),IOST?1"C-VT100"!(IOST?1"C-VT320") S IOTM=1,IOBM=24 W @TOPBOT,@IOF,! S X="ERR^ZU",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") ;reset to Kernel error trap G ERR^ZU ;exit via Kernel ; KANS ;kill unneeded answers S NDA=DA,NDA1=DA(1) N DA,ANS,X,Y,DIC,DIE S DA(2)=NDA1,DA(1)=NDA,ANS="" F S ANS=$O(^QA(748.25,DA(2),1,DA(1),3,"B",ANS)) Q:ANS="" F DA=0:0 S DA=$O(^QA(748.25,DA(2),1,DA(1),3,"B",ANS,DA)) Q:DA="" S DIK="^QA(748.25,DA(2),1,DA(1),3," D ^DIK K DA,NDA,NDA1 Q ; DEMSHOW F DAX=0:0 S DAX=$O(^QA(748,SURVEY,1,DEMDA,1,DAX)) Q:DAX=""!(+DAX=0) S QDTA=^QA(748,SURVEY,1,DEMDA,1,DAX,0),CODE=$P(QDTA,U,1),MEANING=$P(QDTA,U,2) W ?(QAPCOL),CODE," - ",MEANING,!?(QAPCOL)+$L(DEMVAL)+3 X:$D(TOF) TOF S:QAPOUT=1 DAX=999 Q