TIUCNFIX ; SLC/MAM - Resolve Upload Filing Errors for Consults ;05/06/02 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**131**;Jun 20, 1997 CNFIX ; Consults Filing Error Resolution Code ; Requires: TIUEVNT - 8925.4 Upload Log Event IEN ; Requires: TIUTYPE - IEN of Docmt Def whose Filing Error ; Resolution Code is being invoked. ; Taken from alert or filing error. ;Modeled on PNFIX^TIUPNFIX, with optional change to PN added ; N TIUFLDS,TIUBUF,SUCCESS,OLDTYPE,DFN,TITLDA,TIU S SUCCESS=0 I '$D(^TIU(8925.1,+$G(TIUTYPE),0)) S SUCCESS="0^Document type is missing or invalid." G CNFIXX I '$D(^TIU(8925.4,+$G(TIUEVNT),0)) S SUCCESS="0^Upload Log event is missing or invalid." G CNFIXX S TIUBUF=$$BUFFER^TIUFIX2(TIUEVNT) I +TIUBUF'>0 S SUCCESS=TIUBUF G CNFIXX I '$D(TIUPRM0) D SETPARM^TIULE ; Sets TIUPRM0 with hdr signal, etc ; -- Load hdr data from buffer into array TIUFLDS: D LOADHDR^TIUFIX2(.TIUFLDS,TIUBUF,TIUPRM0,TIUTYPE) ; -- Get from user all data needed to create a new document ; of the given type. Cross-check user data for consistency. S OLDTYPE=TIUTYPE D GETCHECK(.SUCCESS,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.DFN,.TITLDA,.TIU) ; -- If all is NOT in order to create a consult, ; and type is still consults, exit w/o creating docmt: I 'SUCCESS,TIUTYPE=OLDTYPE G CNFIXX ; -- If user chose to create a progress note instead ; of a consult, kill REQUESTING PACKAGE node of array ; and get progress note title: I TIUTYPE'=OLDTYPE D G:'SUCCESS CNFIXX . K TIUFLDS(1405) . ; -- Get progress notes title . ; (Screen out consult titles) . ; (Don't ASK if user wants to change to PN; . ; user is already changing to PN): . S BADTYPES=+$$CLASS^TIUCNSLT,ASK=0 . W !!," OK, changing document to a progress note..." . D GETTITLE^TIUFIX(.SUCCESS,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.TITLDA,BADTYPES,ASK) ; -- If all is in order to create a consult, ; or if type has changed to progress note, ; then continue and create consult/progress note, ; file fields remaining in TIUFLDS, execute post-file code, etc.: D MAKE^TIUFIX1(.SUCCESS,TIUEVNT,TIUBUF,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.DFN,.TITLDA,.TIU,TIUPRM0) ; -- If docmt filed successfully, set flag to stop - don't go ; on and try to resolve error by editing buffer and refiling. CNFIXX I +SUCCESS S TIUDONE=1 ; -- If error successfully resolved, and type changed, ; update type in event log entry: I $G(TIUDONE),TIUTYPE'=OLDTYPE D . N DIE,DR,DA,TYPE . S TYPE="PROGRESS NOTES" . S DIE=8925.4,DR=".03////"_TYPE,DA=+TIUEVNT . D ^DIE Q:$G(TIUDONE) W !!,"Filing error could not be resolved." I $P(SUCCESS,U,2)]"" W !,$P(SUCCESS,U,2) W !,"If you wish to try a different approach, edit the buffered data directly",!,"and refile it, or simply exit and try again later.",! Q ; GETCHECK(SUCCESS,TIUTYPE,TIUFLDS,DFN,TITLDA,TIU) ; Get and check data ; Get from user: Patient, Visit, Document Title, Consult ;Request Number. Check that data are consistent. Reset Request ;Number into array TIUFLDS. Ask user if they want to change ;document type to Progress Note. ;Modeled on GETCHECK^TIUPNFIX, with optional change to PN added ; -- Get patient and visit PAT S DFN=+$$PATIENT^TIULA N TIUCNNBR,CHANGEPT,ASK,BADTYPES S SUCCESS="0^Patient and Visit are Required." Q:DFN'>0 D ENPN^TIUVSIT(.TIU,+DFN,1) I '$D(TIU) Q I '$$CHEKPN^TIUCHLP(.TIU) K TIU Q ; -- Get title ; (No need to limit title beyond ; making sure it has type TIUTYPE.) ; (ASK if user wants to change to PN): S BADTYPES="",ASK=1 D GETTITLE^TIUFIX(.SUCCESS,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.TITLDA,BADTYPES,ASK) ; -- If user didn't select title or wants to change to ; Progress Note, quit: I TITLDA'>0 Q I TIUTYPE=3 Q ; -- Get consult request: D GETCNSLT(.SUCCESS,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.CHANGEPT,.TIUCNNBR) I $G(CHANGEPT) G PAT I TIUCNNBR'>0 Q ; -- We now have a valid request number, consistent with DFN. ; Transform Consult Request # into form C.# and reset ; request node: S TIUCNNBR=$P(TIUCNNBR,";") ; was #;GMR(123, S TIUFLDS(1405)=$$TRNSFRM^TIUPEFIX(TIUTYPE,1405,TIUCNNBR) S SUCCESS=1 Q ; GETCNSLT(SUCCESS,TIUTYPE,TIUFLDS,CHANGEPT,TIUCNNBR) ; Get consult ;request from user N CLINPROC,TIUOVR,DOCNUM,Y S SUCCESS="0^Consult Request is Required." S CLINPROC=0,TIUOVR=1,DOCNUM=0 ;Don't have a docmt yet S TIUCNNBR=$$GETCNSLT^TIUCNSLT(DFN,CLINPROC,DOCNUM,TIUOVR) ; -- Pt has no requests: I +TIUCNNBR=-1 D Q . W !!,"This patient has no consult requests; please make sure you have the" . W !,"correct patient." . S Y=$$READ^TIUU("YO"," Want to change the patient","YES") . I Y S CHANGEPT=1 Q . I $D(DIRUT) Q . ; -- Ask user if want to change to PN: . S Y=$$ASKCHNG^TIUFIX(2,.TIUTYPE) ; -- User did not select request: I +TIUCNNBR=0 D . W !!,"To upload into a consult title, you must select a request." . S Y=$$ASKCHNG^TIUFIX(2,.TIUTYPE) Q ;