TIUFHA6 ; SLC/MAM - Templates A H J C D X Action TRY ;12/4/97 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**5,12**;Jun 20, 1997 ; CHECKDEF ; Templates A, C, H, D, X, J Action Try N INFO,FILEDA,MSG,TIUFXNOD,SUCCESS,NODE0,CLASSFDA,ANCEST,TIUFI,PFILEDA N SUBS,DTOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,DETAILS,DODOCMT S VALMBCK="",TIUFXNOD=$G(XQORNOD(0)) I $P(TIUFXNOD,U,3)="TR" W "Try",! S $P(TIUFXNOD,U,4)="TR="_$P($P(TIUFXNOD,U,4),"==",2) I $P(TIUFXNOD,U,3)="TRY" W "Try",! S $P(TIUFXNOD,U,4)="TRY="_$P($P(TIUFXNOD,U,4),"==",2) I $G(TIUFSTMP)="T" W !!,"Action Try not available on items screen.",! H 2 Q I '$D(TIUFSTMP) D EN^VALM2(TIUFXNOD,"SO") G:'$O(VALMY(0)) CHECX S INFO=$G(^TMP("TIUF1IDX",$J,$O(VALMY(0)))),FILEDA=$P(INFO,U,2) I 'INFO W !!,"Missing List Manager Data; See IRM",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S VALMBCK="Q" G CHECX I $D(TIUFSTMP) S FILEDA=$P(TIUFINFO,U,2) S PFILEDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",FILEDA,0)),DETAILS=1 N TIUFCK D CHECK^TIUFLF3(FILEDA,PFILEDA,DETAILS,.TIUFCK) G:$D(DTOUT) CHECX ; If all OK, Try on Document if Title, and quit: I TIUFCK W !! D D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) D:$D(^TIU(8925.1,"AT","DOC",FILEDA)) DOCMT(FILEDA) Q . I $G(TIUFSTMP)="X" W "Boilerplate Text looks OK; no bad/inactive Objects.",! Q . W $S($D(^TIU(8925.1,"AT","O",FILEDA)):"Object",1:"Entry")," looks OK; no problems found.",! ; If not all OK, write out nonobject problems: K DIRUT ; If NOT in subtemplate X: I $G(TIUFSTMP)'="X" F SUBS="F","I","T","C","B","O","S","M","U","A","E","R","V","D","H","N","G","P","DESC" D G:$D(DIRUT) CHECX . I $D(TIUFCK(SUBS)) S MSG=$S(SUBS="P":"Entry is an ",$D(^TIU(8925.1,"AT","O",FILEDA)):"Faulty Object: ",1:"Faulty Entry: ")_TIUFCK(SUBS) W !!!,MSG,! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX ; If not all OK, is Object, write out object problems and quit: I $D(^TIU(8925.1,"AT","O",FILEDA)) D Q . F SUBS="J","JN","JA","JP" I $D(TIUFCK(SUBS)) S MSG="Faulty Object: "_TIUFCK(SUBS) W !!!,MSG,! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) ; If not all OK, has Btext problem, then write Btext problem: ; If NOT in subtemplate X or D: I '$D(TIUFSTMP),$D(TIUFCK("OBJ"))!$D(TIUFCK("OBJINACT")) D . W !!!,$S($D(TIUFCK("OBJ")):"Faulty Entry: Bad",1:"Inactive")," Object in Boilerplate Text. For details, select",!,"Action BOILERPLATE TEXT, then Action TRY.",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX ;template A or H or C ; If in subtemplate X or D: I $D(TIUFCK("OBJ"))!$D(TIUFCK("OBJINACT")),$G(TIUFSTMP)'="","XD"[$G(TIUFSTMP) D . K DIRUT N TIUFCK D XCHECK^TIUFLX(FILEDA,0,1,.TIUFCK) Q:$D(DIRUT) D DCHECK^TIUFLX(FILEDA,0,1,.TIUFCK) ; 0 for NOT Silent. XCHECK writes out specific problems for each bad object in Btext. ; If not all OK, no Btext problem, in subtemplate X, then write Btext OK: I $G(TIUFSTMP)="X",'$D(TIUFCK("OBJ")),'$D(TIUFCK("OBJINACT")) W !!!,"Boilerplate Text looks OK; no bad/inactive Objects",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) ; If not all OK, non Btext problem, in subtemplate X, then write Entry itself is faulty: K TIUFCK("OBJINACT") S DODOCMT=$S($D(TIUFCK)'>9:1,1:0) K TIUFCK("OBJ") I $G(TIUFSTMP)="X",$D(TIUFCK)>9 W !!!,"Title/Component itself is faulty. For details, exit out of BOILERPLATE TEXT",!,"and TRY entry.",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) ; If is Title and inactive object in Btext is the only problem, ; then try on document: I $D(^TIU(8925.1,"AT","DOC",FILEDA)) I DODOCMT D DOCMT(FILEDA) CHECX I $D(DTOUT) S VALMBCK="Q" Q ; DOCMT(FILEDA) ; Try entry on a document I $D(DIRUT) Q D FULL^VALM1 W !!,"Checking Title on a document. You will not be permitted to sign the document,",!,"and the document will be deleted at the end of the check.",! W !,"Be sure to select a TEST PATIENT since the document will show up on Unsigned",!,"lists while you are editing it.",! S NODE0=^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,0) D ANCESTOR^TIUFLF4(FILEDA,NODE0,.ANCEST,0) S TIUFI=$O(ANCEST(100),-1) S CLASSFDA=$G(ANCEST(TIUFI-1)) I 'CLASSFDA W !!,"Ancestry ERROR; See IRM" D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX I CLASSFDA N FPRI,INDEX,TIUASK,VALUE D MAIN^TIUEDIT(CLASSFDA,.SUCCESS,"",FILEDA,1,1) H 1 Q:$D(DTOUT) S VALMSG=$$VMSG^TIUFL D RE^VALM4,RESET^TIUFXHLX Q ;