TIUFLT ; SLC/MAM - Library; Template T (Items) Related: BUFITEMS(CONTENT,EINFO,LASTLIN), ITEMS(FILEDA) ;4/6/95 11:02 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;;Jun 20, 1997 ; BUFITEMS(CONTENT,EINFO,LASTLIN) ; Set items of Entry EINFO into ;Buffer array in proper order. ; Requires CONTENT = String containing some or all of: 80, H, C, A, D, T, W. See BUFENTRY^TIUFLLM2. ; Requires EINFO, where EINFO is either as set in NINFO^TIUFLLM or ;is = ^TMP("TIUFIDX,$J,LINENO). ; Requires LASTLIN=LM array line before item insertion point. ; Requires all of the entry's items to exist in the file: check before calling this module. ; Updates LASTLIN to last line set in buffer array, ie ;buffer array starts with line [received LASTLIN+1] and ends with ;line [returned LASTLIN]. N FILEDA,TIUFITEM,LINENO,TIUFI,IFILEDA,ITENDA,INFO,INODE0 S FILEDA=$P(EINFO,U,2) I TIUFTMPL="C",TIUFCLPS S TIUFITEM(1)=TIUFCDA_U_TIUFCTDA E D ITEMS(FILEDA) K ^TMP("TIUFB",$J),^TMP("TIUFBIDX",$J) S LINENO=LASTLIN F TIUFI=1:1 Q:'$G(TIUFITEM(TIUFI)) D Q:$D(DTOUT) . S IFILEDA=$P(TIUFITEM(TIUFI),U),ITENDA=$P(TIUFITEM(TIUFI),U,2) Q:'IFILEDA Q:'ITENDA . S LINENO=LINENO+1 ;Needed by NINFO. . D NINFO^TIUFLLM(LINENO,IFILEDA,.INFO,EINFO,ITENDA),PARSE^TIUFLLM(.INFO) . D NODE0ARR^TIUFLF(IFILEDA,.INODE0,FILEDA) Q:$D(DTOUT) . I INODE0="" S LINENO=LINENO-1 Q . D BUFENTRY^TIUFLLM2(.INFO,.INODE0,CONTENT,FILEDA) I TIUFI>5 W "." . Q S LASTLIN=LINENO Q ; ITEMS(FILEDA) ; Sets items of FILEDA into array TIUFITEM in proper order. ; TIUFITEM(TIUFI)=Item's 8925.1 IFN^Item's IFN in Item multiple ; Requires FILEDA = Entry's 8925.1 IFN N TIUFI,SEQ,TENDA,TENODE0,NAME S (TIUFI,SEQ,TENDA)=0 F S SEQ=$O(^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,"AC",SEQ)) Q:'SEQ D . ; Set items having sequence into TIUFITEM in sequence order . F S TENDA=$O(^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,"AC",SEQ,TENDA)) Q:'TENDA D . . S TENODE0=^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,TENDA,0) Q:'TENODE0 . . S TIUFI=TIUFI+1,TIUFITEM(TIUFI)=+TENODE0_"^"_TENDA S NAME="" F S NAME=$O(^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,"C",NAME)) Q:NAME="" D . ; Set items with no sequence into TIUFITEM in alpha order by Display Name. . S TENDA=0 . F S TENDA=$O(^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,"C",NAME,TENDA)) Q:'TENDA D . . S TENODE0=^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,TENDA,0) Q:'TENODE0 . . Q:$P(TENODE0,U,3) ;If has sequence, already in TIUFITEM. . . S TIUFI=TIUFI+1,TIUFITEM(TIUFI)=+TENODE0_"^"_TENDA S TENDA=0 F S TENDA=$O(^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,TENDA)) Q:'TENDA D . ; Set items with no sequence, no display name into buffer in item order . S TENODE0=^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,10,TENDA,0) Q:'TENODE0 . Q:$P(TENODE0,U,3) ;If has sequence, already in TIUFITEM. . Q:$P(TENODE0,U,4)'="" ;If has Display Name, already in TIUFITEM. . S TIUFI=TIUFI+1,TIUFITEM(TIUFI)=+TENODE0_"^"_TENDA Q ;