TIUPLST ; SLC/JER - Enter/edit personal document pick-list ;13-JUL-2000 10:43:41 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**91,103**;Jun 20, 1997 MAIN ; Control branching N DA,TIUFPRIV,DUOUT,DTOUT S TIUFPRIV=1 D INTROTXT I $S($D(DUOUT):1,$D(DTOUT):1,$D(DIROUT):1,1:0) Q D GETEDIT Q INTROTXT ; Write Introductory Text for the Option W ! D JUSTIFY^TIUU("--- Personal Document Lists ---","C") W !!,"This option allows you to create and maintain lists of TITLES for any of the" W !,"active CLASSES of documents supported by TIU at your site.",! I '$$READ^TIUU("Y","Explain Details","NO") Q W !!,"When you use the option to enter a document belonging to a given class" W !,"you will be asked to select a TITLE belonging to that class." W !!,"For any particular class, you may find that you only wish to choose from" W !,"among a few highly specific titles (e.g., if you are a Pulmonologist" W !,"entering a PROGRESS NOTE, you may wish to choose from a short list of" W !,"three or four titles related to Pulmonary Function, or Pulmonary Disease)." W !,"Rather than presenting you with a list of hundreds of unrelated titles," W !,"TIU will present you with the list you name here." W !!,"In the event that you need to select a TITLE which doesn't appear on your" W !,"list, you will always be able to do so." W !!,"NOTE: If you expect to enter a single title, or would be unduely restricted" W !,"by use of a short list, then we recommend that you bypass the creation of" W !,"a list, and simply enter a DEFAULT TITLE for the class...This option will" W !,"afford you the opportunity to do so.",! Q GETEDIT ; Get record in picklist file, determine action N D,DIC,TIUNM,X,Y,CREATE,PROMPT S TIUNM=$P(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0),U) W !," Enter/edit Personal Document List" I +$O(^TIU(8925.98,"B",DUZ,0))'>0 D Q . S Y=+$$NEWLIST(TIUNM,1) . I +Y>0 D EDIT(+Y) W !!,"You already have one or more Personal Lists...",! S PROMPT="You may (E)dit, (D)elete, or (C)reate a List: " S CREATE=$P($$READ^TIUU("SA^E:edit;D:delete;C:create",PROMPT,"EDIT"),U) I $S(CREATE="":1,$D(DUOUT):1,$D(DTOUT):1,$D(DIROUT):1,1:0) Q I CREATE="C" S Y=+$$NEWLIST(TIUNM) D:+Y>0 EDIT(+Y) Q W !!,"Please choose a list to ",$S(CREATE="E":"Edit",1:"Delete"),"...",! S DIC=8925.98,DIC(0)="ENZ",D="B",X=DUZ S DIC("S")="I +$G(^TIU(8925.98,+Y,0))=DUZ" S DIC("W")="W ?21,"" "",$E($$DOCNAME^TIUPLST($P(^TIU(8925.98,+Y,0),U,2)),1,34)" D IX^DIC ;TIU*1*91 limit NEWLIST to CREATE=E (If include D & get good Y from NEWLIST, still deletes, never get to edit): I +Y'>0,CREATE="E" W !!,"No List Selected...",! S Y=+$$NEWLIST(TIUNM,1) I +Y'>0 W !!,"No changes made..." Q I CREATE="D" D DELETE(+Y) Q D EDIT(+Y) Q DOCNAME(TIUDA) ; Get the NAME (.01) field of the document Q $P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+TIUDA,0)),U) NEWLIST(TIUNM,ASK) ; Create a new List for the user N ASKNEW,DIC,DLAYGO,Y S DIC="^TIU(8925.98,",DLAYGO=8925.98,DIC(0)="UNXLZ",ASKNEW=1 I +$G(ASK) S ASKNEW=$$READ^TIUU("Y","Add a new Personal Document List","YES") I +ASKNEW'>0 S Y=-1 G NEWX S X=DUZ,D="B" S X=""""_"`"_X_"""" W !!,"Creating a new Personal Document List...",! D IX^DIC ;TIU*1*91 If DIC adds new entry, can get anyone w/ same name: I Y>0,+Y(0)'=DUZ N DA,DIK D . W !!," Sorry, you can create lists for YOURSELF only. Please try again." . I $P(Y,U,3)=1 S DA=+Y,DIK="^TIU(8925.98," D ^DIK S Y=-1 NEWX Q +$G(Y) ; DELETE(DA) ; Call ^DIK to delete the list N YASURE,TIUNAME S YASURE=0 S TIUNAME=$$UP^XLFSTR($$PNAME^TIULC1($P(^TIU(8925.98,+DA,0),U,2))) I TIUNAME'="UNKNOWN" D . W !!,"You are about to DELETE your entry for CLASS " . W TIUNAME,! . S YASURE=$$READ^TIUU("Y","Are you SURE","NO") I TIUNAME="UNKNOWN" D . W !!,"You must specify a CLASS in order to maintain the list.",! . S YASURE=1 I +YASURE'>0 W !!,"Nothing deleted...No harm done!" Q D DIK(DA,TIUNAME) Q DIK(DA,TIUNAME) ; Remove a list N DIK S DIK="^TIU(8925.98," D ^DIK I $G(TIUNAME)]"" W !,TIUNAME," List DELETED." Q EDIT(DA) ; Call ^DIE to edit the record N DIE,DIRUT,DIROUT,DTOUT,DR,X,Y,TIUCLASS,TIUASK S DIE=8925.98 S DR="[TIU ENTER/EDIT PERSONAL LIST]" D ^DIE Q:$D(Y)!$D(DTOUT) I $G(TIUCLASS)="" D DIK(DA,"") Q ALREADY(TIUCLASS) ; Indicate that a List for TIUCLASS already exists W !!,$C(7),"You already have a list for class ",$$PNAME^TIULC1(TIUCLASS),"." W !!,"Please Edit that list instead..." Q